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Topic: Reptilian Aliens are they real?
no photo
Wed 10/07/09 09:29 PM

Christianity believes in aliens. Their are a lot of "non human intelligent sentient life forms" talked about in the Bible.

Devils and demons, angels of the Lord, fallen angels, Elohim, snake people etc.

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 10/07/09 09:45 PM
I remember the first time I read the Old Testament all the way through (except for Job and a few other parts that I just couldn't get through). I was shocked to read about the other beings. I think they are referred to in Genesis or one of the other early books. The giants and the references to angels mating with human women. Some other stuff too. Its been a while, but that's what I remember.

fjr's photo
Thu 10/08/09 04:37 AM
Do a search for Sumarian texts. It's reported to be older than the old testament and claims man was created by a race from another planet.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 10/08/09 09:41 AM

Christianity believes in aliens. Their are a lot of "non human intelligent sentient life forms" talked about in the Bible.

Devils and demons, angels of the Lord, fallen angels, Elohim, snake people etc.


Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 10/08/09 10:00 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Thu 10/08/09 10:01 AM
The Navajo creation story involves three underworlds where important events happened to shape the Fourth World where we now live.

The Navajo (pronounced Na'-va-ho) were given the name Ni’hookaa Diyan Diné by their creators. It means "Holy Earth People" or "Lords of the Earth". Navajos today simply call themselves "Diné" meaning "The People". The Tewa Indians were the first to call them "Navahú", which means "the large area of cultivated land" because of their dominance over the Tewa domain. The Mexicans knew them as "Apaches Du Nabahú" (Apaches of the Cultivated Fields), where the word "Apache", meaning "Enemy", was picked up from the Zuni Indian language. The "Apaches Du Nabahú" were known as a special group somewhat distinct from the rest of the Apaches because of their beautiful and unique rugs and jewelry. Fray (Spaniard Priest or Monk of the 17th Century) Alonso de Benavides changed the name to "Navaho" in a book written in 1630. The American word for the Diné officially used was "Navaho" from the early 1900s until the early 1960s and then slowly changed to "Navajo". The Navajo Nation some time between 1968 to 1970 officially used "Diné" instead of "Navajo" in referring to themselves.

According to the Diné, they emerged from three previous underworlds into this, the Fourth, or "Glittering World", through a magic reed. The first people from the other three worlds were not like the people of today. They were animals, insects or masked spirits as depicted in Navajo ceremonies. First Man ('Altsé Hastiin), and First Woman ('Altsé 'Asdzáá), were two of the beings from the First or Black World. First Man was made in the East from the meeting of the White and Black Clouds. First Woman was made in the West from the joining of the Yellow and Blue Clouds. Spider Woman (Na ashje’ii 'Asdzáá), who taught Navajo women how to weave, was also from the First World.

Once in the Glittering World, the first thing the people did was build a sweat house and sing the Blessing Song. Then they met in the first house ("hogan" in English, "hooghan" in Diné) made exactly as Talking God (Haashch’eelti’i) had prescribed. In this hooghan, the people began to arrange their world, naming the four sacred mountains surrounding the land and designating the four sacred stones that would become the boundaries of their homeland. In actuality, these mountains do not contain the symbolic sacred stones. The San Francisco Peaks (Dook’o’oslííd) represents the Abalone and Coral stones. It is located just north of Flagstaff and is the Navajo’s religious western boundary. Mt. Blanco (Tsisnaasjini') in Colorado represents the White Shell stone, and represents the Navajo’s religious eastern boundary. Mt. Taylor (Tsoodzil) east of Grants, New Mexico, represents the Turquoise stone, and represents the Navajo’s religious southern boundary. Mt. Hesperus (Dibé Nitsaa) in Colorado represents the Black Jet stone, and represents the Navajo’s religious northern boundary. Pictures of these sacred mountains can be found by going to http://www.lapahie.com/Sacred_Mts.cfm.

