Topic: Is Political Corectness out of control? | |
I received this in an email from a Canadian friend of mine............... My question is; when will all of this stop!? I think this amounts to someone visiting your home and rearranging your furniture to suit their needs! My views, very much like Bruce Allen and so many before my time is " When in Rome.........." Our National Anthem - at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics Please read and forward to as many Canadians you can think of – thank you WE ARE PROUD CANADIANS Bruce Allen is on the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Committee and new Canadians (specifically Hindi's/Indian's) want him fired for his recent comments outlined below: I am sorry, but after hearing they want to sing the National Anthem in Hindi at the 2010 Olympics- enough is enough. Nowhere or at no other time in our Nation's history, did they sing it in Italian, Japanese, Polish, Irish (Celtic), German, Portuguese, Greek, or any other language because of immigration. It was written in English, adapted into French, and should be sung word for word the way it was written. The news broadcasts even gave the Hindi version translation - which was not even close to our National Anthem. I am not the least bit sorry if this offends ANYONE, this is MY COUNTRY; My Grand Dad served in the military, other family members also served, as well as my wife & I served a combined total of 56 years between us. We made many sacrifices for our country and do not feel we should feel obligated to allow invited people we've welcomed with open arms to influence & change our society to better resemble the one they chose to leave to come here!!! - IF YOU AGREE ABOUT THIS GREAT COUNTRY, SPEAK UP BEFORE ITS TOO LATE -- please pass this along . I am not against immigration. In fact I believe we need more, my ancestors were immigrants -- just come through like everyone else. Get a sponsor; a place to lay your head; have a job; pay your taxes, live by the Rules AND LEARN THE LANGUAGE as all other immigrants have in the past -- and LONG LIVE CANADA!' It's time we all get behind Bruce Allen, and scrap this Political Correctness His comments were anything but racist, however, there are far too many overly sensitive 'New Canadians' that are attempting to change everything we hold dear. ARE you PART OF THE PROBLEM ??? Think about this: If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone, will we still be the Country of Choice and Still be CANADA if we continue to make the changes forced on us by the people from other countries who have come to live in CANADA because it is the Country of Choice?????? Think about it! IMMIGRANTS, NOT CANADIAN'S, MUST ADAPT. It's Time for CANADIANS to speak up.. If you agree ? Pass this along; if you don't agree? Delete it and reap what you sew because of your complacency! |
My apologies for misspelling "correctness" with one R
I think the problem is worse here in America as we probably have more immigration than anywhere else in this world. I agree that if YOU choose to move to another country then you MUST comply to their laws and rules. You MUST learn to understand, speak, read, and write that countries language. You MUST pay taxes and everything else that goes with being a citizen of that country. I am sick and tired of illegals and even legals thinking that they can come to my country and get special treatment. I am tired of paying taxes that benefit them but yet here I am struggling to keep my head above water and if I were to need help not be able to get it! I am tired of paying more for insurance benefits because so many immigrants get free healthcare. I think political correctness is way out of control and I don't think I should have to worry about offending others because of how I feel or think about this or any other issues I feel strongly about.
Edited by
Sun 05/03/09 07:14 AM
Well I've come across this in the U.S. too. I just think it's other cultures honoring yours.
So I tell 'em thank you. |
Wait, so the New Canadians wanted to sing 'YOUR' national anthem in their native language. Sounds like a complement to me. It's not like they wanted to sing the national anthem of their own country in your country.
