Topic: my freind | |
Crazy brian got a year in county jail for punching a cop who tazed him 5 times. Brian really stirred up the sh!t in county jail. First day he beat up all the biggest guys in there and got the rubber room. But after that noone even thought of messing with him. They issue you tidey whitey brief underwear in county jail. You basically share underwear. That's enough to want you to stay out of there. Being bored, crazy brian would put his underwear on backwards and intentionally sh!t them so the brown stain was in the front. So after a few months even after washing and bleaching- everyones got sh!tstained in the front underwear. WHY? Because one day during lockdown when everyones standing around in their underwear crazy brian storms out of his cell and declares "You're all a bunch of asspackers! Look at you all! Got sh!t on the front of your drawers! Bunch of lowdown queer buttpokers! All you fags make me sick"! Crazy brian cracks me up.
His antics are remarkably clever. And I can't wait to write a book.
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humm and how many times have you been in jail, or have you even followed with him
I'm no angel. But crazy brian is my freind.
And his comprehension disorder makes him extremely funny.
And his comprehension disorder makes him extremely funny. if he has a comprehension problem that may relate to a disabilty and thats not funny |
Crazy brian calls me up one day in the middle of winter and says "Cmon over and help me build a snowman"! I'm like "OK"? So I go over and his whole front yard is messed up. Like someones driven a car across it a bunch of times through the snow. I'm like "Brian- what the hells going on"? Brian says "Well kyle, its like this- I woke up the other day and decided to build a snowman for my kids. So we did. A big snowman. 6 feet tall. Corn cob pipe. Button nose. Your typical snowman. Well in the middle of the night some asshole drove across my yard with a car and ran over my snowman! Undaunted, the next day the kids and I built another snowman just like the first one. That one lasted 2 days. And then once again in the middle of the night someone drove across my yard and murdered my snowman. I'd really like to figure out whose driving across my yard in the middle of the night and running over my snowmen. Will you help me build a snowman kyle"? Crazy brian and I smiled wholeheartedly at each other and I replied "Why sure brian! I'd love to help you build a snowman"! And we built a snowman!!! An indestructable snowman! We went into the garage and grabbed 4 guage steel rebar 9 foot long and I held them while brian pounded them into the ground. Then we pounded steel pipe into the ground. Then we stacked concrete foundation blocks over the steel pipe and rebar. Then we built a perfect snowman around the materials. Then we soaked our snowman with water so he was a giant block of solid ice. Afterwards I said "Yaknow brian, the guys that are running over your snowmen gotta figure out that we are going to build a bulletproof snowman on them". Brian says "Yeah, I thought about that. Our luck is they are too smart and we will never figure out who it is. In which case you can come over in april when it melts and help me clean up this mess". I said "Sure, you bet man. But if they are dumb enough to hit this brick wall snowman, make sure you gimme a call". So I went home. The next morning my phone rings. Its crazy brian laughing hysterically. Knowing what the laughter meant I said "I will be right over. So I'm totally shocked by what I see as I pull in the driveway. Car part carnage. Someone was dumb enough I guess to try for snowman #3 and I'd have to say ole frosty got his revenge. Parts everywhere! Headlight here. Headlight there. Front bumper! Half a windshield. I picked up the grille and walked into the house and when crazy brian seen me holding the car grille he fell to the floor laughing. "It was a cordoba", I said laughing. Brian replied "It was the loudest explosion. Hadda be doing 45". We laughed some more and brian threw on his jacket and said "Cmon let's go"! I said "Where we going"? He replied "We are going to solve the mystery of the sneaky snowman smasher scooby doo"! I said "How we gonna do that shaggy"? Brian replied "Elementary my dear watson. We are just gonna follow the trail of green antifreeze cuz he couldn't have gone very far"! So we followed the trail of antifreeze 2 blocks and sure enough in a neighbors driveway sat a totalled out dodge cordoba. The front looking like it rear ended a semi. Brian explained it was the 17 year old neighbor punk who was a loser. I told brian "Ring the doorbell and when he answers we can laugh in his face". Brian says "Oh no! We can do that from the street"! Brian reaches into his pocket and pulls out one of those loud airhorns in a can you see at sporting events and starts blasting it at the house. BRAAAAAA!!!! BRAAAAAA!!!! Finally the punk looks out the window and we just stood there pointing and laughing at him. Don't mess with crazy bikers. Frosty the snowmans got our back.
And his comprehension disorder makes him extremely funny. if he has a comprehension problem that may relate to a disabilty and thats not funny |
LHB that is friggin hysterical....thanks for sharing
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I was waiting to see
"Brians car embedded into Frosty" ![]() |