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Topic: new brain teaser
mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:17 PM
I'll give you a hint there are three stages to finding the seceret
message, but if you figure it out PLEASE DO NOT POST THE ANSWER IN ANY
respond asap to let you know if you are right thank you


the reason i ask you to send me an e-mail is because if you post the
answer here it will ruin it for everyone else so please send me an
e-mail when you figure it out also i will post 1 hint for every 5
requests that are posted in this thread

Thank you and have fun also let me know if you enjoy this because as
long as you keep requesting them i will post them

TheCaptain's photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:21 PM
I;ll need a hint on this one.

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:24 PM
4 more request and one will be posted also sorry it posted like that
it's not the way my screen showed it when i posted it

heather's photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:26 PM
i need a hint

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:33 PM
3 more requests and i will leave 1 clue and one clue inside that clue

robh's photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:38 PM
hint please!

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:47 PM
2 more requests to go

TheCaptain's photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:49 PM
do I count if I request again?

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:52 PM
i will accept that this time because it is a new thing for everyone but
not in the future please, 1 request left

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 10/01/06 06:23 PM
since there haven't been any clue requests in almost half an hour i will
give you a clue in the form of another puzzle

neo fo gestas si ot trcbusat ereht

Lori68Hefford's photo
Sun 10/01/06 06:30 PM
oops sorry mitch, my bad.
was just so excited about it lol.
Forgive me?????? *smiles*

Now on to this one lol
I get the hint but the puzzle ....WOW... still need help there

Can I get another hint please??

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 10/01/06 06:33 PM
yes but i will post it as a new topic and since your is the 5th then i
will straighten out the first clue with another hiden inside it

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 10/01/06 06:40 PM
if the clue doesn't help then get 5 request in and i will post another

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 10/01/06 06:50 PM
after every 5 request i will do the same as before post the clue as a
new topic this is to make sure everyone see it if you have any questions
or suggestions send me a message please and the first one to slove it
will get a special clue for the next teaser

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 10/01/06 07:22 PM
if you want more clues i need more requests

newfiegirl5's photo
Sun 10/01/06 11:24 PM
More clues please!

newfiegirl5's photo
Mon 10/02/06 07:40 AM
what if i open up a couple of accounts and then post some more request
will that

Lori68Hefford's photo
Mon 10/02/06 07:50 AM
Another clue please, and Newfiegirl that isn't such a bad idea lol

newfiegirl5's photo
Mon 10/02/06 07:57 AM
yeah i thought it was cute....

heather's photo
Mon 10/02/06 08:11 AM
i need a hint to

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