So if we were in their country and wanted to sing their anthem in English they should automatically assume evil intentions? How about just thank you... |
Wait, so the New Canadians wanted to sing 'YOUR' national anthem in their native language. Sounds like a complement to me. It's not like they wanted to sing the national anthem of their own country in your country. So if we were in their country and wanted to sing their anthem in English they should automatically assume evil intentions? How about just thank you... Thanks for the back up Boo. Maybe "political correctness" is overblown. |
Edited by
Sun 05/03/09 08:42 AM
I think the problem is worse here in America as we probably have more immigration than anywhere else in this world. I agree that if YOU choose to move to another country then you MUST comply to their laws and rules. You MUST learn to understand, speak, read, and write that countries language. You MUST pay taxes and everything else that goes with being a citizen of that country. I am sick and tired of illegals and even legals thinking that they can come to my country and get special treatment. I am tired of paying taxes that benefit them but yet here I am struggling to keep my head above water and if I were to need help not be able to get it! I am tired of paying more for insurance benefits because so many immigrants get free healthcare. I think political correctness is way out of control and I don't think I should have to worry about offending others because of how I feel or think about this or any other issues I feel strongly about. Hell that offends me, and I'm American. I love the fact that we welcome others to our country, and of course they should obey the laws etc, but they also by citizenship also have the right to speak out in their new country as well, do they not? They should be treated as we would like to be treated in their country under the same circumstances. |
political correctness has become dyslexic
Wait, so the New Canadians wanted to sing 'YOUR' national anthem in their native language. Sounds like a complement to me. It's not like they wanted to sing the national anthem of their own country in your country. So if we were in their country and wanted to sing their anthem in English they should automatically assume evil intentions? How about just thank you... Thanks for the back up Boo. Maybe "political correctness" is overblown. I never personally understood the whole political correctness thing. |
i am probably not politically correct.
i think that the national anthem of any country should be sung in that country's traditional language. blah to anything else |
I think the problem is worse here in America as we probably have more immigration than anywhere else in this world. I agree that if YOU choose to move to another country then you MUST comply to their laws and rules. You MUST learn to understand, speak, read, and write that countries language. You MUST pay taxes and everything else that goes with being a citizen of that country. I am sick and tired of illegals and even legals thinking that they can come to my country and get special treatment. I am tired of paying taxes that benefit them but yet here I am struggling to keep my head above water and if I were to need help not be able to get it! I am tired of paying more for insurance benefits because so many immigrants get free healthcare. I think political correctness is way out of control and I don't think I should have to worry about offending others because of how I feel or think about this or any other issues I feel strongly about. Hell that offends me, and I'm American. I love the fact that we welcome others to our country, and of course they should obey the laws etc, but they also by citizenship also have the right to speak out in their new country as well, do they not? They should be treated as we would like to be treated in their country under the same circumstances. Pardon my bluntness here, but I think you may be missing a small point on the "PC" front here. There has been an increased amount of demands by "new" citizens of various countries like the England, Wales,Scotland, Canada and the United States, these newbies are no longer content with the free shelter and social security hand outs they receive,they have upped the ante and are now demanding changes so mind-blowing that the nationals of those host countries are turning against them. For example; separate toilets in the work place......... I had first hand experience of this whilst temping in a call center, the firm had taken on a few Muslim men and women (baring in mind there were some 1000 odd British Nationals to the 18 or so Muslim workers) after a week of being at work, they got a petition up ( all 18 strong) and demanded the toilets be adapted to their specifications. Management gave in, two weeks later ( and much disruption due to building works) the "much needed" specialist toilet was unveiled............. it was a porcelain "hole-in-the-ground." Couple of weeks later, they moved on to other job agencies.......... ![]() I am not saying there should not be changes to accommodate the new citizens,just stop making silly demands because you can! There was never this furore from Caribbean Nationals when they settled here in the UK ( all those years ago) They were not given free housing, social security payments, free health care etc,etc. And by the way, I cannot see Her Majesty singing her national anthem in Urdu. |
Strangers in a strange land should be the ones adapting. If they do not want the change then they do not have to come or go.