After setting the mountains down where they should go, the Navajo deities, or "Holy People", put the sun and the moon into the sky and were in the process of carefully placing the stars in an orderly way. But the Coyote, known as the trickster, grew impatient from the long deliberations being held, and seized the corner of the blanket where it lay and flung the remaining stars into the sky.

The Holy People continued to make the necessities of life, like clouds, trees and rain. Everything was as it should be when the evil monsters appeared (reptile aliens?) and began to kill the new Earth People. But a miracle happened to save them by the birth of Ever Changing Woman (Asdzaa Nadleehe) at Gobernador Knob (Ch’óol’í’í), New Mexico.

Changing Woman grew up around El Huerfano Mesa ("Dzil Na’oodilii" in Diné) in northern New Mexico. She married the Sun and bore two son, twins, and heroes to the Navajo people. They were known as "Monster Slayer" and "Child-Born-of-Water". The twins traveled to their father the Sun who gave them weapons of lighting bolts to fight the dreaded monsters. Every place the Hero Twins killed a monster it turned to stone. An example of this is the lave flows near Mt. Taylor in New Mexico, believed to be the blood from the death of Ye’iitsoh, or the "Monster who Sucked in People". All of the angular rock formations on the reservation, such as the immense Black Mesa (Dzil Yíjiin) are seen as the turned-to-stone bodies of the monsters.

With all of the monsters dead, the Navajo deities or "Holy People", turned their attention to the making of the four original clans. Kiiyaa aanii or Tall House People, was the first clan. They were made of yellow and white corn. Eventually other clans traveled to the area round the San Juan River, bring their important contributions to the tribe. Some were Paiutes who brought their beautiful baskets. Others were Pueblos who shared their farming and weaving skills. Still others were Utes and Apaches.

For her husband, the "Sun", to visit her every evening, Changing Woman went to live in the western sea on an island made of rock crystal. Her home was made of the four sacred stones: Abalone, White Shell, Turquoise, and Black Jet. During the day she became lonely and decided to make her own people. She made four clans from the flakes of her skin. These were known as the Near Water People, Mud People, Salt Water People, and Bitter Water People. When these newly formed clans heard that there were humans to the east who shared their heritage, they wanted to go meet them.

Changing Woman gave her permission for them to travel from the western sea to the San Francisco Peaks. They then traveled through the Hopi mesas where they left porcupine, still commonly found there today. Then they traveled toward the Chuska Mountains and on to Mt. Taylor. Finally, the people arrived at Dinetah, the Diné traditional homeland, and joined the other clans already living there. Dinetah is located in the many canyons that drain the San Juan River about 30 miles east of Farmington, New Mexico.

Shoku's photo
Thu 10/08/09 12:27 PM

It's been awhile since I've done the calculations but with energy being e=mc^2 and acceleration being m/f
the cost of transporting people to another star system is... astronomical.

Unless something about being raised on Earth was critical and unfeasible to recreate they should have been able to just pluck a few vagrants off the streets a little ways into Winter and then set up a breeding program in any climate controlled building on a planet with similar gravity. If they knew about the selective breeding basically pushing African Americans towards the athlete phenotype and this slave labor was for physical work they might have focused on that race but poor black people in ghettos aren't rare by any means- to be honest I think they'd have to raise a huge fuss before most local authorities cared about the missing persons.

Now, even just stealing computers from mafia type organizations in the orient should be more effective for most of the thinking labor you could make slaves perform though it's hard to imagine a race with interstellar travel without computers that vastly outperformed our own.

...and energy is readily available as soon as you can build a sphere of solar collectors around your star (probably make the sphere just a bit bigger than the distance out to your planet so it still gets that light but loses night constellations unless simulated.
Oil is just a concentrated energy source (though with interstellar travel they should have more compact ones.)

Gold... well a mining operation not on Earth but Mercury would net a LOT more gold.

You are thinking (and reasoning) about these things from a human view point. What they want is the Earth. How they operate on the earth is via earth's own resources and currency. They prefer a peaceful take over.

