Topic: Social Anxiety SUCKS!!!!!! | |
I have had extreme anxiety for as long as I can remember. Just being around people makes me turn red, feel hot, have sweaty hands, and usually I end up making a complete ass out of myself. I normally just resort to being basically a hermit having little to no contact with the real world. It really sounds sad... I have tried things like the Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety and it almost felt like a job to me so I couldn't even get past the first week, what a waste of $500 that was. I'm 24 have only kissed one girl, never been in a relationship which obviously means I am still a virgin. What I am here asking for is if there are any people on here that somehow got over their anxieties, I'm talking extreme cases like staying in your room and not having many, if any, friends. Boy I sound like a complete idiot.
Thanks for any replies. |
Edited by
Thu 04/30/09 08:41 AM
Go back to the therapy. It works. If you want your situation to change, only you have the power to do so. Empower yourself, you can't do this without help, and no post is going to fix this. Go call them.
You do NOT sound like an idiot... Let me ask a question: Are there any other members of your family that have anxiety as well?
I think that sometimes, people do have a genetic propensity for anxiety & other similar disorders... I KNOW it runs in my family...on the Native American side. I have an Uncle who hasn't left his house in over 40yrs... I myself, have suffered bouts of extreme social anxiety. One of the best things you can do is educate yourself. Read everything you can about the disorder. This CAN be beaten...but you have to be willing to ask for & accept help...Good luck! ![]() |
You sound like you suffer from Agoraphobia (fear of being in large or social gatherings) My sister quit her job of 10 years, let her car sit, and lived inside her house for and entire year. She had a son and couldn't go outside. Her boyfriend at the time had to do everything. She gets help through counceling and medication. Look it up on the net and see if you have the same symptoms also she has extreme anxiety where she can see, hold things, and has extreme difficulty in breathing. The medication helps but you have to take it.
Edited by
Thu 04/30/09 08:57 AM
Maybe that Midwestcenter for your anxiety didn't work for you.. remember not every product etc works for every one or body.
If you haven't tired therapy then if I was you I would try it. I have anxiety.. my is generalized anxiety disorder.. meaning I also have OCD too, it isn't fun by no means but when it comes down to wanting something so bad I just put my mind over my fears and go for it.. that is whatever I want. Hey if one therapy doesn't work then try another one, until you can find the right one for you. Try some deep breathing or working out at a gym if you can handle that etc. But one thing I have learned over the years with dealing with my disorder that is.. to never give up and never let it take full total control over your life. I admit that when I was in therapy that it seemed to help me at least talk about every thing from how my day went to how my week is going etc and how I can better my self, I didn't see it much as going to therapy as more like a life coach.. some one just helping you along the way etc. But you have to want this for your self and no body else. Also your not alone about not having sex at your age. I though on the other hand am awaiting for the right woman if there is ever such a thing that and to get out more and find out more etc. Also some meds can or might help you out, though meds is not for every body etc. I personaly can not take them because of some bad reactions I have had to a few I was taken in the pass, so I just deal with my disorder to the best I can and go with things. Good luck to you. |
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I don't think I have Agoraphobia, I can go out places and have a good time by myself or just with my family, but when I see someone, mainly a nice looking girl, I try to turn and go the other way trying not to make contact. I really want to get over this but it seems impossible to me, because the thoughts are always in my head. I think too much about what may happen or what could happen. I know it is all in my head and it is up to me to want to change but I don't see how I can be "brain washed" to think differently. I can't just walk up to someone and start a conversation no matter how many times somebody tells me to do it. And if someone tries to talk to me I try to end the conversation as quickly as I can. There is nobody that acts the way I do in my family that I know of. I feel I am very insignificant and feel nothing is lost without me. Am I just ranting along or what sorry...
Society sucks in general. I became a hermit, works for me...doesn't work for everyone. Socialize more, maybe? Hell, who am I to give advice on this subject I enjoy being alone lol...
yeah, i have social anxiety also. i'm not good face to face or in groups. but, put me behind a computer and i shine. it's just something to deal with.
at least you're not fat to go along with it. my self image is one of the reasons i am the way i am. . . . |
Go do something about it.
Go do something about it. i'm thinking about it. sorta have a lot on my plate right now. self image isn't real high on the priority list. . . . |
Go do something about it. i'm thinking about it. sorta have a lot on my plate right now. self image isn't real high on the priority list. . . . I was actually talking to the OP... but you either do, or you don't. If you choose don't, to both you and the OP, stop whining about it. |
There is therapy specially for social anxiety, where they create safe and monitored social environments to help you in social situations. Seeking out therapy is a good idea. One of the ways to get over a social anxiety is through exposure therapy. Best wishes!
Go do something about it. i'm thinking about it. sorta have a lot on my plate right now. self image isn't real high on the priority list. . . . I was actually talking to the OP... but you either do, or you don't. If you choose don't, to both you and the OP, stop whining about it. i wasn't whining, i was trying to relate to the OP so that he knows that there are others who share in his plight. . . . |
Drew, you whine about it all the time.
Drew, you whine about it all the time. i haven't whined about it in a long time. i'm pretty sure anyway. go back through my posts and let me know. . . . |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Please. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Please. thought you'd like that. but i'm pretty sure i've put the whining on the back burner. i admit that i still complain about nice guys being overlooked (in general). . . . |
Drew.... I'm trying to light a fire here....
Drew.... I'm trying to light a fire here.... not under me i hope. i've got gas. . . . |