Topic: Guys, serious, what is it with this?
auburngirl's photo
Fri 06/19/09 03:47 AM
laugh laugh laugh I know you don't!

But next, these same guys will be posting "WHY oh WHY am I still single?" laugh laugh laugh Maybe we should have class.

ReddBeans's photo
Fri 06/19/09 03:49 AM

laugh laugh laugh I know you don't!

But next, these same guys will be posting "WHY oh WHY am I still single?" laugh laugh laugh Maybe we should have class.

I doubt they'd be good students. :laughing:

auburngirl's photo
Fri 06/19/09 03:50 AM
Are you still up from last night or just up early?

ReddBeans's photo
Fri 06/19/09 03:55 AM

Are you still up from last night or just up early?

I'm sufferin from one of my occassional bouts with insomnia. My hinny is gonna be draggin if I don't catch a nap sometime today. ohwell

auburngirl's photo
Fri 06/19/09 03:56 AM
I hear ya. I slept about 2.5 hours and woke up wide awake. Deciding whether to lie back down for another hour and a half before my wake up call to go for a run.

ReddBeans's photo
Fri 06/19/09 04:00 AM
Would u believe a noob has started yet another 'size' thread?? I tell ya the redunancy of threads is startin to get on my one last nervegrumble

auburngirl's photo
Fri 06/19/09 04:01 AM
laugh Well, it's because they are new then. Don't know it's been done a thousand times.

I'll catch ya later. Gonna go start this day. HUGS

ReddBeans's photo
Fri 06/19/09 04:04 AM
Have a good one, hugs back at ya

no photo
Fri 06/19/09 04:19 AM

No worries I took on 3 of em. U know me, I don't back down easily. :wink:


no photo
Fri 06/19/09 04:20 AM
go sooners heh pitchfork

ReddBeans's photo
Fri 06/19/09 04:24 AM

No worries I took on 3 of em. U know me, I don't back down easily. :wink:


I ain't skeered of u:tongue:

no photo
Fri 06/19/09 04:28 AM
im glad :)

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Fri 06/19/09 04:32 AM
Right so i only got through page three, and noticed how woman complain about spelling. and i noticed words from girls in this thread like stoopid ? wtf??? it's stupid. and the word an when clearly the word and should have been used. i think this is a good thread and clearly men know more about consistancy than the female race gives us credit for. also it's highly subjectable content we are talking here. i think please correct me if i'm wrong here, but i think that wemon in general consider the fact that they have done something once makes it a constant thing in their lives... but it's only a constant memory. im not saying guys bash up in this area some guys do the exact same thing. but i do agree wemon are far worse with this oh hey lets go fish hunny ... ok dear wheres a good spot business. i fish a four wheel i can go mudding. i honestly belive that wemon sometimes make absolutely no sence what so ever. but neither do us guys as was said before when wemon are looking for a life sentance with mr. white horse prince charming they dont understand that we are damaged goods from day one and the ones that stick around idk... for any good amount of time lie to them selves every day. example ok today im really gonna change him and his bad habbits will be gone and i wont have to pretend to smile any more... gosh i wish it was like in the begining when he didnt have morning breath... or didnt expect me to have food and laundry done when he gets home... i think both sides are pretty vauge on everything. i can only speake for my self but if it's on my profile i do it on a regular basis. but to close this out it's never gonna change the circle of chaos goes round and round never ending girls only wanna hear what they want the stuf that makes them happy, other wise it's a cring machine and dramma and guys we do make them cry for silly reasons but it all works out sooner or later. and i have no issues with paying for a date but for me to bankroll every singal solitary event that happens in a relationship no "F"ing way. a man shouldnt have to spend every singal dime every day on the relationship the girl should do some of the paying in my book. please feel free to rip me a new one but if you read my words and really think before you coment youll realize hey he bashed guys as well and maybe hes right .. maybe. so read carfully and think hard before you tell me im wrong or i didnt bring up any good points.

no photo
Fri 06/19/09 04:34 AM
tip : no one reads long replies - specially women

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Fri 06/19/09 04:36 AM
Right so i only got through page three, and noticed how woman complain about spelling. and i noticed words from girls in this thread like stoopid ? wtf??? it's stupid. and the word an when clearly the word and should have been used. i think this is a good thread and clearly men know more about consistancy than the female race gives us credit for. also it's highly subjectable content we are talking here.

