Topic: S.C. Threatens Craigslist
Lynann's photo
Wed 05/06/09 08:51 AM
This is kind of funny. Will S.C. go after Mingle2, Adult Friend Finder or Plenty of Fish too? I mean seriously...some peoples personals on so called dating sites are little more than thinly veiled solicitations.

I get a big kick out of the official saying that they didn't need that sort of thing "brought into S.C." which is really interesting. Aren't the citizens of the state who are posting and using this service responsible for what they post and who they choose to engage for umm erotic service?

Don't kill the messenger. /smirk

The Phoenix AZ prosecutor is in it to get his 15 minutes of fame in the national media too.

So, should these sort of ads be stopped? If so where do you stop them?

adj4u's photo
Wed 05/06/09 08:56 AM
Edited by adj4u on Wed 05/06/09 08:57 AM
are you bashing personal ads

laugh laugh laugh laugh

if they apply the law evenly and fairly yes they will

if they do not

then craigs list may file a malicious prosicution case

and win

how many tax dollars will that cost

(and do not forget the newspapers and magazines (like scene and you major city local paper)

silly_me_'s photo
Wed 05/06/09 08:58 AM
I think some people won't be happy until "big brother" has control of everything. Those adds are freedom of speech further more because the internet is global who should police things like that even if it is geared towards a certain place like a state?

alternativa's photo
Wed 05/06/09 09:11 AM

So, should these sort of ads be stopped? If so where do you stop them?

No, they shouldn't be stopped. The government, as well as the average Joe, needs to stay out of my bedroom (or wherever I choose). If someone wants to pay another for accupuncture, it's ok, but if someone wants to pay for oral stress relief it's not?

Put more effort into laws that make sense and stop trying to keep people from doing things that harm no one (for the most part - if legal and regulated, it would be safer) and provide a needed service.

ThomasJB's photo
Wed 05/06/09 09:12 AM
"The online sites contain graphic, descriptive ads for sexually oriented services. One from “Chelsea” on the Phoenix Web site offers “sensual body rubs” and fetish services at $225 an hour. On Craigslist Boston, “Bella” offers sessions with a “mind-blowing ending.”"

Sounds rather vague to me. I don't know that they could say for sure just what the ads are offering.

Here is one AG's reasoning:
“We have the horrific evidence that bad people use these services. We have to do more together,” said Rhode Island Attorney General Patrick Lynch, president of the National Association of Attorneys General.

This guy is the president of NAAG and this is his argument. Bad people use these services. I got news for you Mr. Lynch; bad people use cars too, and toilets, and sidewalks, to name a few.

alternativa's photo
Wed 05/06/09 09:14 AM

bad people use cars too, and toilets, and sidewalks, to name a few.
