Topic: I'm going to a party tonight.......
no photo
Fri 05/29/09 04:07 PM
Who can guess what craziness is going to happen to me and how many pictures of myself I am going to take.....

Comments comments comments.....come on share the love....Talk to ya's later....I will have storiiiiiiiies...

ledi180's photo
Fri 05/29/09 04:07 PM
Have fun and be safe. drinker

DTHRomeo's photo
Fri 05/29/09 04:08 PM
Have fun bro drinker

Dan99's photo
Fri 05/29/09 04:09 PM
You will stand in the corner, alone, and then walk home crying. On the way you will visit a prostitute, who will turn you down. When you get home you will discover you have been burgled, and when you phone the police to report it, they will laugh at you and tell you to get a life.

bastet126's photo
Fri 05/29/09 04:10 PM
will there be pin the tail on the donkey? :banana:

Jules0565's photo
Fri 05/29/09 04:20 PM
Ten 4 year olds will want lots of piggy back ridesrant , then they'll be thirstydrinker ..then they'll be whining over who needs to use the restroom firsttears . Then they'll want you to spin them around:banana: . Then they'll be ready for cake and ice creambigsmile ..(have fun cleaning that up) when you get home, you'll be whipped! Have fun! :laughing:

no photo
Fri 05/29/09 04:55 PM
have fun!

BL4766's photo
Fri 05/29/09 05:03 PM
ooooooooooooooooh boy!!!!!whoa

livelife68's photo
Fri 05/29/09 05:05 PM
It's all good fun until the cops take a picture of you.laugh

FaithfulOne78's photo
Fri 05/29/09 05:08 PM
Have fun!! and we wanna see pics!!!!drinks :thumbsup: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

TxsSun's photo
Fri 05/29/09 05:58 PM
I don't wanna guess. I am scared to see scared scared