This is what I have heard and read about.

The earth itself is said to actually have an 'owner." That owner wants to take peaceful possession of it rather than destroy it and or all of its inhabitants. The Draconian's, (unlike the Sirians) think it is more 'humane.' The Sirians would have just invaded earth, slaughtered everyone and taken everything they wanted.

Galaxy 'travel' in actual space ships is not accomplished in the way that you would think.... (clunking along through space at a certain speed.) It is done by bending space.. like worm holes or 'worp' drive. It is not without its problems and accidents do happen in re-entry.

"Energy" is the primary resource in all of the universe. It comes in many forms. There is technology here that we don't even know about and would not even understand. A lot of our own technology was given to us by them. One of the reasons gold is such a stable currency is that it is used in their technology and for their survival on their ships etc. It never loses its value because of this.

Slaves: Well that would be us. Each person has value. That is the reason for keeping track of people: Birth certificates, social security numbers etc. When this country needs money, it is not gold that is used for collateral, (we don't have any) it is people. The national debt means ... somebody owns us.

There are other kinds of slaves too. People disappear every day.

I'm well aware of the idea of warping space so you have a shorter distance to travel. That's actually been part of the near light speed type travel because of how relativity works- in order to go any faster you also expend energy to stretch and compress the space around you so that light seems to go the same speed.

Way back with Star Trek they proposed warping space just in the direction you're pointing and then not even accelerating up to anywhere near light speed (because if you speed up you've also got to speed down and this would make it very hard to dodge anything in your path and generally waste a lot of energy,) but warping space still takes the same level of energy expenditure.

So what I am saying is that all of the commodities that reproduce but are limited on Earth could very easily be grown on numerous other worlds and then they could cart back freight liners worth of cocaine and land it right in within the borders of the country they intended to sell it in instead of having to smuggle small portions through customs.


The National Debt means China paid for our war. We could just give them the finger and wipe the debt clean but we know that then they might have to declare war on us because that's such a huge amount of money we basically stole right from them but even if not we know that they certainly wouldn't lend us money again and nobody else probably would either when it was known that we don't pay our loans off.
What we do is we sell a bond for, say, $10,000 and at the end of X years the bond is exchanged for a little more than 10,000. Our country has the option of paying it off early if we actually get the money to do so and then much like loans we pay less because we've used their money for a shorter period of time and they get a similar payout per year but their money is in their hands sooner and we had to pay them less for having used it.

Some of the time our country makes enough money that we don't just have no national debt but we've actually got excess. That excess isn't ever big enough to run a war with because we'd have to sit on a mountain of cash "just in case" instead of using it for nice things like city improvements and support systems for people who have fallen on hard times.

While the Chinese investors could be aliens they are still only working in that system and they don't own us beyond that we want to pay them back to maintain our reputation so that we can get a lot of money again when we're spending a little more than we make.

The things I mentioned (Drugs, weapons, oil, gold, slaves, land, etc.) are the TRUE CURRENCY here on earth.

Federal reserve notes are worthless I.O.U's. Paper is all they are. Credit is only numbers. It (digital currency) has no 'actual' value. A disruption in the electronic systems and your bank account can be wiped out.

If you don't deal in REAL CURRENCY in the end, when the monetary system fails, the ones with the real currency will be the wealthy ones and the ones with cash and digital money will be broke.

Guns (weapons) always have value in a world of war. They are better than money in the bank just for that reason.

Gold and land also. Better than I.O.U's (Federal reserve notes)

Human resourses = slaves. If you have people at your disposal to do actual work on things... that is a valuable resource.

And oil is used for everything. Plastics, cars, suntan lotion etc.

Again I say, its all ABOUT BUSINESS.

Well yes, that's not news. The total value of all of the stuff we have and make divided by the total number of dollars is how much a dollar is worth. Everyone knows that paper is just paper now because teachers are trying to explain that in ancient times money was actually precious metal that people were trading with each other but money is best used not by sitting on it but by circulating it to get people to ultimately make more valuable things out of the less valuable materials. So we stopped sitting on our money and we stopped sitting on our precious metals so that they could both do more.

