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Topic: Clinton Threatens to Attack Iran ‘The Way That We Did’ I
MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 06/08/09 07:39 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Mon 06/08/09 07:41 PM

:smile: Iran is NOTHING like Iraq. :smile: The Iranian people are Persian and Iraqis are Arabs.:smile: Also different and opposing religions.:smile:

It's not only that, but just think about it. Iraq had its weapons and army pretty much destroyed after Desert Storm, and they were junk to begin with...they bought up used and outdated crap from Russia anyway.

Meanwhile Iran was financed by USA and received lots of weapons before and during the Iraq/Iran War in the 70s and later, they were making their own stuff anyway and received fairly new army toys not long ago from Russia.

Also consider, that Iran with the population of 70 million, they aren't oppressed (perhaps some) like Saddam was a dictator in Iraq so there isn't any significant anti-government, but actually most are support their government. Iran also have more money and connections to Russia and China and Syria and so on...with lot's of oil and a fairly "ok" economy as economies go today.

So, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to pi$$ off 70 million people, with a significant navy/air force/army available and ready for fight, especially now having the US military spread thin all over the place in the Middle East and people are tired and sick of war, not even gonna talk about the economy and the people being divided left/right and disappointment growing with the current administration.

Sure, USA could take on it...if it comes down to that, but it would be trillions of dollars, a very high body count and a possible civil unrest in USA.
Not even gonna mention what Russia or China might do after destroying their trading partner.

:smile: You got your facts wrong:smile: We were on the side of Iraq in their war with Iran:smile: We gave Iraq weapons and illegal WMD to use on the Iranian people:smile:

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 06/08/09 07:39 PM

:smile: Iran won't go down as easy as Iraq.:smile: I guarantee it.:smile: We may not be able to take them down anyways at this point.:smile: It would have been tough to do even at our most powerful.:smile:Plus, I don't think the Iranian people are bad people anyways.:smile:It's OUR goverment that attacked them.:smile:It's our goverment that supported the dictator Shah, and after their revolution tried to overthrow their lawful democratic goverment and unlawfully invade their territory.:smile:

no photo
Mon 06/08/09 07:41 PM

:smile: Iran won't go down as easy as Iraq.:smile: I guarantee it.:smile: We may not be able to take them down anyways at this point.:smile: It would have been tough to do even at our most powerful.:smile:Plus, I don't think the Iranian people are bad people anyways.:smile:It's OUR goverment that attacked them.:smile:It's our goverment that supported the dictator Shah, and after their revolution tried to overthrow their lawful democratic goverment and unlawfully invade their territory.:smile:

there it gets kinda iffy. If we hadnt have supported the Peacock Throne (Pahlevi) then the Russians would have moved in. It was all a big shuffle after WW2 for the Iranian oil (plus at the time Iran was on the border of USSR)

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 06/08/09 07:42 PM

:smile: Iran won't go down as easy as Iraq.:smile: I guarantee it.:smile: We may not be able to take them down anyways at this point.:smile: It would have been tough to do even at our most powerful.:smile:Plus, I don't think the Iranian people are bad people anyways.:smile:It's OUR goverment that attacked them.:smile:It's our goverment that supported the dictator Shah, and after their revolution tried to overthrow their lawful democratic goverment and unlawfully invade their territory.:smile:

there it gets kinda iffy. If we hadnt have supported the Peacock Throne (Pahlevi) then the Russians would have moved in. It was all a big shuffle after WW2 for the Iranian oil (plus at the time Iran was on the border of USSR)
flowerforyouBut our goverment did do these things.:smile:Those are the facts.:smile:Whatever the reasons.:smile:

Atlantis75's photo
Mon 06/08/09 07:44 PM
Give Iran some time...just watch this:


kerbear73's photo
Mon 06/08/09 07:55 PM
You all wanted CHANGE, Well Guess what, CHANGE wasn't what you thought it would be.

I have a lot of Friends that regret voting for Obamarama, Not Me, I made the RIGHT choice the First Time.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 06/08/09 07:56 PM
Iranians are actually the nicest and happiest of the Middle east peoples. They love to sing and dance, enjoy life. They don't attack people, but believe this, they will defend, and these people don't play nice at that game!

They are not a violent people by nature. They are negotiators, they love to talk and barter. There are factions you can always see protesting for MSM to broadcast here in the US, but they are few!

They have no reason to incite agression or war. They have a rich and beautiful country, they simply need energy resources to accommodate their massive lust for nice things. They aren't about to risk a war. They know it would do them more harm than good.

Warmongering politicos are spinning this out of control! What are they thinking!? What are we thinking!? This is not a battle we even want to think about..... trust me on this one!

