Topic: When your Mom Rocks!!
bry11calcool's photo
Wed 05/27/09 04:20 PM
Ok, so I am a parent with kids . . . but I am also a 6'3" 300 Pound 44 year-old kid with a parent, specifically a Mom that Rocks.

So, I am in a hotel in Houston on a client assignment that has extended by one extra day. The client is paying Mucho Pe$o$, but I have to float my own expenses until they cut me a check tomorrow.
The client extends a day and (DING) I am in the red on the hotel reservation . . . who saves my butt from California without a whine, complaint, or admonition.
You got it. My Mom.
She ROCKS!!!

I hope that I will always be there for my kids like that.

<<< Giant Idget uses his frequent flier miles so Mom can visit her family in Germany (What am I gonna do? Go to Vegas?)

no photo
Wed 05/27/09 04:23 PM
Yeah....Moms are just that way aren't they?bigsmile bigsmile

ledi180's photo
Wed 05/27/09 04:25 PM
Ya should have called, I could have brought you some cash laugh

Moms ARE awesome - I'm lucky enough to have a great one and hope my kiddo grows up to think the same of me (she's only 7 now and will soon hate me I"m sure).

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 05/27/09 04:26 PM
Edited by yellowrose10 on Wed 05/27/09 04:26 PM
my baby boy told me he was glad to have me as a mom bigsmile