The real currency isn't drugs, guns, and cubicle slaves but rather everything we exchange currency for be it the contents of Walmart, untrained labor, or a spin on an MRI machine. It's Yachts and unicycles and modern or ancient pieces of art.

But things like the oil we use could also be utterly dominated by producing it on other worlds. You can use vegetable oil to run a car as well as gasoline but the problem has been making so much of it when we need as much farm land as we have to produce food. With genetic engineering and a few planets with decent farmland and then the only trouble would be when the intergalactic oil tankers wrecked into the shallows around pluto and covered all the space penguins in toxic corn-oil (anyone can tell from that that I don't actually think they would have any problems, right?)

Where aliens are concerned, there are two groups of people (humans) out there. One is a group that 'worships' these "star visitors" and they think they are here to save mankind.
This reminds me of that scene in the movie "Independence Day" when all the people go to the top of roof waiting for the aliens that are going to save them. When, they were actually coming to destroy them.
Exactly. Thats how I see these idiots that worship aliens.
:smile: Like Scientologistsflowerforyou
Ummm..... Scientologists don't worship aliens. Not sure where you got that idea (a South Park episode maybe?), but it is utterly and completely false.
Well in Scientology we are aliens. Well, not the true "us" but most of who we are, basically all the bad parts, is alien and the point is to become free from those influences.

Now, most Scientologists don't believe that because most Scientologists are not in OT ranks but that is what the tapes and sessions eventually built up to if they keep advancing.
Having sex with young children all over the world turning you into an immortal is the thing that they made up to make fun of Scientology- the episode before that was just making fun of people who follow the words of children who are supposed to be their earlier leaders reincarnate and the kinds of jerks that use those systems for monetary gain, or in other words they were saying that not everyone running the Church of Scientology is free of corruption, just like in every Church of Anything.

I met Tom Cruise once when his house alarm was accidentally set off. shades
Cool! shades


He was much shorter than I would have imagined. But, very pleasant. happy
Yes, I've often hear that he was pretty short.
So what rank are you?

no photo
Thu 10/08/09 02:03 PM
The real currency isn't drugs, guns, and cubicle slaves but rather everything we exchange currency for be it the contents of Walmart, untrained labor, or a spin on an MRI machine. It's Yachts and unicycles and modern or ancient pieces of art.

Yes EVERYTHING down to hog bellies is 'real currency." I mentioned drugs, guns, gold, etc simply because it is the most convenient kind of things to exchange. You don't have to look very far to find a buyer. On the other hand, some products may have specialized buyers and you have to know who they are.

Paper money is convenient and everyone will accept it, that is what makes it worth something. But if it ever becomes worthless, it would be better to have guns or gold or drugs to trade than something that not very many people need.

A thing is worth more if you can trade it easily. If no one wants your paper money, it become worthless. In the reverse, it becomes worthless if no one wants it, and would rather keep their goods than have your paper money.

If you are in the desert with a rich man and he has a million dollars and you have a barrel of water, and your life depends on that water, I doubt seriously if you will sell it to him.

That's what I mean by currency and business.

Business is, at its bare bones all about survival. The humans and the aliens on this planet fight for survival of themselves and their families.

SkyHook5652's photo
Thu 10/08/09 04:01 PM
Edited by SkyHook5652 on Thu 10/08/09 04:03 PM
I met Tom Cruise once when his house alarm was accidentally set off. shades
Cool! shades


He was much shorter than I would have imagined. But, very pleasant. happy
Yes, I've often heard that he was pretty short.
So what rank are you?
I’m not any “rank” that I know of. I’m taller than Tom Cruise if that’s what you’re asking.

What “rank” are you?

