Topic: Mr Custer
Jtevans's photo
Wed 07/01/09 01:43 AM
Mr Custer - Larry Verne

That famous day in history
The men fof the 7th calvary
Went riding on
And from the rear a voice was heard
A brave young man with the trembling words
Rang loud and clear
What am i doing here

Please Mr Custer
I don't wanna go
Hey Mr Custer
Please don't make me go

I had a dream last night
About the coming fight
Somebody yelled attack
And there i stood with an arrow in my back

Please Mr Custer
I don't wanna go


Look at them bushes out there
They're moving
And there's an indian behind every one

Hey Mr Custer,you mind if i be excused for the rest of the afternoon?

Hey Charlie,duck your head!
You's a little bit late on that one Charlie
Woo...i'll bet that smarts...

They were sure of victory
The men of the 7th calvary
As they rode on
But then from the rear a voice was heard
That same great voice with the trembling word
Rang loud and clear
What am i doing here?

Please Mr Custer
I don't wanna go
Listen Mr Custer
Please don't make me go

There's a redskin waiting out there
Who's fixin' to take my hear
A coward i've been called
Because i don't wanna wind up dead or bald!

Please Mr Custer
I don't wanna go


I wonder what the indian word for friend is?
Lets' see...friend
Kemosabe,yeah that's it!
Kemosabe,Hey out there Kemosabe!

Nope that wasn't it
Look at'em out there
They're running around like a bunch of wild indians! this ain't no time for jokes...

rara777's photo
Wed 07/01/09 06:09 PM
rofl Damn JT. I was about 10 or 11 when that song came out.rofl

Where did you ever hear this song? I`m amazed that someone your age would even know that this song exists.

I am impressed.:thumbsup:

Jtevans's photo
Thu 07/02/09 12:40 AM

rofl Damn JT. I was about 10 or 11 when that song came out.rofl

Where did you ever hear this song? I`m amazed that someone your age would even know that this song exists.

I am impressed.:thumbsup:

i amaze a lot of people with the music i listen to :thumbsup:

prisoner's photo
Thu 07/02/09 01:04 AM
a lot of Ray Stevens music would be considered "un-PC",these days. I'm sure "Ahab The Arab" and "The Streak" would offend the senses of some bleeding-heart liberals. How sad. We are no longer allowed to have a sense of humor because it might offend someone. Welcome To The Brave New World. Speak in only NewSpeak. be seeing you

adj4u's photo
Fri 07/03/09 11:50 PM
i have that song in my collection happy