Love is a super natural being.
Intangible like God, but definetly present.. Undeniable.. It has no real size or shape to determine, But it weighs down on me none the less... It can be ca bleesing under the right circumstances.. Or a curse under those circumstances most dire.. The WANT The NEED Can be like diseases Yet the same desires once fufilled can cure disease Lift a man or woman clean out of their shoes and fill them with the power of a God... That we would rob of or bestow on each other these "blessings" and "curses" so casually...So ambiguosly, is beyond astonishing to me... To have the power to save like Jesus or destroy like George W bush. If a good heart were placed before you in a package you did not recognize.. Covered by flesh that wasn't exactly to your standards, then do you fail to recognize it.. I too have commited this most heinous of sins in the past.. How many of you ladies and men have failed to respond or even give response to someone who introduced themselves online simply because their picture offended the eyes... Now ask yourself this..If that had happened in person would you have been able to react the same..How would it have been different from th electronic experience. In its own way this faceless monitor is a wall between you and me greater that face to face social walls.. Because you have the power to truly ignore someone....cut them off brutally and unfairly from rsponse..unable to defend themselves..Has this happened to you or have you caused it to happen to someone else.. This kind of rudeness happens to me everyday..Believe me I would rather have an honest fuck off than an non existant blow off any day..The shallowness exists everywhere people in YOU iN ME... I welcome your opinions>>>your humble narrator WILL : ) |
u know it's true, i too have committed this sin, but never have i blown
anyone off, besides love/friendship isn't always about the looks, it's what's inside that matters, it's that person that can make u feel complete, or it's that person that can make u laugh no matter what, and always keeps u guessing, is there truly another man/woman that would be better. if one person gives u all that they can to make u feel alive then what else is there to give. if u can't be happy no matter what then why bother, why make someone else feel like crap just because u do. I love you will, take care and don't let any of these sissy- faced beaches get u down, ur a beautiful person and shouldn't let anyone say otherwise. |
: ) hearts to dna