Topic: Are we trying to change... | |
spider, politics are this way----------->
You forgot Abracadabra, who first brought up politics in this thread.... |
hey I like you all... what would be the purpose of discussions if we
all agreed right? Abra is way off... ho9w ever u interpret your Christanity, he wants to see us wiped off the face of the earth... he said so. I didnt even want to mention politics in this post but i seen invisables comment, and thast stirred me up...lmao I took a tranq, ok now she wrote Where I come from you are fighting for one George W. Bush. The same man who let it happen that the 10 commandments had to be taken down in a court house, and the judge who wanted to keep them there, out of a job. anyway I do agree with 2 people here and I think thats it on this post.... Im moving on to some where else Peace my bros and sisters |
Wow, trizar is right. It was Invisible who brought up politics and then
she demanded that we leave the thread because we disagree with her. |
You have heard that to reach the father you must go through Christ. How than can you carry a sword as his disciples have claimed he told them. My vision of the Christ is not based upon the words of those who wished to be like him. My vision, indeed all the I hold close to my heart of him is not contained in the words of man but the life that has touched humanity. He himself carried only the cloak of glory. If you must follow in his footsteps step upon your path with faith and love not the sword and the wrath. If those that kill in the name of god should strike thee down then shall the host of host raise you up in the heaven he has promised you. If you use the sword in the name of god and strike another you have spilled the blood of the lamb for even those that know not the word of god that is in you, are still his children. Speak not the words of Christ as a sword for he carried not the sword but love. Should you use his words as a sword you are but repeating the words of the disciples as they alone carried the sword. |
You are welcome to your opinion. I have the greatest teacher ever, the Holy Spirit, to guide me in my studies. I have never once supported the use of violence, but somehow you read that in my posts. Defense of the innocent is not violence. The sword of the Spirit is used to counter spiritual deceptions and accusations, it is not used for violence. The person on the business end of the sword will surely take it as violence, but it is only used in defense of the truth. |
The word of god is a soft melody of great beauty.
How then can you equate it to a weapon that by its very nature is made but to draw blood. To use a sword is to sow violence. It has but one use. I say to you that to use the word of god as a sword is to blaspheme the very glory of god as your lips drip his words upon us. In truth this would but draw the clouds of discord between those you would reach and that same sweat fragrance of the holy spirit you claim wafts through you. |
I am trying to remember where I heard hypocicrsy, such as this, Spider..
Wait!! I got it..Rush Limbaugh, Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Baker.. and the number two answer:... "God will take me if my ministry doesn't get a million daoolars>.. I rreserved the number one for you, a most hard working snake oil saleseman!! |
I way like that hat man. Careful or those that follow the ways of Danu may think you are the horned crowned one come to enrich the harvest. |
Thanks, AB..I'll see if I can rustle one up for ya!!
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I must say AB you sound like a man at peace with himself...i envy you.
Abra---I enjoy reading your posts.... I also could agree with this
following quote from you....... As a the father wants peace and tranquility for his children and the generations to follow so also shall I be willing to allways offer peace twice. There can be no third offer as peace is not within one that has refused it when offered with humble meekness once, and knowing faith, with forgiving meekness the second time. Upon the second refusal I shall then return with swiftness and a heavy heart that which has been bestowed upon me and shall continue in sadness but with firm resolve to mete out what I must to end aggression against me. . Thank you... I will do the same!!! |
"He is the President of this country....and as long as he is,
to disrespect him, is a sign of being nothing but a whiner. We have a lot of men fighting now in Iraq..for what this administration and americans believe in whats right" ************************************************************ What a waste of a mind! Where have you been..Even the Republicans are shunning Bush..He is considered, by some, to be the Anti Christ. I won't go that far, but, surely, if a man ever deserved punishment from God..It is GWB.. I am a hell of a lot more Christian than you or your mystic leader,; Spider!! |
I am a hell of a lot more Christian than you or your mystic leader,;
Spider A christian wouldnt say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Interesting, 33 years as a year as a fanatic?
all of 34 years old... |
If you think continuing against the people that follow gods word through Isalm is right consider this. We have yet to present the right cheek in humbleness. We have yet to present the left cheek in peacefull forgiveness. The people that suffer are not the ones that have attacked. The ones that have attacked are but a minor piece of the puzzle that is Islam. They are cut from the same unclean cloth as fanatical Christian sects. Those that practice religion while adorned in this unclean cloth shall perish from the earth and the unclean cloth they chose to wear shall burn in the fire of truth. Neither the name they write upon their deeds or the words that they spew forth as false witness to god will protect them for he shall see the truth in their deeds. Head not the rantings of the minions of the beast of war hiding each behind the banner of the false ones amoung the people of god lest you miss the winds of peace as they lift the flags of oneness within the world |
"A christian wouldnt say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
How would you know? You, certainly, are not a Christian. If the world accepts your twisted version of Christianity; We are doomed!! |
AdventureBegins wrote:
The word of god is a soft melody of great beauty. How then can you equate it to a weapon that by its very nature is made but to draw blood. To use a sword is to sow violence. It has but one use. I say to you that to use the word of god as a sword is to blaspheme the very glory of god as your lips drip his words upon us. In truth this would but draw the clouds of discord between those you would reach and that same sweat fragrance of the holy spirit you claim wafts through you. =========================================================================================== SpiderCMB replied: You hate the Word, why are you talking about it so lovingly? Or have you adpoted the word "Word" to mean something else? Here is an example of spritual warfare: Matthew 4:2-11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And after He had fasted forty days and forty nights, He then became hungry. And the tempter came and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread." But He answered and said, "It is written, 'MAN SHALL NOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE, BUT ON EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD.'" Then the devil took Him into the holy city and had Him stand on the pinnacle of the temple, nd said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down; for it is written, 'HE WILL COMMAND HIS ANGELS CONCERNING YOU'; and 'ON their HANDS THEY WILL BEAR YOU UP, SO THAT YOU WILL NOT STRIKE YOUR FOOT AGAINST A STONE.'" Jesus said to him, "On the other hand, it is written, 'YOU SHALL NOT PUT THE LORD YOUR GOD TO THE TEST.'" Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; and he said to Him, "All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me." Then Jesus said to him, "Go, Satan! For it is written, 'YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD, AND SERVE HIM ONLY.'" Then the devil left Him; and behold, angels came and began to minister to Him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notice that every time Satan tempted Jesus, Jesus responded with scripture. YOur friend Bibby would probably have been calling for Jesus's head for being so offensive as to quote the scriptures. Do you get it yet? I'm not talking about violence. The Word is used to counter spirital deception, not to destroy. I have said everything I can to explain this to you. If you don't get it, then I doubt you ever will. |
bibby7 wrote:
I am trying to remember where I heard hypocicrsy, such as this, Spider.. Wait!! I got it..Rush Limbaugh, Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Baker.. and the number two answer:... "God will take me if my ministry doesn't get a million daoolars>.. I rreserved the number one for you, a most hard working snake oil saleseman!! ======================================================================================== SpiderCMB replied: WOuld you care to tell me how I am a hypocrite? Perhaps you could quote a some examples? I'm always interested in improving myself. |
bibby7 wrote:
I am trying to remember where I heard hypocicrsy, such as this, Spider.. Wait!! I got it..Rush Limbaugh, Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Baker.. and the number two answer:... "God will take me if my ministry doesn't get a million daoolars>.. I rreserved the number one for you, a most hard working snake oil saleseman!! ======================================================================================== SpiderCMB replied: WOuld you care to tell me how I am a hypocrite? Perhaps you could quote a some examples? I'm always interested in improving myself. |