Topic: Come on In - part 44
izzie's photo
Thu 05/21/09 10:52 PM
i sent it here..
ill send it again..

no photo
Thu 05/21/09 10:53 PM
you better lmfao

i sent it here..
ill send it again..

izzie's photo
Thu 05/21/09 10:54 PM

i kno!! we havent emailed in a long time.. so they think im SPAMM!!!!!!teeheehe..

no photo
Thu 05/21/09 10:55 PM
either that or the penguins took it lmfao


i kno!! we havent emailed in a long time.. so they think im SPAMM!!!!!!teeheehe..

izzie's photo
Thu 05/21/09 10:59 PM
f'n penguins!!!
thats it!!
next time i see them im going to drop kick them!!!

no photo
Thu 05/21/09 11:05 PM
<----hands Iz the key to the room "down the hall" where they are locked up lmfao

f'n penguins!!!
thats it!!
next time i see them im going to drop kick them!!!

no photo
Thu 05/21/09 11:26 PM
<----stops in and feeds the crickets

izzie's photo
Thu 05/21/09 11:28 PM
sorry.. i got carried away kickin penguins..

no photo
Thu 05/21/09 11:28 PM
:laughing: someone has to feed them lol

sorry.. i got carried away kickin penguins..

no photo
Thu 05/21/09 11:30 PM
<---hits the secret button and goes downstairs to iceskate for a while

no photo
Thu 05/21/09 11:56 PM
<----lets the penguins free and climbs to the top of the waterfall and starts laughing

:laughing: pitchfork :laughing: pitchfork :laughing: pitchfork :laughing:

bad_girl's photo
Fri 05/22/09 12:22 AM
shocked shocked shocked

bad_girl's photo
Fri 05/22/09 12:24 AM
Good morning {{{friends}}} :heart:

Looks like another party in here last night, wow you guys are some chatty folks :laughing: :laughing:

no photo
Fri 05/22/09 12:25 AM
?last night?
wth time is it? lmfao

Good morning {{{friends}}} :heart:

Looks like another party in here last night, wow you guys are some chatty folks :laughing: :laughing:

bad_girl's photo
Fri 05/22/09 12:28 AM
It is 3:30 am here spock

Morning Chris, did you get lost down the "hall" yesterday laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 05/22/09 12:28 AM
You have about 3 mins to look at the pic I have of the kiddo posted before I take it down

It is 3:30 am here spock

Morning Chris, did you get lost down the "hall" yesterday laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 05/22/09 12:30 AM
1 min

tick tick tick

not to be mistaken with squeak squeak squeak

izzie's photo
Fri 05/22/09 12:32 AM

no photo
Fri 05/22/09 12:33 AM

no photo
Fri 05/22/09 12:34 AM