BABCHI's photo
Fri 06/19/09 04:36 AM

Alright, this is a post for guys. I want to hear some guy opinions and we don't need flaming from the masses, nothing constructive to say on the subject then keep your keyboard shut...


I was just wondering if anyone else found it weird. I've been noticing it for quite a while and never really pointed it out to anyone. If you browse through the profiles of women on here, about 99% of them (BS made up statistic, just sayin) talk about how much they LOVE the outdoors, they LOVE sports, and they LOVE traveling...

I don't know about anyone else, but I've met very few people who go traveling as a hobbie. Maybe it's just me and I think traveling is somewhere out of the country and not an activity that happens all that often (which I would expect your favorite activities to be things that you do often), but I dunno. Just seems kind of funny that so many say it.

Same thing with the outdoors thing. I live in Louisiana now and every girl I meet tells me how much they love to go camping, hiking, biking, etc, they just love being outdoors. Then I date them for a couple months and the closest they ever get to the outdoors is their driveway. They talk about they love fishing and you ask them "where's a good spot" and they just look at you blank, like their a deer about to get hit by a car.

Then they say they want Honesty!!! LOL

This is just a general rant ladies, not directed at anyone in particular, just stirring the pot a little bit.

Let me know what y'all think about this.
women only love that stuff when the guy pays for it, other wise its just words

LOL!!!! I find that SOME GUYS, once they hear that you like the outdoors try to see how much you like it.....LOL Although all I do is laugh at them.....hehehehehehe

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Fri 06/19/09 04:36 AM
i think please correct me if i'm wrong here, but i think that wemon in general consider the fact that they have done something once makes it a constant thing in their lives... but it's only a constant memory. im not saying guys bash up in this area some guys do the exact same thing. but i do agree wemon are far worse with this oh hey lets go fish hunny ... ok dear wheres a good spot business.

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Fri 06/19/09 04:37 AM
if you took the 3 seconsds to read it though it makes a good point.

ReddBeans's photo
Fri 06/19/09 04:39 AM

Right so i only got through page three, and noticed how woman complain about spelling. and i noticed words from girls in this thread like stoopid ? wtf??? it's stupid. and the word an when clearly the word and should have been used. i think this is a good thread and clearly men know more about consistancy than the female race gives us credit for. also it's highly subjectable content we are talking here. i think please correct me if i'm wrong here, but i think that wemon in general consider the fact that they have done something once makes it a constant thing in their lives... but it's only a constant memory. im not saying guys bash up in this area some guys do the exact same thing. but i do agree wemon are far worse with this oh hey lets go fish hunny ... ok dear wheres a good spot business. i fish a four wheel i can go mudding. i honestly belive that wemon sometimes make absolutely no sence what so ever. but neither do us guys as was said before when wemon are looking for a life sentance with mr. white horse prince charming they dont understand that we are damaged goods from day one and the ones that stick around idk... for any good amount of time lie to them selves every day. example ok today im really gonna change him and his bad habbits will be gone and i wont have to pretend to smile any more... gosh i wish it was like in the begining when he didnt have morning breath... or didnt expect me to have food and laundry done when he gets home... i think both sides are pretty vauge on everything. i can only speake for my self but if it's on my profile i do it on a regular basis. but to close this out it's never gonna change the circle of chaos goes round and round never ending girls only wanna hear what they want the stuf that makes them happy, other wise it's a cring machine and dramma and guys we do make them cry for silly reasons but it all works out sooner or later. and i have no issues with paying for a date but for me to bankroll every singal solitary event that happens in a relationship no "F"ing way. a man shouldnt have to spend every singal dime every day on the relationship the girl should do some of the paying in my book. please feel free to rip me a new one but if you read my words and really think before you coment youll realize hey he bashed guys as well and maybe hes right .. maybe. so read carfully and think hard before you tell me im wrong or i didnt bring up any good points.

U brought up very valid points. Both genders do their fair amount of bashin the other. I think u should take the time to read thru the whole thread. I'll gladly claim the word stoopid an it's spellin. For those in the forums who know me, I could give a rat's fart about spellin. I type the way I speak an that's with a southern drawl. i also do ride 4 wheelers an go muddin. 9 times outta 10 I end up gettin dirtier than the guys I go with. I feel myself go 'round the same circle again.ohwell

no photo
Fri 06/19/09 04:40 AM
for real man

i was talkin to a girl...

i said, "you like sublime?"

she goes, "ya love em"

she has listened to santeria