SkyHook5652's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:12 PM
Well in Scientology we are aliens. Well, not the true "us" but most of who we are, basically all the bad parts, is alien and the point is to become free from those influences.
A more accurate statement would be that the point is to become free of the “bad parts”, not the influences. If an influence does not cause a “bad part”, then there is no reason to become free of it.

If one simply eradicated the influence, there would still be the possibility that some other influence could cause the same bad part.

But if one attains a state where no influence can cause the bad part, then there is no possibility of that bad part manifesting ever again.

And that, as I see it, is the ultimate purpose – basically to attain a state where external factors are not able to cause “bad parts”.

So really, whether the influences are a race of reptilians from a billion light years away, or next-door neighbors, is all but irrelevant. It’s the “bad parts” that are the target, not the “influences”.

Ruth34611's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:21 PM

A more accurate statement would be that the point is to become free of the “bad parts”, not the influences. If an influence does not cause a “bad part”, then there is no reason to become free of it.

If one simply eradicated the influence, there would still be the possibility that some other influence could cause the same bad part.

But if one attains a state where no influence can cause the bad part, then there is no possibility of that bad part manifesting ever again.

And that, as I see it, is the ultimate purpose – basically to attain a state where external factors are not able to cause “bad parts”.

So really, whether the influences are a race of reptilians from a billion light years away, or next-door neighbors, is all but irrelevant. It’s the “bad parts” that are the target, not the “influences”.

Let me see if I understand this. Would an example of a "bad part" be a bad temper? So that, even if I take away all the things that piss me off, I would still have a bad temper. And, I would be at risk of having that flare up again when another influence comes along, so I have to get rid of the bad temper and not what sets me off. Is that it?

Shoku's photo
Thu 10/08/09 07:32 PM
Edited by Shoku on Thu 10/08/09 07:50 PM
So money is only worth whatever we value it like how water is only worth whatever we value it.
Man, I wouldn't wanna be holding on to that desert water if it became worthless.

You get the economy well enough but you need to not just string together all the ideas other people have been saying forever. They make less sense without their context.

I met Tom Cruise once when his house alarm was accidentally set off. shades
Cool! shades


He was much shorter than I would have imagined. But, very pleasant. happy
Yes, I've often heard that he was pretty short.
So what rank are you?
I’m not any “rank” that I know of. I’m taller than Tom Cruise if that’s what you’re asking.

What “rank” are you?

Ok, what courses do you take or what tone are you?
Are you not involved with Scientology?

Well in Scientology we are aliens. Well, not the true "us" but most of who we are, basically all the bad parts, is alien and the point is to become free from those influences.
A more accurate statement would be that the point is to become free of the “bad parts”, not the influences. If an influence does not cause a “bad part”, then there is no reason to become free of it.

If one simply eradicated the influence, there would still be the possibility that some other influence could cause the same bad part.

But if one attains a state where no influence can cause the bad part, then there is no possibility of that bad part manifesting ever again.

And that, as I see it, is the ultimate purpose – basically to attain a state where external factors are not able to cause “bad parts”.

So really, whether the influences are a race of reptilians from a billion light years away, or next-door neighbors, is all but irrelevant. It’s the “bad parts” that are the target, not the “influences”.

That's a weird point to make.
You seemed to object to me saying that the goal was to become free of those influences but then there was that "a state where no influence can cause the bad part" line.
That's what I thought I meant.

A more accurate statement would be that the point is to become free of the “bad parts”, not the influences. If an influence does not cause a “bad part”, then there is no reason to become free of it.

If one simply eradicated the influence, there would still be the possibility that some other influence could cause the same bad part.

But if one attains a state where no influence can cause the bad part, then there is no possibility of that bad part manifesting ever again.

And that, as I see it, is the ultimate purpose – basically to attain a state where external factors are not able to cause “bad parts”.

So really, whether the influences are a race of reptilians from a billion light years away, or next-door neighbors, is all but irrelevant. It’s the “bad parts” that are the target, not the “influences”.