Simple. |
Edited by
Mon 05/04/09 04:11 AM
I think the problem is worse here in America as we probably have more immigration than anywhere else in this world. I agree that if YOU choose to move to another country then you MUST comply to their laws and rules. You MUST learn to understand, speak, read, and write that countries language. You MUST pay taxes and everything else that goes with being a citizen of that country. I am sick and tired of illegals and even legals thinking that they can come to my country and get special treatment. I am tired of paying taxes that benefit them but yet here I am struggling to keep my head above water and if I were to need help not be able to get it! I am tired of paying more for insurance benefits because so many immigrants get free healthcare. I think political correctness is way out of control and I don't think I should have to worry about offending others because of how I feel or think about this or any other issues I feel strongly about. Hell that offends me, and I'm American. I love the fact that we welcome others to our country, and of course they should obey the laws etc, but they also by citizenship also have the right to speak out in their new country as well, do they not? They should be treated as we would like to be treated in their country under the same circumstances. Pardon my bluntness here, but I think you may be missing a small point on the "PC" front here. There has been an increased amount of demands by "new" citizens of various countries like the England, Wales,Scotland, Canada and the United States, these newbies are no longer content with the free shelter and social security hand outs they receive,they have upped the ante and are now demanding changes so mind-blowing that the nationals of those host countries are turning against them. For example; separate toilets in the work place......... I had first hand experience of this whilst temping in a call center, the firm had taken on a few Muslim men and women (baring in mind there were some 1000 odd British Nationals to the 18 or so Muslim workers) after a week of being at work, they got a petition up ( all 18 strong) and demanded the toilets be adapted to their specifications. Management gave in, two weeks later ( and much disruption due to building works) the "much needed" specialist toilet was unveiled............. it was a porcelain "hole-in-the-ground." Couple of weeks later, they moved on to other job agencies.......... ![]() I am not saying there should not be changes to accommodate the new citizens,just stop making silly demands because you can! There was never this furore from Caribbean Nationals when they settled here in the UK ( all those years ago) They were not given free housing, social security payments, free health care etc,etc. And by the way, I cannot see Her Majesty singing her national anthem in Urdu. yeah! shyte or get off the pot!!?? your choice. ![]() bhagavāna bacā'ō vaha rānī! ok, it IS outta control sometimes...unfortunately one example is not O Cananda... ![]() |
Political correctness has become a disease. It saps the will of normal people and gives great power to those who do not deserve it.
I think the problem is worse here in America as we probably have more immigration than anywhere else in this world. I agree that if YOU choose to move to another country then you MUST comply to their laws and rules. You MUST learn to understand, speak, read, and write that countries language. You MUST pay taxes and everything else that goes with being a citizen of that country. I am sick and tired of illegals and even legals thinking that they can come to my country and get special treatment. I am tired of paying taxes that benefit them but yet here I am struggling to keep my head above water and if I were to need help not be able to get it! I am tired of paying more for insurance benefits because so many immigrants get free healthcare. I think political correctness is way out of control and I don't think I should have to worry about offending others because of how I feel or think about this or any other issues I feel strongly about. Hell that offends me, and I'm American. I love the fact that we welcome others to our country, and of course they should obey the laws etc, but they also by citizenship also have the right to speak out in their new country as well, do they not? They should be treated as we would like to be treated in their country under the same circumstances. Pardon my bluntness here, but I think you may be missing a small point on the "PC" front here. There has been an increased amount of demands by "new" citizens of various countries like the England, Wales,Scotland, Canada and the United States, these newbies are no longer content with the free shelter and social security hand outs they receive,they have upped the ante and are now demanding changes so mind-blowing that the nationals of those host countries are turning against them. For example; separate toilets in the work place......... I had first hand experience of this whilst temping in a call center, the firm had taken on a few Muslim men and women (baring in mind there were some 1000 odd British Nationals to the 18 or so Muslim workers) after a week of being at work, they got a petition up ( all 18 strong) and demanded the toilets be adapted to their specifications. Management gave in, two weeks later ( and much disruption due to building works) the "much needed" specialist toilet was unveiled............. it was a porcelain "hole-in-the-ground." Couple of weeks later, they moved on to other job agencies.......... ![]() I am not saying there should not be changes to accommodate the new citizens,just stop making silly demands because you can! There was never this furore from Caribbean Nationals when they settled here in the UK ( all those years ago) They were not given free housing, social security payments, free health care etc,etc. And by the way, I cannot see Her Majesty singing her national anthem in Urdu. Well in that case I think some accomodations are ridiculous. I was referring only to a song sung once at an event. Not all the time. If I went to another country I would expect to adapt to the ways of that country, so I do get that part. Why couldn't they use the existing bathrooms? |
Who would want a toilet like that one?!
![]() |
A lot of Patriots here in the US have been voicing our opinion against the Illegal for years.
Windsor got a taste of what is yet to become of Canada, I feel sad for you all there. You have Islamics shoving their Shariah Law down your throats, as well. |