Topic: I finally did it | |
I've been wanting to get some fish and start geting into that hobby, and I finally started, after doing some research. I bought the Aqua Culture Home Aquarium Starter Kit 14 and the Aqua Culture Deluxe Aquarium Stand 20/23/29. I bought the stand because the desk I was going to use broke in half when I leaned on it. I got the gravel, gravel cleaner, a decoration, live plant bulbs, fish net, aquarium background, heater, thermometer, and air pump today. I set everything up a few hours ago and it seems to be running great so far.
I created a blog at Blogger that will eventually be able to help others, but for now it's just a way for me to keep track of what I'm doing. I'm going to buy ammonia/nitrite/nitrate test kits tomorrow and keep a record of the readings on my computer. I'm also going to buy dechlorinator/dechlorininator(?) and pure/clear amonia. I've been doing alot of research online and I get free support from Tetra Care. From what I've read, it may take a few monthes before I can add any fish, this is fine with me. I'm going to research my fish choices and get the one best suited for my aquarium, I've been thinking about starting out with a Betta, but 'm not sure. |
I use to have fish. Fresh and saltwater. I had seahorses in the saltwater tank. It was a great hobby to have!
and there was me hoping for a big confession
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GREAT HOBBY! I love my fish...but they are outside...i have more succes with my goldfish /koi pond then i did with aquarium fish. But, I have friends that love their tropical ans salt water aquariums.
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I'm sure you already know that you can only have one male Beta in your tank... They are beautiful, flashy fish & I have mixed them with female Beta's (kinda' blah looking) & Oscars (of the same size). But I'm not an expert... I had some milk jugs soaking with soapy water...was going to fill them with distilled roomie thought they were "good water" jugs & used 'em to fill the tank...woke up the next morning to bubbles & dead fish...
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I'm sure you already know that you can only have one male Beta in your tank... They are beautiful, flashy fish & I have mixed them with female Beta's (kinda' blah looking) & Oscars (of the same size). But I'm not an expert... I had some milk jugs soaking with soapy water...was going to fill them with distilled roomie thought they were "good water" jugs & used 'em to fill the tank...woke up the next morning to bubbles & dead fish... ![]() Aw, that's horrible. ![]() I just filled my tank with tap water and added water conditioner that came with my aquarium. Distilled would probably be better, or does it really matter? Yeah, I know there can only be one male betta in a tank. I've never seen a female betta. I was kinda thinking of getting two Betta males and betting on which one would win, like **** fighting, but with fish, hold underground matches. Maybe even spiking the water with steroids, to bulk them up, and put little weights on their fins. ![]() |
GREAT HOBBY! I love my fish...but they are outside...i have more succes with my goldfish /koi pond then i did with aquarium fish. But, I have friends that love their tropical ans salt water aquariums. ![]() When I own a home, I want to put a pond in with fish, I would think that would be easier thn an aquarium, it would be closer to nature. |