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Topic: Selfless acts
Boomhower25's photo
Mon 05/14/07 10:39 PM
Have you ever Known someone to Help all? Even helping others when They
have problems?
When they have nothing But wisdom and Kindness? To serve all even when
they complain?
Whos your real time friend...

no photo
Mon 05/14/07 10:40 PM
Our friend Jesus of course. :)

songbirrd's photo
Mon 05/14/07 10:43 PM
Very good point one more selfless than Him.

josehon's photo
Mon 05/14/07 10:44 PM
i believe that too

jp4023's photo
Mon 05/14/07 10:45 PM
someone will have to get to me on this question

LAMom's photo
Mon 05/14/07 10:48 PM
((( Jesus ))))) :heart:

Boomhower25's photo
Mon 05/14/07 10:49 PM
Thanks...Thats my Point. People who Live thier Lives thru God. They
share all opinion with Kindness and good Light

Boomhower25's photo
Mon 05/14/07 10:53 PM
I See a few mentors Here and there. My thread was meant in Thanks
I dont feel I need say names.

TheCaptain's photo
Mon 05/14/07 10:53 PM
There are two women on this site that have taken the time to help me
feel good about myself again. They are Morena and Andalearriba. Thank
you both.

no photo
Mon 05/14/07 10:56 PM
uhh gee.. i think we've all done something good for another person...

mtironroses's photo
Mon 05/14/07 10:58 PM
I thank Jesus............. I am always sooooooooo slone, but I never

no photo
Mon 05/14/07 11:00 PM
The GroomsMan and He Who comes After

no photo
Mon 05/14/07 11:07 PM
TO: Sorority gurl

The point of the thread is to discuss acts that are at an extent to
where it is so selfless that you have absolutely no concern for your own
well being. This isn't some everyday casual "good" thing.

It's precious and rare. It's doing something that puts you at risk but
regardless your main concern for that person overrides it.

Feel me...

Mon 05/14/07 11:09 PM
JAH JAH!!!...da BIG man upstairs....daz da real love right there.....he
de only one who can give unconditional love...and i know many of you
might say....well parents give their children unconditional love...but i
must say....what eva yuh sin....da LORD's door is always open.....he
wont disown you...nor feel bitter for the things you have done....or the
person you have become....nobody is perfect but GOD....he love all walks
of life....daz unconditional right there...JAH+HEAVEN+BLESS+YOU....

LAMom's photo
Mon 05/14/07 11:11 PM
Amen :heart:

Boomhower25's photo
Mon 05/14/07 11:12 PM
NiCe !!!!!! Send the Love . Make sure Its real and Not based on self
Need. Goodnight

LAMom's photo
Mon 05/14/07 11:13 PM
Good night (((((( Scott )))))))
Love ya,, hugs & kisses flowerforyou

Mon 05/14/07 11:15 PM
last statement well said boomer....i hate it when people say....well i
helped because when its my turn....or i did him a favor so next time he
can do me a favor.....just do it if you mean it....if not,and you dont
mean it...its useless to even give at all....heres a short parable...a
guy walks into church n puts big bills in the basket lettin it known he
gave to god plenty.....after he walked elder woman walks up n
puts a penny in that same god's eyes the elderly woman gave
more....for she gave all that she had...even if it was much less in the
worlds eyes....than the man who thought his was the blessing....

Mon 05/14/07 11:16 PM
sorry bout that BOOMHOWER25 messed up on yuh name.......mah bad...

LAMom's photo
Mon 05/14/07 11:17 PM
Awwwwwww Jay,,, words spoken so true

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