Let me see if I understand this. Would an example of a "bad part" be a bad temper? So that, even if I take away all the things that piss me off, I would still have a bad temper. And, I would be at risk of having that flare up again when another influence comes along, so I have to get rid of the bad temper and not what sets me off. Is that it?

Well going by the OT story the bad parts are confused dinosaur spirits that have no rightful business sharing your body with you.

But ya, basically every unenlightened behavior comes from the bad stuff so if you get rid of/free yourself from all of that then you'll be able to really live in harmony.

- I don't really get why people think what South Park showed is so ridiculous. Oh, the world is held up by four elephants standing on the back of a turtle. The Gods killed Ymir and his body became the many worlds connected by the tree Yggdrasil. The one true God sent himself to Earth as his son by the Virgin Mary and died for our sins but wasn't dead three days later. Mohamed ascended to heaven on a unicorn (or Pegasus? I'm less familiar with that one.) Zeus cracked his head open and his fully grown daughter popped out.

EVERYTHING sounds crazy when you're not a member. I don't see any reason to blame people for not wanting to share this stuff with people they know wouldn't accept it anyway and would just give them a lot of crap about it. I think Scientology waits an awfully long time to spring this on the followers but L Ron established it in a different time (well, still this century but you know,) so maybe people were even bigger ***** about beliefs back then.

SkyHook5652's photo
Thu 10/08/09 07:51 PM
A more accurate statement would be that the point is to become free of the “bad parts”, not the influences. If an influence does not cause a “bad part”, then there is no reason to become free of it.

If one simply eradicated the influence, there would still be the possibility that some other influence could cause the same bad part.

But if one attains a state where no influence can cause the bad part, then there is no possibility of that bad part manifesting ever again.

And that, as I see it, is the ultimate purpose – basically to attain a state where external factors are not able to cause “bad parts”.

So really, whether the influences are a race of reptilians from a billion light years away, or next-door neighbors, is all but irrelevant. It’s the “bad parts” that are the target, not the “influences”.
Let me see if I understand this. Would an example of a "bad part" be a bad temper? So that, even if I take away all the things that piss me off, I would still have a bad temper. And, I would be at risk of having that flare up again when another influence comes along, so I have to get rid of the bad temper and not what sets me off. Is that it?
With one minor clarification, I would say that's an excellent example.

The clarification is regarding "...I have to get rid of the bad temper...".

It is only a necessity if you determine it's a necessity.

That is, you must first determine that the bad temper is undersireable to you and that you want to get rid of it.

If you don't, then any attempt at taking it away from you is tantamount to stealing. It's yours, not someone elses. If you want to keep it, what right does someone else have to come along and take it away from you?

So you don't "have to" get rid of it. You can keep it if you want.

But if you determine that is causing more harm than good, then I would say that the best course of action would be to get rid of it, instead of trying to get rid of all the things that set it off.

Now with that clarification in mind, I'd say you came up with a perfect example. biggrin

SkyHook5652's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:21 PM
Edited by SkyHook5652 on Thu 10/08/09 08:23 PM
So money is only worth whatever we value it like how water is only worth whatever we value it.
You have yet to give your definition of value (or it’s synonym “worth”.) So in the absence of any other definition, mine is the only one available for use. And that statement aligns exactly with my definition.

… you need to not just string together all the ideas other people have been saying forever.
And I would say the same of you. So I guess we’re even.

Ok, what courses do you take or what tone are you?
I have taken some courses, but not for over ten years now.

Are you not involved with Scientology?
Depends on what you mean. As I said, I took some courses years ago. I own some books on the subject and I sometimes read from them. I have several friends that work for the church. But I don’t take any courses or receive any services or got to any events and haven’t for several years.

If that qualifies as “involved with Scientology” then yes, I am.

You seemed to object to me saying that the goal was to become free of those influences but then there was that "a state where no influence can cause the bad part" line. That's what I thought I meant.
If that is what you meant, then I misinterpreted your meaning and we are in agreement.

