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Topic: The biggest fish you caught?
Tootsweet13's photo
Wed 06/24/09 03:48 PM

i caught crabs once

Did you spray Raid on them?

no photo
Wed 06/24/09 03:48 PM

i caught crabs once

Did you say...I got Bleach?

Dan99's photo
Wed 06/24/09 03:49 PM

i caught crabs once

Im too wealthy for that, but i did catch lobsters once..

TBRich's photo
Wed 06/24/09 03:49 PM
Little buggers where all over the toilet seat

TJN's photo
Wed 06/24/09 03:50 PM

Ok so it's not the biggest I've cought. But it is the smallest large mouth bass I've ever cought.

Size doesn't matter baby.laugh

Please tell me you kissed and released.:tongue:

noway rofl
Yes I released it to catch it another day.

no photo
Wed 06/24/09 03:51 PM

Ok so it's not the biggest I've cought. But it is the smallest large mouth bass I've ever cought.

Me too...It was so funny,trolling in a cove on a flat bottom john boat,it was just a minnowlaugh

TJN's photo
Wed 06/24/09 03:53 PM

Ok so it's not the biggest I've cought. But it is the smallest large mouth bass I've ever cought.

Me too...It was so funny,trolling in a cove on a flat bottom john boat,it was just a minnowlaugh

I still can't be,ieve it got the hook in it's mouth.

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 06/24/09 03:59 PM

Somehow I don't wish I was the person messing with this piranha.

That is the mouth of an African Tiger Fish. That is a good sized one but not full grown.

Biggest fish I ever caught AND landed by myself...

8 foot long blue shark and I managed to yank it over the gunwale of the boat I was on pissing all of the deck hands off badly. Actually I managed to get the shark's head out of water and made it panic lunge onto the boat. I was on my last 3 pound lead and was not about to loose it to a stupid waste of fish! Got my lead back, the shark was beaten senseless and tossed overboard, we all got to see a feeding frenzy, and I managed to make bag limit. That trip I came back with two 40 pound cow cod and a butt load of red snapper but it was hard getting them past all the fn sharks stripping fish off of our lines. I pulled a lot of head out of the water. I also lost almost 30 in lead to them damn sharks. Blue sharks are pests!

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