MahanMahan's photo
Tue 05/19/09 08:17 PM

Quantumthoughtbubble's photo
Wed 05/20/09 01:51 AM

"i knew it"

...and yet you never warned others. I may be the one about to be committing heinous crimes, but you sir, by displaying indifference and a total lack of concern for others' safety and well being, are just as guilty as I am... if not more!

And now, if you excuse me, I must refer to my Necronomicon handbook and put a non-reversable forever lasting curse of damnation upon all of humanity.

The only thing that could possibly stop me now would be if a fine young lady would step up and confess her love to me...


I said, if a fine young lady would come forward and confess her love and desire for me... and be madly in love with me...

...well then...

I seem to have misplaced my handbook, so while I search for it, there is still some time left if any young lady out there has anything they want to come forward and say...


Wait, wait, wait!! Am I too late?what ?
Mahan I :heart: smitten:heart: you But i have to tell you something. I've been cheeting on you with maHan. He's treated me better than you could ever imajin so this is good bye. I hope you understand... maHans just better than you in every way..... and............ow.........What are these boils? Mahan can't we be adults about this's's falling out..............damn you mahan it's not like tears you could'nt see this comeing.tears

MahanMahan's photo
Wed 05/20/09 02:56 AM

So now you have been cheating on me with my alter-ego MaHan. Let's see how MaHan likes you NOW with your bald head and those boils all over your skin.

Let that be a lesson to all of you sad humans... My sister Bastet and I shall rule the Earth once again, and this time, we don't need you humans. So aside from a handful of lucky females who shall be my concubines, I shall destroy your entire race and wipe the Earth clean of you germ infested humanoids.



bastet126's photo
Wed 05/20/09 04:25 AM
beloved brother, i let you out of your play pen for one millenium and look what you've done...

most excellent work!!! why i could just eat you up, you beautiful 4 armed, flesh-eating, armadillo looking love god that you are. me jimmycrackcorn you long time, at least for another millenium love

MahanMahan's photo
Wed 05/20/09 05:55 AM
I don't care sis...

Here come the woman
With the look in her eye
Raised on leather
With flesh on her mind
Words as weapons
Sharper than knives
Makes you wonder
How the other half die
Other half die
Makes you wonder
Here come the man
With the look in his eye
Fed on nothing
But full of pride
Look at them go
Look at them kick
Makes you wonder
How the other half live
The devil inside
The devil inside
Every single one of us
The devil inside
The devil inside
The devil inside
Every single one of us
The devil inside
Here come the world
With the look in its eye
Future uncertain
But certainly slight
Look at the faces
Listen to the bells
It's hard to believe
We need a place called hell
A place called hell
The devil inside
The devil inside
Every single one of us
The devil inside
The devil inside
The devil inside
Every single one of us
The devil inside
Here comes the woman
With the look in her eye
She's raised on leather
With flesh on her mind
Words are weapons
Sharper than knives
Makes you wonder
How the other half die
The devil inside
The devil inside
Every single one of us
The devil inside
The devil inside
The devil inside
Every single one of us
The devil inside


bastet126's photo
Wed 05/20/09 05:57 AM
i know my devil very well...devil

MahanMahan's photo
Wed 05/20/09 06:01 AM
If Ra is our beloved father, does that make RaRa our grandpa, sis?


bastet126's photo
Wed 05/20/09 06:08 AM
great find!!! and he's been hiding this from us!! just like our pom pom twirling evil cousin Ra Ra Ra...not to mention, her cohort Sis Boom Ba!!

Quantumthoughtbubble's photo
Thu 05/28/09 01:02 AM
where would I fit in to the whole dam fam mahan(said scrach'n my bald head)

MahanMahan's photo
Thu 05/28/09 01:12 AM

where would I fit in to the whole dam fam mahan(said scrach'n my bald head)

why, you are my little concubine slave girl...

You will make love to me and my sister Bastet. We will have raunchy nasty threesums each night, there will be blood letting rituals and all you can handle pleasure and pain...


Quantumthoughtbubble's photo
Thu 05/28/09 01:14 AM
I think I need to change my panties now.

MahanMahan's photo
Thu 05/28/09 01:22 AM
Oooh, are your panties soaking wet? Give'em to me...

Quantumthoughtbubble's photo
Thu 05/28/09 01:23 AM
think that'll cost yaspock

MahanMahan's photo
Thu 05/28/09 01:30 AM

think that'll cost yaspock

Here we go again... Now how many times I gotta tell ya, you don't charge yer Master... When I pimp you out, I'll be nice enough to split the money with ya, but you never charge me, you got that? Or do I hafta flog you some more?

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Thu 05/28/09 01:31 AM
where'd you get that picture of my dad you ass!?


Quantumthoughtbubble's photo
Thu 05/28/09 01:34 AM
Edited by Quantumthoughtbubble on Thu 05/28/09 01:35 AM

think that'll cost yaspock

Here we go again... Now how many times I gotta tell ya, you don't charge yer Master... When I pimp you out, I'll be nice enough to split the money with ya, but you never charge me, you got that? Or do I hafta flog you some more?

OH YEAH forgot about thatslaphead
...You still may need to flog me thotears .......but only with a wet noodle:tongue:

tattoo6696's photo
Thu 05/28/09 01:36 AM
cool more info to send to the police

Quantumthoughtbubble's photo
Thu 05/28/09 01:38 AM
here's a dollar go buy yourself a clue loser.

MahanMahan's photo
Thu 05/28/09 01:42 AM

cool more info to send to the police

Hahaha! cop calling snitch.

Dude, your cyber bullying tactics might have worked on little teeny boppers on myspace, but you're just making a fool outta yourself here.

What a joke.

More info for the police. Like they care if I have raunchy cyber sex with a hot momma on mingle...!

Get a life!

Quantumthoughtbubble's photo
Thu 05/28/09 01:45 AM

More info for the police. Like they care if I have raunchy cyber sex with a hot momma on mingle...!

AAhhh you really do care!