Topic: Say What You Need to Say....
MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 07/03/09 12:52 AM
Wanna be the ruler of the galaxy
Wanna be the king of the universe
Let's meet and have a baby now!
Wanna be the empress of fashion
Wanna be the president of Moscow
Let's meet and have a baby now!

La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!

Hey, I'm Fred the Cancerian from New Jersey
I like collecting records and exploring
The cave of the unknown

Hello, I'm Cindy, I'm a Pisces
And I like chihuahuas and
Chinese noodles

Wanna be the first lady of infinity
Wanna be the nicest guy on earth
Let's meet and have a baby now!

La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now!
Now! La! La! La! La! La!

Hi, my name is Ricky and I'm a Pisces
I love computers and hot tamales

Hey, I'm Kate and I am a Taurus
I love tomatoes and black-capped

Hey, my name is Keith and I'm a
Scorpio from Athens, G-A and I like
To find the essence from within

Wanna be the captain of the Enterprise
Wanna be the king of the Zulus
Let's meet and have a baby now!

Wanna be a daughter of Dracula
Wanna be the son of Frankenstein
Let's meet and have a baby now!

Wanna be mother-father
Wanna be daughter-son
Wanna be captain
Wanna be ruler-king and empress

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 07/03/09 12:57 AM

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 07/03/09 12:58 AM

Wanna be the ruler of the galaxy
Wanna be the king of the universe
Let's meet and have a baby now!
Wanna be the empress of fashion
Wanna be the president of Moscow
Let's meet and have a baby now!

La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!

Hey, I'm Fred the Cancerian from New Jersey
I like collecting records and exploring
The cave of the unknown

Hello, I'm Cindy, I'm a Pisces
And I like chihuahuas and
Chinese noodles

Wanna be the first lady of infinity
Wanna be the nicest guy on earth
Let's meet and have a baby now!

La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now!
Now! La! La! La! La! La!

Hi, my name is Ricky and I'm a Pisces
I love computers and hot tamales

Hey, I'm Kate and I am a Taurus
I love tomatoes and black-capped

Hey, my name is Keith and I'm a
Scorpio from Athens, G-A and I like
To find the essence from within

Wanna be the captain of the Enterprise
Wanna be the king of the Zulus
Let's meet and have a baby now!

Wanna be a daughter of Dracula
Wanna be the son of Frankenstein
Let's meet and have a baby now!

Wanna be mother-father
Wanna be daughter-son
Wanna be captain
Wanna be ruler-king and empress

directandwrite's photo
Fri 07/03/09 01:12 AM
Are we there yet are we there yet??

what are you posting Mirror??

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 07/03/09 01:13 AM

I speak to you over cities
I speak to you over plains

My mouth is against your ear

The two sides of the walls face

my voice which acknowledges you.

I speak to you of eternity.

O cities memories of cities

cities draped with our desires

cities early and late

cities strong cities intimate

stripped of all their makers

their thinkers their phantoms

Landscape ruled by emerald

live living ever-living

the wheat of the sky on our earth

nourishes my voice I dream and cry

I laugh and dream between the flames

between the clusters of sunlight

And over my body your body extends

the layer of its clear mirror.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 07/03/09 01:13 AM

Easy and beautiful under
your eyelids

As the meeting of pleasure

Dance and the rest

I spoke the fever

The best reason for fire

That you might be pale and luminous

A thousand fruitful poses

A thousand ravaged embraces

Repeated move to erase themselves

You grow dark you unveil yourself

A mask you

control it

It deeply resembles you

And you seem nothing but lovelier naked

Naked in shadow and dazzlingly naked

Like a sky shivering with flashes of lightning

You reveal yourself to you

To reveal yourself to others

directandwrite's photo
Fri 07/03/09 01:14 AM
Buenos Dias!!

Que Tal!?

Que Pasa??

Mi Amigo, No?

Como talli vous?

Bien Gracies

Me llamo directandwrite, e tu?

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 07/03/09 01:14 AM
Talking of Power and Love

Between all my torments between death and self
Between my despair and the reason for living

There is injustice and this evil of men
That I cannot accept there is my anger

There are the blood-coloured fighters of Spain

There are the sky-coloured fighters of Greece

The bread the blood the sky and the right to hope

For all the innocents who hate evil

The light is always close to dying

Life always ready to become earth

But spring is reborn that is never done with

A bud lifts from dark and the warmth settles

And the warmth will have the right of the selfish

Their atrophied senses will not resist

I hear the fire talk lightly of coolness

I hear a man speak what he has not known

You who were my flesh’s sensitive conscience

You I love forever you who made me

You will not tolerate oppression or injury

You’ll sing in dream of earthly happiness

You’ll dream of freedom and I’ll continue you

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 07/03/09 01:14 AM
The Beloved

She is standing on my eyelids
And her hair is wound in mine,

She has the form of my hands,

She has the colour of my eyes,

She is swallowed by my shadow

Like a stone against the sky.

