Topic: crazy questions for ya
Johncenawlife316's photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:16 PM

All I can tell you is Good Luck! Marriage is initially between two people...when you bring in a third party, the whole dynamic changes. I fear that your husband, your woman, or both are gonna end up getting's gonna be tough, no matter what they say, for you to spread yourself so thin. You say your husband is "just going along with it" what happens if he doesn't fall in love with her or she with him? It would be a shame to lose both of them...but your husband was there first...

I'm not saying that Triples can't work...but I don't think they work out often... Just food for thought...flowerforyou

I agree with that.

Then again I guess it just depends on the people that are in it and all.

Jimmy59's photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:18 PM
I think that is you and him can welcome her love into your lives this will work. Although all of you have to never keep any thing and I mean any thing from one another.
sharing all three of your loves between one another is going to take a lot of work. So all of you have to be willing to work every moment of every day to make it work.
All has to be equal or it will fall apart.

:smile: Jimmy

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:20 PM

All I can tell you is Good Luck! Marriage is initially between two people...when you bring in a third party, the whole dynamic changes. I fear that your husband, your woman, or both are gonna end up getting's gonna be tough, no matter what they say, for you to spread yourself so thin. You say your husband is "just going along with it" what happens if he doesn't fall in love with her or she with him? It would be a shame to lose both of them...but your husband was there first...

I'm not saying that Triples can't work...but I don't think they work out often... Just food for thought...flowerforyou

Thanks so much for your inputflowers

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:20 PM
You are being the most selfish person on the planet. For your distaste for drama, you are sure asking for more than your share. No, triads do not work. Your selfishness has no consideration to your husband. Best of luck.

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:20 PM
Edited by trsmith22 on Thu 05/07/09 09:21 PM
Oops..Never mind. I didn't read the last sentence

I am leaving now laugh

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:22 PM

I think that is you and him can welcome her love into your lives this will work. Although all of you have to never keep any thing and I mean any thing from one another.
sharing all three of your loves between one another is going to take a lot of work. So all of you have to be willing to work every moment of every day to make it work.
All has to be equal or it will fall apart.

:smile: Jimmy

And it's rarely "equal" between TWO's normal for one or the other to need "more" at times...can you imagine THREE?

Also...& I'm sorta' saying this in jest...but do you really think your husband is gonna be able to handle TWO women PMSing? Gawd help him! :wink:

Savitar's photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:23 PM
one word should answer this one , Jealousy , sonoer or laer that ugly beast is gonna wake up

vortecpowered's photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:24 PM

I want serious answers!!!!

Can a man be truely in love with a woman yet have feelings for another woman at the same time?

absolutely a guy can be in love with one and have feelings for another. i've been there. but i had to choose one, not because anyone "made" me but because i didn't feel right about it. i chose the one i was in love with.

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:26 PM
I went through this disaster. Never again. Discovered what a manipulative sociopsychotic selfish control freak is. I dated her. Ended up being a pet. It all blew up. I'm gone. She's gone. The Bi- queen is alone. And can't figure out why? Selfishness. That's why.

eileena9's photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:27 PM
I know a guy who was involved in a, it didn't work. One person usually starts feeling left out, such as your new lady, if you and your husband want to spend some time alone together, or vice versa...

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:28 PM
Buy a cat.

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:31 PM
In fact- contact me. I will give you hypochandreas phone number. I'd be glad to help you destroy your life.

eileena9's photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:32 PM

Buy a cat.

Then she'd have another pu$$y in the

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:35 PM

Buy a cat.

I think you are being a little scynical..oops ..and no thanks i am alergic to kitty cats i prefer Pu**y!
I really do not think i am being selfish because if i were i would have me a couple of girls on the side and let him just wish he were a part of it. I LOVE SHAREING! drinks

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:42 PM

I want serious answers!!!!

Can a man be truely in love with a woman yet have feelings for another woman at the same time?

Can a woman Truely love a man and a woman without loving one more than the other?

Can a Triad relationship work? man and two women living togeather in harmony! A compleate love triangle not a third wheel!
:smile: If everyone is cool with it:smile:

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:51 PM
Nope. I don't think you are understanding what I'm implying. In my instance my bi chick wanted a relationship with me first. Then a working triad. Then wanted us to serve her as she became queen. She had no consideration towards others at all once she got what she wanted. She became queen c*nt. Wipe my ass. Rub my feet you minions. We just quietly left. She's a codependent selfish idiot that needs professional psychiatric help and is receiving it. We are in BI- queen recovery and doing well. We make lots of jokes about it.

seahawks's photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:53 PM

I want serious answers!!!!

Can a man be truely in love with a woman yet have feelings for another woman at the same time?

Can a woman Truely love a man and a woman without loving one more than the other?

Can a Triad relationship work? man and two women living togeather in harmony! A compleate love triangle not a third wheel!
oh man o man ,2 headaches what to do hmmmm.!!!laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:53 PM
LHB...I just can't picture you wiping anybody's ass...?

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 05/07/09 10:00 PM
Begging for disaster. Lack of consideration. Desire and manipulation for control. Forced equality. Manipulation of relationships. Under the guise of sharing. No thanks. I feel sorry for your husband. He's in for a bad ride on a broken rollercoaster. Good luck!

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 10:01 PM

Nope. I don't think you are understanding what I'm implying. In my instance my bi chick wanted a relationship with me first. Then a working triad. Then wanted us to serve her as she became queen. She had no consideration towards others at all once she got what she wanted. She became queen c*nt. Wipe my ass. Rub my feet you minions. We just quietly left. She's a codependent selfish idiot that needs professional psychiatric help and is receiving it. We are in BI- queen recovery and doing well. We make lots of jokes about it.

okey...i get it....but i am definatly not needing anyone to wipe my ass or lick my feet. But vice comment. laugh