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Topic: Tony Blair
lily38's photo
Thu 05/10/07 09:12 PM
adventure, you are a well-spoken man! drinker flowerforyou

resserts's photo
Thu 05/10/07 09:17 PM
Putting aside my opposition to the Iraqi war, this is my take on Prime
Minister Tony Blair: After the first day or so of invading Iraq, Tony
Blair and George Bush each held a press conference. Bush appeared
well-rested, invigorated, and even happy. Blair looked haggard, tired,
and truly stressed. Guess which one cared more about the welfare of his
people? I fully believe that Tony Blair considered Iraq (i.e., Saddam
Hussein) to be a very real, present danger, but it was also clear that
he struggled with the gravity of having sent troops to war, to have put
anyone's life in danger in the hope of securing his nation and
protecting his people. Bush, on the other hand, was having fun. He's
said it since then quite plainly: "I'm the Decider!" He makes decisions
without considering consequences, and never questions those decisions no
matter how failed they happen to be.

So, what's my impressin of Tony Blair? I think he's a lot more sincere
than George W. Bush and I have a lot more respect for Blair for that
very reason. I realize that's setting the bar pretty low, of course, so
to clarify — I still believe the decision to go into Iraq was horribly
misguided, but I truly think that Tonly Blair believed the threat to be
real and took his role as Prime Minister very seriously. In my book,
that's worth a lot.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/10/07 09:18 PM
Dude, its cool, I would say Id eat you, but whats the sense in that!
LMAO, I am a vetran 11 bang, bang, 3rd ID, 1/4 Warriors. I support all
my brothers, but that dont mean I kiss any Politicians ass, esp. when
they dont have the balls to do what they are asking others to do.
Volunteer or not.
Volunteer just means more patriotic and deserving of more respect and
truth. not oh lets send them to die for our agenda, which is what Bush
is doing in IRAQ.. If you got the gas I'll give you my adress, but dont
expect me to go, wait one, California, oh hell now I feel sorry for
ya!!! drinker drinker drinker laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/10/07 09:35 PM
they say this is related to blair stepping down, I dont know, you judge:

LONDON — A judge on Tuesday ordered two British men to stand trial on
charges of leaking a government memo in which President Bush reportedly
suggested to British Prime Minister Tony Blair bombing the headquarters
of the Arab satellite news channel Al-Jazeera.

Civil servant David Keogh, 49, and Leo O'Connor, 42, a lawmaker's former
researcher, were charged in November with breaching the Official Secrets
Act. Both men are free on bail awaiting trial.

During a hearing at Bow Street Magistrates' Court, Judge Timothy Workman
said their trial would begin with a preliminary hearing at the Central
Criminal Court on Jan. 24.

Prosecutors allege that Keogh passed the secret document to O'Connor
sometime between April 16 and May 28, 2004.

The court has not revealed the contents of the document.

The Daily Mirror reported the memo revealed details of a conversation
between Bush and Blair at the White House on April 16, 2004. According
to the newspaper, Blair argued against Bush's suggestion to bomb
Al-Jazeera's headquarters in Doha, Qatar. The Daily Mirror said its
sources disagreed on whether Bush's suggestion was serious.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan called the newspaper's claims
"outlandish and inconceivable." Blair has said he had no information
about any proposed U.S. action against Al-Jazeera.

O'Connor's lawyer, Neil Clark, complained at an earlier hearing that he
had not seen the document and called for it to be disclosed.

Outside court Tuesday, he said he had now seen the memo.

"It is what I expected, having read the media," he said. "I didn't think
there was anything in there that could embarrass the British
government," he added without elaborating.

Keogh, a former communications officer at the Cabinet Office, faces two
charges under Section 3 of the Officials Secrets Act of making a
"damaging disclosure of a document" without lawful authority.

O'Connor, who worked for former governing Labour Party lawmaker Tony
Clarke, is charged with receiving the document.

They each face a maximum sentence of two years in prison.

O'Connor indicated at an earlier hearing that he intended to plead not
guilty. Keogh did not say on Tuesday how he intended to plead.

I wonder what else was said??

Trizar's photo
Thu 05/10/07 09:45 PM
fanta--lily, and adventure...First of all Im a pretty good guy.. I talk
to all, and if someones sad, ill do the best to make them laugh...Im not
from any country but here.My moms side goes back to the orig 1e3
colonys.. we have faught in all wars from the revolution to the wars
today.I guess it has been installed into me about respect for the
president and commander in chief... Just the way I am...no offense
meant...I sometimes get angry, when I shouldnt. Now about this
president.... I will share this with you.. I voted for humphrey, he
lost...I voted for clinton, i voted for reagan I voted for johnson, what
a mess he caused our troops in Veitnam huh? I voted for bush.. cause
gare and kerry made no sense.. I am an indepent person and vote for the
person =not a party.. Im no whining liberal nor am I a ultra
conservative. All I am asking is please support our troops while they
are over seas... dont make this into another vietnam where they called
us baby killers...I am proud of this military we have.. they are better
educated now and I believe they are far more physically fit than ever
before...Yes they are doing great things there, as adventure pointed
out... I love my freedom, and I hope that the iraqians get theirs... Now
please contact you politicians and tell them to give the funding to the
troops like asap....I support our troops, and as far as if they belong
there.... thats not for them to question... Cause they are obeying
orders from commanders. \

I SUPPORT ALL OF OUR TROOPS, and pray that they come home
alive..................... Jack

no photo
Thu 05/10/07 09:53 PM
Lily , AB and Fanta are supporting the men and women over in Iraq in
this stupid war, we can not like the war ya know and still support the
men and women over there. Just chill on htings before you post, take the
time to think about it and what was said, and re read peoples posts
before responding, it will save you a lot of apologies and strife.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/10/07 09:54 PM
Amen brother, but I wont ask my congessman to give Bush a blank check...
he should compromise with them, I want them brought home today, or
better yet sent to Afghanistan to fight the real battle, a just

Now this goes with the above:
Among the limited detail that was made public was the line: "This letter
is extremely sensitive. It must not be copied further. It must only be
seen by those with a real need to know."

I wonder what was said? They said a newspaper had the full script, but
they were threatened with prosecutin if they print it,, Blair said, to
his credit that he argued against what Bush proposed... heres the addy
if you want to read the full story:


Jess642's photo
Fri 05/11/07 01:29 AM
I am more interested to know if Tony Blair's standing down, has anything
to do with George Bush's announcement to send another 35 000 troups to
Iraq and Afganistan...

Perhaps Mr B;air has had enough..

Fanta46's photo
Fri 05/11/07 05:10 AM
On Iraq, Brown had promised to "spend what it takes" to disarm Saddam
Hussein. He is expected to keep British troops in Iraq for the near
future, and to maintain Britain's strong relationship with America.

Afraid not Jess....

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