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Topic: how long is it........
no photo
Fri 05/01/09 07:29 PM
Dan u clearly do not need anyone to big u up, u manage just dandy yourself :wink:

buttons's photo
Fri 05/01/09 07:30 PM

laugh laugh laugh
want me to answer for you?laugh laugh
laugh you know you'll always be back.!!laugh drinker
of course dear cause your a 10:wink:

a movie?
bo derek?
dudley moore?
all aroundbigsmile

Dan99's photo
Fri 05/01/09 07:34 PM

Dan u clearly do not need anyone to big u up, u manage just dandy yourself :wink:

Yeah but if i say i have got a big nob myself everyone will think i am lying! lol

no photo
Fri 05/01/09 07:36 PM

Dan u clearly do not need anyone to big u up, u manage just dandy yourself :wink:

Yeah but if i say i have got a big nob myself everyone will think i am lying! lol

he is not lying ask him for a pic swap and u will see for yourself!

Dan99's photo
Fri 05/01/09 07:37 PM

Dan u clearly do not need anyone to big u up, u manage just dandy yourself :wink:

Yeah but if i say i have got a big nob myself everyone will think i am lying! lol

he is not lying ask him for a pic swap and u will see for yourself!

You are really not doing my reputation any favours! lol

no photo
Fri 05/01/09 07:40 PM

Dan u clearly do not need anyone to big u up, u manage just dandy yourself :wink:

Yeah but if i say i have got a big nob myself everyone will think i am lying! lol

he is not lying ask him for a pic swap and u will see for yourself!

You are really not doing my reputation any favours! lol

i am paying u back! lol :wink:

Dan99's photo
Fri 05/01/09 07:42 PM

Dan u clearly do not need anyone to big u up, u manage just dandy yourself :wink:

Yeah but if i say i have got a big nob myself everyone will think i am lying! lol

he is not lying ask him for a pic swap and u will see for yourself!

You are really not doing my reputation any favours! lol

i am paying u back! lol :wink:

haha well you just keep away from my back, ok?! lol

no photo
Fri 05/01/09 07:43 PM
i'm off to bed but just for the record all sizes in this thread are approximate biggrin

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Fri 05/01/09 07:46 PM

Dan99's photo
Fri 05/01/09 07:49 PM
G'night Fifer. Dont dream of me!

So what was this thread about again?

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Fri 05/01/09 08:43 PM
Can u send this thread to MIRROR? I don't know hoW? slaphead

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 05/01/09 08:47 PM

......... since mirror posted a poser about love? :heart:
waving Goodnightwaving

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 08:48 PM
it has been awhile scince i seen mirror post a love thread

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 08:49 PM
there she is night mirror

no photo
Fri 05/01/09 08:51 PM

......... since mirror posted a poser about love? :heart:

Well, my glucose levels have plummeted & I believe the danger of diabetic coma has passed...so, I'll say it's been a while!

no photo
Sat 05/02/09 02:30 AM
has it been done? has mirror posted yet? love

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