Ruth34611's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:37 PM

Now with that clarification in mind, I'd say you came up with a perfect example. biggrin

Okay, I get that. happy

Thank you. flowerforyou

Shoku's photo
Fri 10/09/09 09:28 AM
Ok, we pretty much agree. Thank you for being forthcoming~

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 10/09/09 01:02 PM

The real currency isn't drugs, guns, and cubicle slaves but rather everything we exchange currency for be it the contents of Walmart, untrained labor, or a spin on an MRI machine. It's Yachts and unicycles and modern or ancient pieces of art.

Yes EVERYTHING down to hog bellies is 'real currency." I mentioned drugs, guns, gold, etc simply because it is the most convenient kind of things to exchange. You don't have to look very far to find a buyer. On the other hand, some products may have specialized buyers and you have to know who they are.

Paper money is convenient and everyone will accept it, that is what makes it worth something. But if it ever becomes worthless, it would be better to have guns or gold or drugs to trade than something that not very many people need.

A thing is worth more if you can trade it easily. If no one wants your paper money, it become worthless. In the reverse, it becomes worthless if no one wants it, and would rather keep their goods than have your paper money.

If you are in the desert with a rich man and he has a million dollars and you have a barrel of water, and your life depends on that water, I doubt seriously if you will sell it to him.

That's what I mean by currency and business.

Business is, at its bare bones all about survival. The humans and the aliens on this planet fight for survival of themselves and their families.


MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 10/09/09 07:47 PM

The Navajo creation story involves three underworlds where important events happened to shape the Fourth World where we now live.

The Navajo (pronounced Na'-va-ho) were given the name Ni’hookaa Diyan Diné by their creators. It means "Holy Earth People" or "Lords of the Earth". Navajos today simply call themselves "Diné" meaning "The People". The Tewa Indians were the first to call them "Navahú", which means "the large area of cultivated land" because of their dominance over the Tewa domain. The Mexicans knew them as "Apaches Du Nabahú" (Apaches of the Cultivated Fields), where the word "Apache", meaning "Enemy", was picked up from the Zuni Indian language. The "Apaches Du Nabahú" were known as a special group somewhat distinct from the rest of the Apaches because of their beautiful and unique rugs and jewelry. Fray (Spaniard Priest or Monk of the 17th Century) Alonso de Benavides changed the name to "Navaho" in a book written in 1630. The American word for the Diné officially used was "Navaho" from the early 1900s until the early 1960s and then slowly changed to "Navajo". The Navajo Nation some time between 1968 to 1970 officially used "Diné" instead of "Navajo" in referring to themselves.

According to the Diné, they emerged from three previous underworlds into this, the Fourth, or "Glittering World", through a magic reed. The first people from the other three worlds were not like the people of today. They were animals, insects or masked spirits as depicted in Navajo ceremonies. First Man ('Altsé Hastiin), and First Woman ('Altsé 'Asdzáá), were two of the beings from the First or Black World. First Man was made in the East from the meeting of the White and Black Clouds. First Woman was made in the West from the joining of the Yellow and Blue Clouds. Spider Woman (Na ashje’ii 'Asdzáá), who taught Navajo women how to weave, was also from the First World.

Once in the Glittering World, the first thing the people did was build a sweat house and sing the Blessing Song. Then they met in the first house ("hogan" in English, "hooghan" in Diné) made exactly as Talking God (Haashch’eelti’i) had prescribed. In this hooghan, the people began to arrange their world, naming the four sacred mountains surrounding the land and designating the four sacred stones that would become the boundaries of their homeland. In actuality, these mountains do not contain the symbolic sacred stones. The San Francisco Peaks (Dook’o’oslííd) represents the Abalone and Coral stones. It is located just north of Flagstaff and is the Navajo’s religious western boundary. Mt. Blanco (Tsisnaasjini') in Colorado represents the White Shell stone, and represents the Navajo’s religious eastern boundary. Mt. Taylor (Tsoodzil) east of Grants, New Mexico, represents the Turquoise stone, and represents the Navajo’s religious southern boundary. Mt. Hesperus (Dibé Nitsaa) in Colorado represents the Black Jet stone, and represents the Navajo’s religious northern boundary. Pictures of these sacred mountains can be found by going to http://www.lapahie.com/Sacred_Mts.cfm.