Her eyes are always open

And will not let me sleep.

Her dreams in broad daylight

Make the suns evaporate

Make me laugh, cry and laugh,

Speak with nothing to say.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 07/03/09 01:15 AM
Max Ernst

In one corner agile incest
Turns round the virginity of a little dress

In one corner sky released

leaves balls of white on the spines of storm.

In one corner bright with all the eyes

One awaits the fish of anguish.

In one corner the car of summer’s greenery

gloriously motionless forever.

In the glow of youth

lamps lit too late.

The first one shows her breasts that kill the insects that are red.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 07/03/09 01:15 AM

For the splendour of the day of happinesses in the air

To live the taste of colours easily

To enjoy loves so as to laugh

To open eyes at the final moment

She has every willingness.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 07/03/09 01:16 AM

After years of wisdom

During which the world was transparent as a needle

Was it cooing about something else?

After having vied with returned favours squandered treasure

More than a red lip with a red tip

And more than a white leg with a white foot

Where then do we think we are?

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 07/03/09 01:17 AM
Nearer To Us

Run and run towards deliverance

And find and gather everything

Deliverance and riches

Run so quickly the thread breaks

With the sound a great bird makes

A flag always soared beyond

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 07/03/09 01:17 AM
Open Door

Life is truly kind

Come to me, if I go to you it’s a game,

The angels of bouquets grant the flowers a change of hue.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 07/03/09 01:18 AM
Lovely And Lifelike

A face at the end of the day

A cradle in day’s dead leaves

A bouquet of naked rain

Every ray of sun hidden

Every fount of founts in the depths of the water

Every mirror of mirrors broken

A face in the scales of silence

A pebble among other pebbles

For the leaves last glimmers of day

A face like all the forgotten faces.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 07/03/09 01:19 AM
The Season of Loves

By the road of ways

In the three-part shadow of troubled sleep

I come to you the double the multiple

as like you as the era of deltas.

Your head is as tiny as mine

The nearby sea reigns with spring

Over the summers of your fragile form

And here one burns bundles of ermine.

In the wandering transparency

of your noble face

these floating animals are wonderful

I envy their candour their inexperience

Your inexperience on the bed of waters

Finds the road of love without bowing

By the road of ways

and without the talisman that reveals

your laughter at the crowd of women

and your tears no one wants.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 07/03/09 01:20 AM
I Said It To You

I said it to you for the clouds

I said it to you for the tree of the sea

For each wave for the birds in the leaves

For the pebbles of sound

For familiar hands

For the eye that becomes landscape or face

And sleep returns it the heaven of its colour

For all that night drank

For the network of roads

For the open window for a bare forehead

I said it to you for your thoughts for your words

Every caress every trust survives.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 07/03/09 01:21 AM
It’s The Sweet Law Of Men

It’s the sweet law of men

They make wine from grapes

They make fire from coal

They make men from kisses

It’s the true law of men

Kept intact despite

the misery and war

despite danger of death

It’s the warm law of men

To change water to light

Dream to reality

Enemies to friends

A law old and new

That perfects itself

From the child’s heart’s depths

To reason’s heights.

directandwrite's photo
Fri 07/03/09 01:21 AM
Entre vous, monsenier

Yo no hablo ingles mucho

Yo hablo espanol pequeno

donde es un bano?

I hope I'm saying all these things right!!

We need a flip here....
can we get a flip??

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 07/03/09 01:21 AM
The Curve Of Your Eyes

The curve of your eyes embraces my heart

A ring of sweetness and dance

halo of time, sure nocturnal cradle,

And if I no longer know all I have lived through

It’s that your eyes have not always been mine.

Leaves of day and moss of dew,

Reeds of breeze, smiles perfumed,

Wings covering the world of light,

Boats charged with sky and sea,

Hunters of sound and sources of colour

Perfume enclosed by a covey of dawns

that beds forever on the straw of stars,

As the day depends on innocence

The whole world depends on your pure eyes

And all my blood flows under their sight.