Topic: Iraq, right or wrong?
Trizar's photo
Sun 05/13/07 12:39 PM
because of all the discussions I have been in, supporting the war, and
the Commander in chief Bush, I told Fanta that i would check with family
in Iraq and also myspace friends...I really didnt know the truth how the
troops felt..Until know. I refused to believe what I was hearing from
fanta and Adventure, And I see now I was wrong....

Hey Uncle Jack. Hey, good to hear from you. As for the war, a friend and
I debate about this often. Both sides have good points, and both have
large downfalls. While the Iraq / Afghanistan war has waged for 4 years
or so now... what have we accomplished? Maybe more than the press seems
to say. Maybe we aren't doing much. But what's important is... are the
people there happy? We have invaded their home, their country. Taught
them democracy... freedom. But a democratic government and our way of
life is ours... and it doesn't fit everyone's style.. sometime I think
we are forcing something upon them that may, in all honesty, be a better
way of life for them, but it's not the right thing to do. I sure as hell
wouldn't want another country invading America and telling US what to
do. It's not their place. We invaded them on grounds of weapons of mass
destruction. Something that was never found. We invaded them searching
for "the terrorists" responsible for 9/11. Where is Osama today? How can
one man hide from the most technologically advanced nation that is
spending billions of dollars a month to fight a war on terrorism. It all
just seems a little convoluted to me.

I signed the dotted line. I will do what I am told, it's my job. But I
will not support something that close to 70% of our country disagrees
on. After all, our government is supposed to be a direct representation
of our people correct? Are you telling me 70% of the population is
wrong? If they are, then we need to be better informed by our
government. There are many disconnects happening in America right now.
Many things that aren't being told, things are being hidden. The problem
is, mostly all of us know this, and it's being done daily. I know we
have many ulterior motives to be in the middle east right now, and I
think us being mislead is a bunch of bull****. Just tell us what we are
doing, and hell, we will do it if it's right. But... I don't think what
we may be doing (in the big picture) is right, and we don't have a
choice at this moment.

As for us wanting to leave... some think we are doing the right thing,
and are gung-ho about it. I personally think they are just being told
what makes sense for them to be there, and they need something to
believe in. I don't think 3000+ of our lives and trillions of dollars is
national debt is worth what we are doing here.

All in all.. I think it's time for it to be over, and the world and the
U.S. will be a better place without Bush in office... I just hope the
next President is prepared to clean up the mess he is going to leave. I
truly feel sorry for the next person that comes in. And I hope America
doesn't blame the soldiers. Men and women sacrifice their lives, giving
to the rest of our country... doing what their leaders deem is right.
Sometime it is... sometime it isn't. And we can't just quit or say no.
Life is full of tough decisions.

There is no win or lose with this war. Why? Because it's not that
simple. And it never will be. I just hope we can clean things up a bit,
pack it up, and let them reform their government. If we pull out and
they crumble, and blame us.. then why don't we just put the crap in
their face like they are doing to us right now? Countless efforts to
train and arm their people, yet some of the people are training are just
spies, and backstabbers. We make one step forward, and they bring us
right back. I just see and endless loop of suffering. I can honestly say
I would more proud of our government if they just cleaned things up
again, tied the knot and left in a few months. Maybe support them
through funding, not through the lives of young men and women. It's not
worth it anymore.

So... you can post parts or all of this on the forum if ya want, but
don't use my name or anything. I have freedom of speech, but at a
limitation. I don't think anything I said would ever be unlawful, but..
ya know, they tend to get cranky. Good to hear from ya

Darrell's photo
Sun 05/13/07 12:56 PM
As soon as we pull out of Iraq the Sunni and the Shiite will fall upon
Al-Queda and eat them alive. As much as they hate each other they only
barely tolerate the Islamic extremists as long as America is in their

joe1973's photo
Sun 05/13/07 01:14 PM
darrell you hit it on the head.drinker (rotten beer)(d'oh! root beer i

Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/13/07 01:56 PM
Trizar you are an honorable man, and your nephew has a great role model.
I want everyone to know that it does not make me happy to hear this,
however it does give me a renewed strength to bring these MEN home. I am
only one voice, but I will shout at the top of my lungs.
God Bless your nephew and all the brave men and women over there, and
God Bless America!!!drinker drinker

