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Topic: So what could I do
nelnel6280's photo
Tue 05/05/09 07:46 AM
I am sooooo tired and can't have coffee and energy drinks... What's another alternative?yawn yawn yawn

Gossipmpm's photo
Tue 05/05/09 07:50 AM
Well if ya can't sleep and have to stay up

Fruit and lots of it. The natural carbs help

Always works for me:heart:

nelnel6280's photo
Tue 05/05/09 07:52 AM
mmm I nice red delicious apple sounds good :smile:

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 07:53 AM
pro-plus (or can u not take caffeine?)

nelnel6280's photo
Tue 05/05/09 07:56 AM
can't really have caffiene... makes my heart race... Had a really bad experience on Red Bull once... it was bad ohwell

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 07:59 AM

can't really have caffiene... makes my heart race... Had a really bad experience on Red Bull once... it was bad ohwell

most of the keep u awake stuff is gonna do that heart race stuff infact some ppl just take it for that

Gossipmpm's photo
Tue 05/05/09 08:00 AM
Me too

Drank it around 9pm

Was up till 5am cleaning!

mssilverfox's photo
Tue 05/05/09 08:02 AM

can't really have caffiene... makes my heart race... Had a really bad experience on Red Bull once... it was bad ohwell

most of the keep u awake stuff is gonna do that heart race stuff infact some ppl just take it for that

People that do that are playing with fire....flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 08:03 AM

Me too

Drank it around 9pm

Was up till 5am cleaning!

Tammy i've a nice big pot of strong black coffee waitin for ya, start anywhere when you're finished it :wink:

nelnel6280's photo
Tue 05/05/09 08:04 AM

can't really have caffiene... makes my heart race... Had a really bad experience on Red Bull once... it was bad ohwell

most of the keep u awake stuff is gonna do that heart race stuff infact some ppl just take it for that

Doesn't make sense why someone would want there heart to race... it's a really weird feeling to me... Sometimes when I'm just sitting on the couch chillin my heart will just race for about 5 seconds and I can feel it... it's weird... I've been to a heart doctor but he said I was ok. Just don't drink Caffiene or green tea or the stuff in red bull... taurine I think it is... Crazy... Why would someone WANT to have there heart race slaphead

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 08:09 AM

can't really have caffiene... makes my heart race... Had a really bad experience on Red Bull once... it was bad ohwell

most of the keep u awake stuff is gonna do that heart race stuff infact some ppl just take it for that

Doesn't make sense why someone would want there heart to race... it's a really weird feeling to me... Sometimes when I'm just sitting on the couch chillin my heart will just race for about 5 seconds and I can feel it... it's weird... I've been to a heart doctor but he said I was ok. Just don't drink Caffiene or green tea or the stuff in red bull... taurine I think it is... Crazy... Why would someone WANT to have there heart race slaphead

i dunno, think everyone gets the heart race thing but i don't get ppl liking it but i don't get bungy jumpin neither!

nelnel6280's photo
Tue 05/05/09 08:13 AM

can't really have caffiene... makes my heart race... Had a really bad experience on Red Bull once... it was bad ohwell

most of the keep u awake stuff is gonna do that heart race stuff infact some ppl just take it for that

Doesn't make sense why someone would want there heart to race... it's a really weird feeling to me... Sometimes when I'm just sitting on the couch chillin my heart will just race for about 5 seconds and I can feel it... it's weird... I've been to a heart doctor but he said I was ok. Just don't drink Caffiene or green tea or the stuff in red bull... taurine I think it is... Crazy... Why would someone WANT to have there heart race slaphead

i dunno, think everyone gets the heart race thing but i don't get ppl liking it but i don't get bungy jumpin neither!

I guess just like sky diving and other extreme sports... guess they just do it for the high :laughing:

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 09:10 PM
find some random guy and bug the hell out of him

NtheWind's photo
Tue 05/05/09 09:34 PM

I am sooooo tired and can't have coffee and energy drinks... What's another alternative?yawn yawn yawn

Tea. there are different types find the one that suits you
without any unwanted side affects.

Yerba mate...very strong

morning thunder...strong and caffeinated.

There are teas that help revitalized without caffeine

a natural food store is a good place to look.


FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 05/05/09 09:53 PM

no photo
Wed 05/06/09 11:36 PM


thought you were gonna tell her to take the red pill

freeonthree's photo
Wed 05/06/09 11:55 PM
Start taking B Complex. It seems to raise my energy level.

EZ4Sheezy's photo
Thu 05/07/09 12:39 AM
crystal meth...oh no wait, that's a terrible idea. don't do that.

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 12:54 AM

crystal meth...oh no wait, that's a terrible idea. don't do that.

better than taking the red pill....i hate the matrix

wiley's photo
Thu 05/07/09 12:58 AM
Drunk dialing seems like a solid plan.

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