Topic: confusion on aspects of homosexuality | |
Nicely said, Boo.
What differance does it make? I would rather my girls grew up to be lesbians if it meant they would be treated with respect and love they deserve, than be with some guy who treats them like ****. all i want for them is to be happy. all I want for anyone is that they are happy. Its time we started seeing people for who they are and what they may contribute to our lives, and stopped worrying about who they sleep with.
Uhhhhhh bro...straight people are confusing enough..who the hell knows what the gays are thinking?....seriously...someone out there has sex with Rosie O'Donnel.... |
If you are a man that likes women, and a woman prefers to be more masculine than feminine, she might be attracted to a more feminine woman. If you are macho, you might be attracted to a more feminine woman.. If a woman really wants to be a man, she will go through the operation and become one, but that doesn't necessarily mean HE (after the operation) will then want to be with a woman. I used to know a gay woman that fell in love with a man who was becoming a woman, once it happened, they still remained together. it confused me all to hell, so much so that I just couldn't think about it. But I got to know them so well that after a short while I just didn't think about any of it, I was relating to two human beings that loved each other, that's it. I'm gay and even I don't understand it all. I am attracted to women, though my preference is toward the tom boy type, not male looking. There are so many combinations in life, yet for centuries we pretended that only one thing existed, male and female, no one can understand them all. But again you should be able to answer your own questions. Just as you are a straight man and I am sure have a preference in what type of women you like, so do gays. As for the behavior, I understand the confusion, truck driving dyke's used to scare me as badly as very effeminate men who are loud and boisterous. But as I got older I realized it was my hang up not theirs. They are perfectly happy with who they are, once I got over myself I then related to them as people and didn't notice the differences, so don't worry about it and don't judge it. Why they act like that is not my business. I used to think why do they act that way too... I no longer care, I accept them as they are, period. I think more and more gays aren't as obvious as they used to be, but again no big deal, the hang up is yours not theirs. Does that help? Enjoy life ofei1, you will learn many new things in life if you let go of the nonsense of worrying about behaviors. People are people underneath that and they all want the same things. im glad a solid comment was made on my actual topic and not some tangent on a former ci actor. my emphasis was on homosexuality but as a whole its more about accepting a role that is expected of you and not just being you. to me this is no different than the black male who likes country music but pretends to like rap. being homosexual isint the a concern being true to yourself is. doing something simply because everyone else like him does something is unusual to me............. as for the type preference thats more curiosity. i guess its no different than me preferring not to be with an "ultra girlie girl" aka stereotypical woman. what i do know is that im not into a woman that looks like a man. and if i was a lesbian i wouldn't be into a woman that looked like a man. |