After setting the mountains down where they should go, the Navajo deities, or "Holy People", put the sun and the moon into the sky and were in the process of carefully placing the stars in an orderly way. But the Coyote, known as the trickster, grew impatient from the long deliberations being held, and seized the corner of the blanket where it lay and flung the remaining stars into the sky.

The Holy People continued to make the necessities of life, like clouds, trees and rain. Everything was as it should be when the evil monsters appeared (reptile aliens?) and began to kill the new Earth People. But a miracle happened to save them by the birth of Ever Changing Woman (Asdzaa Nadleehe) at Gobernador Knob (Ch’óol’í’í), New Mexico.

Changing Woman grew up around El Huerfano Mesa ("Dzil Na’oodilii" in Diné) in northern New Mexico. She married the Sun and bore two son, twins, and heroes to the Navajo people. They were known as "Monster Slayer" and "Child-Born-of-Water". The twins traveled to their father the Sun who gave them weapons of lighting bolts to fight the dreaded monsters. Every place the Hero Twins killed a monster it turned to stone. An example of this is the lave flows near Mt. Taylor in New Mexico, believed to be the blood from the death of Ye’iitsoh, or the "Monster who Sucked in People". All of the angular rock formations on the reservation, such as the immense Black Mesa (Dzil Yíjiin) are seen as the turned-to-stone bodies of the monsters.

With all of the monsters dead, the Navajo deities or "Holy People", turned their attention to the making of the four original clans. Kiiyaa aanii or Tall House People, was the first clan. They were made of yellow and white corn. Eventually other clans traveled to the area round the San Juan River, bring their important contributions to the tribe. Some were Paiutes who brought their beautiful baskets. Others were Pueblos who shared their farming and weaving skills. Still others were Utes and Apaches.

For her husband, the "Sun", to visit her every evening, Changing Woman went to live in the western sea on an island made of rock crystal. Her home was made of the four sacred stones: Abalone, White Shell, Turquoise, and Black Jet. During the day she became lonely and decided to make her own people. She made four clans from the flakes of her skin. These were known as the Near Water People, Mud People, Salt Water People, and Bitter Water People. When these newly formed clans heard that there were humans to the east who shared their heritage, they wanted to go meet them.

Changing Woman gave her permission for them to travel from the western sea to the San Francisco Peaks. They then traveled through the Hopi mesas where they left porcupine, still commonly found there today. Then they traveled toward the Chuska Mountains and on to Mt. Taylor. Finally, the people arrived at Dinetah, the Diné traditional homeland, and joined the other clans already living there. Dinetah is located in the many canyons that drain the San Juan River about 30 miles east of Farmington, New Mexico.
:thumbsup: cool:thumbsup:

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 10/09/09 10:13 PM

Well in Scientology we are aliens. Well, not the true "us" but most of who we are, basically all the bad parts, is alien and the point is to become free from those influences.
A more accurate statement would be that the point is to become free of the “bad parts”, not the influences. If an influence does not cause a “bad part”, then there is no reason to become free of it.

If one simply eradicated the influence, there would still be the possibility that some other influence could cause the same bad part.

But if one attains a state where no influence can cause the bad part, then there is no possibility of that bad part manifesting ever again.

And that, as I see it, is the ultimate purpose – basically to attain a state where external factors are not able to cause “bad parts”.

So really, whether the influences are a race of reptilians from a billion light years away, or next-door neighbors, is all but irrelevant. It’s the “bad parts” that are the target, not the “influences”.


Ruth34611's photo
Sat 10/10/09 01:05 PM
I'm watching The Day the Earth Stood Still with Keaneu Reeves.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 10/10/09 10:21 PM

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