Back off Hilary! Take your boyfriend BHO with ya! (wonder which one is in the chair and which is under the desk?..... hmmmmmmmm)

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 06/08/09 08:00 PM

You all wanted CHANGE, Well Guess what, CHANGE wasn't what you thought it would be.

I have a lot of Friends that regret voting for Obamarama, Not Me, I made the RIGHT choice the First Time.
huh What's this topic got to do with the election?huhObama is president of U.S. not the president of Iranhuh

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 06/08/09 08:01 PM

Iranians are actually the nicest and happiest of the Middle east peoples. They love to sing and dance, enjoy life. They don't attack people, but believe this, they will defend, and these people don't play nice at that game!

They are not a violent people by nature. They are negotiators, they love to talk and barter. There are factions you can always see protesting for MSM to broadcast here in the US, but they are few!

They have no reason to incite agression or war. They have a rich and beautiful country, they simply need energy resources to accommodate their massive lust for nice things. They aren't about to risk a war. They know it would do them more harm than good.

Warmongering politicos are spinning this out of control! What are they thinking!? What are we thinking!? This is not a battle we even want to think about..... trust me on this one!

Back off Hilary! Take your boyfriend BHO with ya! (wonder which one is in the chair and which is under the desk?..... hmmmmmmmm)

laugh That's a little sexist isnt it?laugh

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 06/08/09 08:04 PM
How so? They're already role playing..... at their jobs... rofl

no photo
Mon 06/08/09 08:05 PM
funny thing is that the hard right war mongerers were threatening Iran and now the hard left peaceniks are also threatening Iran. something is weird here

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 06/08/09 08:08 PM

funny thing is that the hard right war mongerers were threatening Iran and now the hard left peaceniks are also threatening Iran. something is weird here
:smile: Appeasing Israel:smile:

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 06/08/09 08:09 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Mon 06/08/09 08:12 PM
Any takers on a bet that a "dirty bomb" is gonna go off somewhere soon and either N Korea or Iran will be blamed?

We'll have all the info on the culprits within minutes of the attack..... MSM probably already has the script and videos in hand.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 06/08/09 08:12 PM

Any takers on a bet that a "dirty bomb" is gonna go off somewhere soon and either N Korea or Iran will be blamed?
drinker It's possible but I hope that people will take a closer look if something liked that happens and not get hoodwinked again.:smile: I think people will be more skeptical next time.:smile:

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 06/08/09 08:18 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Mon 06/08/09 08:23 PM

Any takers on a bet that a "dirty bomb" is gonna go off somewhere soon and either N Korea or Iran will be blamed?
drinker It's possible but I hope that people will take a closer look if something liked that happens and not get hoodwinked again.:smile: I think people will be more skeptical next time.:smile:

That won't happen..... many still think Bin Laden and Al Queda were able to cirrcumvent the worlds greatest air defenses and security on 9/11, toppling 3 massive buildings by fire, and hitting the Pentagon and Shanksville with disappearing planes..... Wonder Woman had to have been in on it!

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 06/08/09 08:23 PM

Any takers on a bet that a "dirty bomb" is gonna go off somewhere soon and either N Korea or Iran will be blamed?
drinker It's possible but I hope that people will take a closer look if something liked that happens and not get hoodwinked again.:smile: I think people will be more skeptical next time.:smile:

That won't happen..... many still think Bin Laden and Al Queda were able to cirrcumvent the worlds greatest air defenses and security on 9/11, toppling 3 massive buildings by fire, and hitting the Pentagon with a disappearing plane..... Wonder Woman had to have been in on it!
:smile: Yes, there certainly are a lot of gullible people in this country.:smile:

Atlantis75's photo
Mon 06/08/09 09:09 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Mon 06/08/09 09:10 PM

Any takers on a bet that a "dirty bomb" is gonna go off somewhere soon and either N Korea or Iran will be blamed?
drinker It's possible but I hope that people will take a closer look if something liked that happens and not get hoodwinked again.:smile: I think people will be more skeptical next time.:smile:

That won't happen..... many still think Bin Laden and Al Queda were able to cirrcumvent the worlds greatest air defenses and security on 9/11, toppling 3 massive buildings by fire, and hitting the Pentagon and Shanksville with disappearing planes..... Wonder Woman had to have been in on it!

One thing will keep coming back over and over is World Trade Center 7, which was not hit by planes and didn't have any jet fuel fire in it and still collapsed, while buildings closer to WTC 1 and 2 remained standing, despite receiving much more damage from the debris flying out from the WTC1/2 collapse, than WTC7.

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