Topic: dont know what else to say , sad. | |
I guess teddy can use the dryer sheet, then...
Hug The Universal Perscription No moving parts, no batteries. No monthly payments and no fees; Inflation proof, non-taxable, In fact, it's quite relaxable; It can't be stolen, won't pollute, One size fits all, do not dilute. It uses little energy, But yields results enormously. Relieves your tension and your stress, Invigorate your happiness; Combats depression, makes you beam, And elevates your self esteem! Your circulation it corrects Without unpleasant side effects It is, I think, the perfect drug: May I prescribe, my friend... the hug! And, of course, fully returnable! I had to make sure you got your daily dose. GOT ANY PEANUTS FOR MY FRIEND HERE? ………………___........... _,.--.,_ …………-~...........~--"~-......_ "-. ………ƒ...............ƒ_....Y........"-..Œ ………Y...............:~.....!...............Y ………lq..p..........|......ƒ..................| ._......ì. .-,........l......ƒ...................|j ()ì___)....|ƒ.......ì_ƒ";..................! .ì.______.-~ì.........~;...............ƒ ……………………Y_..Y_....."vr"~...T ……………………(.....(.........|L......j ……………………[nn..[nn.....][nn...] |
see he's starvin to death
that was nice's a bag of peanuts for your friend
aww thanks catch
nusalor ,, I will use the dryer sheet in the laundry ... K? >> dont want the boogers on the laundry though ,, boogers must be applied straight from the nose to sleeve just doesnt work to put them on the bounce sheet it just wont work right ,, wind up with dried up lil booger balls all over and they will fall offf right after I put my clothes on ,, then what will I do.. |
You put a lot of thought into boogers, don't you Purple?