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Topic: when people say...
7z3r05's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:12 PM
Edited by 7z3r05 on Thu 04/30/09 01:15 PM
when people say '________' it makes me want to murder them.

for me it would be when i hear someone ask for something by saying 'can i get...'

ex: customer - 'can i get a side of mayo?'
me - 'can i get your innards stir-fried with wantons?'

a_shields's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:14 PM
haahahaaa!! finally my kind of humor

no photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:16 PM
"Can I get your *honest* opinion?" Yeah, right... that's a load of bull dung!

writer_gurl's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:18 PM
When people say Sweetie, sugar, honey, dear, hottie and sexy when I first meet them

jedigirl's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:18 PM
anything that is internet, gtg, wtf....

its for typing purposes....for the love of god i heard lol was going to be put in the dictonary....someone give my a knife so i can stab away the hate....huh

Mr_Music's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:19 PM
That's equally as bad (for me) as "Gimme a...."

Such as, when at a gas station, and someone goes up to the counter and says, "Gimme a pack of Marlboros."

I have not been beyond saying right out loud, "MAY I, PLEASE!" Then, when they get whatever it is they want and start walking away, I'll say, "THANK YOU!"

More often than not, all I get are dirty looks, as though I'M the one who's out of line. These workers don't owe you or anybody else a damn thing. They're performing a service for YOU, and at a less-than-desirable wage. The least you can do is show them a little frickin' common courtesy.

a_shields's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:19 PM

anything that is internet, gtg, wtf....

its for typing purposes....for the love of god i heard lol was going to be put in the dictonary....someone give my a knife so i can stab away the hate....huh


u r liek teh pwn. srsly

afk fap

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:20 PM

when people say '________' it makes me want to murder them.

for me it would be when i hear someone ask for something by saying 'can i get...'

ex: customer - 'can i get a side of mayo?'
me - 'can i get your innards stir-fried with wantons?'


jedigirl's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:21 PM

anything that is internet, gtg, wtf....

its for typing purposes....for the love of god i heard lol was going to be put in the dictonary....someone give my a knife so i can stab away the hate....huh


u r liek teh pwn. srsly

afk fap

i kinda wanna stab you right now...

7z3r05's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:21 PM
i hate fratboys...

i worked at wendys at ohio university for 2 years.

'can i get 3 jbc's no tomato and a value fry and a jr frosty'

me - '4.95'

auburngirl's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:21 PM

When people say Sweetie, sugar, honey, dear, hottie and sexy when I first meet them

Ohhh that pisses me off too! And another one like it is when in a restaurant and the waitress is young enough to be your kid and she says "Can I get you anything else, HON?" I feel myself tighten up and it is allll I can do to say I am NOT your HON! laugh I have no idea why that bugs me so much.

7z3r05's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:22 PM

anything that is internet, gtg, wtf....

its for typing purposes....for the love of god i heard lol was going to be put in the dictonary....someone give my a knife so i can stab away the hate....huh


u r liek teh pwn. srsly

afk fap

i kinda wanna stab you right now...

i too am fluent in 1337

Savitar's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:23 PM
For me ,its when someone says "This taste like crap , here try it "

bastet126's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:23 PM

When people say Sweetie, sugar, honey, dear, hottie and sexy when I first meet them

yep, ditto! might not wanna murder them for it, but it does grate on the nerves!

jedigirl's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:25 PM

anything that is internet, gtg, wtf....

its for typing purposes....for the love of god i heard lol was going to be put in the dictonary....someone give my a knife so i can stab away the hate....huh


u r liek teh pwn. srsly

afk fap

i kinda wanna stab you right now...

i too am fluent in 1337


PATSFAN's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:26 PM
" I'm getting married"laugh laugh

jedigirl's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:26 PM
((((bastet))) long time no talkyflowerforyou

alternativa's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:37 PM
When people say... "I think we should talk" in an email on here, but that's all they say in their note. frustrated

Okaaaaay.... want to elaborate a bit on what we should talk about? I mean, I gave enough things to open with in my profile... pick one and start the conversation! rant

bastet126's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:38 PM

((((bastet))) long time no talkyflowerforyou

i just couldn't stay away!! flowerforyou

jedigirl's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:39 PM

((((bastet))) long time no talkyflowerforyou

i just couldn't stay away!! flowerforyou

ditto...glad your back!!drinker drinker

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