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Topic: Is it better to be single or married?
MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:10 PM
:heart: Is it better to be single or married?:heart:Why?:heart:

7z3r05's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:11 PM
i wanna get married. my mom will kill me otherwise.

galendgirl's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:11 PM
If you have someone to love it probably doesn't matter...

PATSFAN's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:12 PM
laugh you know my answer

trgirl's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:13 PM

Gossipmpm's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:13 PM
Big time single!!

My space
My way or the highway

Let's do it
Then go home !!!! LOL

johncarl's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:13 PM
well i want to get used tonightlove noway drinker :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: rofl :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

johncarl's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:15 PM
use me abuse me call me dirty nameslaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

7z3r05's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:15 PM

use me abuse me call me dirty nameslaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

stupid face.

PATSFAN's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:16 PM
bigsmile In bed by 8, home by 11bigsmile

johncarl's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:17 PM

use me abuse me call me dirty nameslaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

stupid face.
what the oh i can take it bring it on

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:19 PM

i wanna get married. my mom will kill me otherwise.

johncarl's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:20 PM

i wanna get married. my mom will kill me otherwise.
drinker drinker drinker drinker sick

chickayoshi's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:20 PM
I want to get married. I want a marriage like my parents'. But my fear is...Will I live the life of my grandmother? All my relatives say I look just like her when she was younger. And I have this big independent life style. *Sigh* I'm hoping for the best. drinker

7z3r05's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:21 PM

i wanna get married. my mom will kill me otherwise.


johncarl's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:21 PM

I want to get married. I want a marriage like my parents'. But my fear is...Will I live the life of my grandmother? All my relatives say I look just like her when she was younger. And I have this big independent life style. *Sigh* I'm hoping for the best. drinker
you are a babe in my booklove

johncarl's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:22 PM

i wanna get married. my mom will kill me otherwise.

you do need helplaugh laugh laugh laugh

johncarl's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:23 PM
help him he needs helplaugh laugh laugh

chickayoshi's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:24 PM

I want to get married. I want a marriage like my parents'. But my fear is...Will I live the life of my grandmother? All my relatives say I look just like her when she was younger. And I have this big independent life style. *Sigh* I'm hoping for the best. drinker
you are a babe in my booklove

Ha Ha! Thanks JohnCarl! :banana:

misstina2's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:26 PM
I'm planning my wedding I'm so excited!!!

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