Topic: Mother boards school bus/starts fight | |
Shayla Muldrow boarded a kids school bus on March 2, and demanded to
know which child had slapped her 9-year-old daughter. After a 10-year-old girl raised her hand, police say Muldrow told her daughter to go back there and “handle your business,” which is code in the Muldrow family for go kick some ass. The 26 year-old mother was arrested for contributing to the delinquency of a minor and trespassing on the bus. Perhaps the best punishment however is that prosecutors released a videotape of the incident showing the entire matter and putting Muldrow in the lifetime Internet hall of shame. Muldrow’s other daughter was on the bus so she wouldn’t miss out on the fun. It is also worth noting that at just 26 years old with a 9 year old daughter means she must have been knocked up at 16. 9 years later we see what kind of mother she has turned into. If she gets jail time, Muldrow will have plenty of opportunity to “take care of business” with her fellow inmates. By the way, this isn’t the first time a welfare mom has jumped aboard a school bus to start or join a fight. Check out this video. There is a video from the bus!!!Unbeleivable.... |
welfare mothers have their rights to.
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Duffy you need to watch the video???????
heck we had an off duty policewoman get on a bus here and Phoenix and
take matters into her own hands. Don't know what they ever did about her. |
what people don't pay attention to is the months and months of stuff
they go through before leading up to that point AND IM NOT SAYING ITS OK FOR THEM TO DO IT! im just trying to understand where some of it comes from. like for instance, what lead up to the slap? |
watch the video.......
Amazing what some parents will do just astounds me as to what we are
showing our children right from wrong, it does not really matter in my eyes what lead up to this, it is just plain wrong, this women put childrens lives in danger as well as her daughters, with no concern for anyone but her self,,, Sad how this can happen I see this on the streets,, every where,,, what happen to being adults and talking to the other parents in trying to get issues solved, So sad that is what we are showing our kids today,, look hunny go kick assss make Mom proud, NOT JMO |
fanta, I did , I was speaking in general , of other situations as well
between battling kids. mostly when the parents get involved etc. what makes me mad is that they tell the bus drivers to not get involved. my opinion is the rule should say , dont let anyone on the bus that doesnt belong. parents included. it is not just one child in danger of an angry adult, it is all of them, the bus driver should stop them at the door so situations like this dont happen. |
Damn need spell check
Thats a tough call. Should the bus driver have gotten involved, or would
it have caused an all out riot? Its hard to judge sitting here, I dont know what I would have done, but I think I would have called the police like he did first. Then, Im afraid I might have done something rash and I would have been arrested, while she sued me and the school district...Its a hard call.... |
ts a very hard call, I would have tried to remove the children from the
bus along with calling the police, I believe if the bus driver got involved with the parent it would have turned out much worse,,., Being a parent Tho,,, And if this was my child being attacked on a bus Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm God only knows what I would have done to that Parent... |
Yea I get to emotional in a case like that involving
children.. ![]() |
reprehenisble & deploarble..I am disgusted by this mothers
behavior.... ![]() |
i remember when my sister was ten...she was in a disagreement with her
best friend, who was twelve. the girl's mother brought her and her fourteen-year-old sister to our house to force my sister to fight the girls... the harassment went on for a couple of months before my sister snapped. she beat that girl's face into the concrete... that mother was also very quick to sue. |
I look at it this way , If my child were the one on that tape , and I
seen that all the bus driver did was call the police, I would feel he didnt do his job. even though he did. But, look further into this, luckily the mom said to the daughter handle your business, and did not take it into her own hands, if that happened you would all be siding with me for keeping the adult off the bus. I am a firm believer of prevention. I as a bus driver (hypothetical if i were a bus driver) would rather be hurt or get sued, then to have to live with a child being hurt in my presence. knowing i could have prevented it. I am sure any parent would agree. |
I hear what you are saying,,, It was a hard call to make, I being a parent can not stand to see a child hurt in anyway, Yet at the same time From what i saw in the video I feel if he would have gotten involved alot more of the children would have been hurt,,, Its so hard to say,,, This just should not have happened in the first place, the mother should have been stopped before one foot stepped on the bus, I believe that is what and did go wrong here,,, |
my point exactly.
(in the earlier post)
It shouldnt have happened. But there are so many different aspects to
this. I know when my son was little he would get his butt stomped on a regular basis. I taught my kids, don't hit anyone for any reason ever! Well, after 2 years of this one kid constantly beating on my son, me calling the school, the kids parents and the bus drivers, The superintendant and the school counselor with nothing being done to protect my son and the other child not getting any discipline at all. I told my son to go ahead and let him have it the next time he was getting whomped on. Just once. Well, it finally happened and my son has not been beaten on since then. There is a fine line between bullying and protecting yourself. My son had every right to protect himself since the Adults would not intervene. I am not saying that I think fighting just for the sake of fighting is acceptable or should be tolerated. But nor should another child be allowed to beat on someone elses child with no fear of retaliation. Seriously. What would you do if someone stole your lunch money or knocked ya around? Let them? I don't think so. I know I wouldnt have. As for the mom being 16 when she had her daughter and being on Welfare. Thats just stereo typing and grossly unfair. I do not get welfare. I work my butt off. I had my son when I was 16. And I tried to do the right thing by teaching my kids that fighting is not ok. |
i agree daughter had her son at 18 and worked her ass off to.
anywayI'm sure there is a history behind this whole thing.My son has been bullied by older kids at the bus stop this year and nobody does ****. though this mom went to the extreme i'm sure she was at the end of her rope. My son know has been told if he gets hit to defend himself. The bus driver did the right thing by calling the cops..people are sue happy today.if he intervened ,I'm sure the mom would have gone postal. |