Zapchaser's photo
Sun 05/13/07 08:49 PM
I agree Trizar. We did what we went there to do and it has long since
been time to go home. I guess the clincher for me was when the new Iraqi
government decided they want to go on a THREE MONTH BREAK over the
Summer while our troops are fighting THEIR battle. The troops are heros.
Let's bring them home. And while we are at it, since the Soviets are no
lnger a threat to Europe, let's pull them out of Germany. The Germans
don't want us there anymore but don't want to be without the Euro's that
our troops pump into their economy. Too bad, so sad. Bring them home,
put them on the borders and give them all a margarita. Let's stop trying
to fix the world when we aren't asked to do so. Let the chips fall. It
always works itself out.

lily38's photo
Sun 05/13/07 11:45 PM
Amen, Trizar!! Thankyou for posting this. I go to the website
"" and am humbled by the lives these men and women
are living, and the few and quite simple things they ask for us to send
them; ramen noodles, toothpaste, magazines, underwear, etc. and read
their stories on other sites. I have had family members serve in Iraq.
One was a medic, and he said we would be stunned to realize just how
many deaths are actually suicide. They are at their limit. Then the
govt. extends their stay? C'mon!! Cheney thinks things are going well?
He needs to go on a hunting party with AL Quida. I don't know who to
root for there. Bush is against pulling out of Iraq in the fall?? What a
dumbass!! What has this president and all the presidents' men done to
better our country in the last two terms he has served as president? Are
things looking better to anyone?? Has this war gotten the vengeance we
sought on the perpetrator of 9/11? ....So they hung Saddam....Bin Laden
took responsibilty for the attacks, so were is he and where are his
henchmen? If they can find Hussein hiding in a little tiny hole
somewhere in the middle east, you'd think Bin Laden would be a major
win. However, I don't think Bush wants Bin Laden. I don't think this is
about 9/11. I think this was a convenience for the pres. and his party.
Kinda like a grudge fu*k.......Bring these soldiers home, let the
middle-easterners destroy each other and lets make our country what it
used to be.

no photo
Mon 05/14/07 05:55 AM
I'm glad your eyes and mind have been opened Trizar.....I stand with
Fanta screaming BRING EM HOME!!!

hungary22's photo
Wed 05/16/07 04:49 PM
the war in iraq is wrong after for years still no wmd, bush still dont
listen to the voice of the people.there is no good reason for america to
attack iraq. it all over oil . i guess since bush never served. for
every soilder that dies bush has blood on his hands

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 01:04 PM
so many demagogues so little time.

hungary22's photo
Thu 05/17/07 04:10 PM
weather for war or not. can someone tell me how much a human life worth.

armydoc4u's photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:14 PM
yours is worth whatever one of your countrymen think its worth, then
take into account the current exchange rate, and subtract the
depreciative amount of about half, cause child your all messed up, and
you should be worth about two cents US, on the streets of places like
iraq, afganistan, iran, suadi arabia, egypt, CROATIA. but hey i think
hugarians are all little lying devil communist pigs, so what do i care
how much your life is worth.

armydoc4u's photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:17 PM
and yes i know i shouldnt have aid any of that, but the little bimbet is
starting to grate on my last nerve. and im tired of being a nice guy
take it on the chin, because we dont want to hurt someones feelings.
funny how those types can get away with saying whatever the fuk they
want to say, but its wrong for us to do the same.

armydoc4u's photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:19 PM
where is your burka, and why arent you covered up anyway, and did your
man give you permission to speak.....

thats their attitudes towards women, glad to see you support that kind
of life style for your fellow human beings.

hungary22's photo
Thu 05/17/07 07:25 PM
i speak when i feel like it. it seems you think because you said so i,m
suppose to obey you wrong . i do what i want i serve my county for three
years. so i,m not a little girl

WolfSpirt's photo
Thu 05/17/07 07:47 PM
I agree, BRING THE TROOPS HOME,but untill that can be acomplished, let
us support our troops, it is Bush that shouldnt be supported, he is the
one that sent our troops there. And about the Iraq government wanting
too take 3 months off, that is pure bull, when have you ever heard the
US taking 3 months off in the middle of a war. If they (The Iraq
government does that, we should imediately pull the troops out,without
any hesitation. Trizar, I salute you and all of our troops over there, A
human life is worth a lot more than oil.glasses

bobbyblue's photo
Fri 05/18/07 11:36 PM
Troops need to come home. We have to stop playing god and work within
our borders. We have enough problems here.