Topic: To Know What Love Really Is
MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 04/29/09 09:25 PM
:heart:Do you think that somebody must have their heart broken or lose love at least once to know what love really is?:heart:

RyanJonx33's photo
Wed 04/29/09 09:27 PM
At first when I read this.. I thought yes. But the more I think about it, I think it all depends on the person. I think some people just know when they are in love and some people need to love and have their heart broken to know what it is. Unfortionately, I fell into the second bracket. =\

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 04/29/09 09:31 PM

At first when I read this.. I thought yes. But the more I think about it, I think it all depends on the person. I think some people just know when they are in love and some people need to love and have their heart broken to know what it is. Unfortionately, I fell into the second bracket. =\
biggrin well saiddrinks

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 04/29/09 09:39 PM

RyanJonx33's photo
Wed 04/29/09 09:42 PM
I <3 dragons, lol.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 04/29/09 09:44 PM

I <3 dragons, lol.
drinker laugh drinker

woodford's photo
Wed 04/29/09 09:46 PM
to know love is to know love. to have lost it is to know that side of one of the strongest emotions we have. its not to say you dont know love untell you have lost it. it just makes you apreciate what you had is all.

kinda like when I finish my cup cake..... I miss it and apreciate the next one I get ROFL

RyanJonx33's photo
Wed 04/29/09 09:49 PM

to know love is to know love. to have lost it is to know that side of one of the strongest emotions we have. its not to say you dont know love untell you have lost it. it just makes you apreciate what you had is all.

kinda like when I finish my cup cake..... I miss it and apreciate the next one I get ROFL

10-4 to that buddy. LOVE cupcakes, lmao.

no photo
Wed 04/29/09 09:50 PM
Edited by Audie on Wed 04/29/09 09:50 PM
I think it has to fail a few times to understand it

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 04/29/09 09:52 PM

to know love is to know love. to have lost it is to know that side of one of the strongest emotions we have. its not to say you dont know love untell you have lost it. it just makes you apreciate what you had is all.

kinda like when I finish my cup cake..... I miss it and apreciate the next one I get ROFL

Monier's photo
Wed 04/29/09 10:20 PM
I knew what love was long before my first relationship and I wanted it badly. Losing love taught me that other people don't place the same value on the word. That crushed the illusion.

The only thing left to do is keep love strong in our hearts and embrace it when you see it sincerely in others.

talktomebby's photo
Wed 04/29/09 10:37 PM
I think to truely know the pains love can bring, But not to know love itself

writer_gurl's photo
Wed 04/29/09 10:42 PM
In my experience there is no such thing as :heart:

There is only lust & infatuation....

woodford's photo
Wed 04/29/09 10:51 PM

In my experience there is no such thing as :heart:

There is only lust & infatuation....

Lust and Infatuation are parts of love. not all encompasing yet still parts. In a healthy and respectfull way.

not the creapy I keep your hair as a pillow or the thanks for the booty I got to go out of the country for a while kind.

more of the wild time together in the woods during a hike just couse the mood hit right then. and the "there are OTHER women in this world?? I cannot see anyone but you all else is as the muted time I spend away from you."

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 04/30/09 08:07 PM

I think it has to fail a few times to understand it

Savitar's photo
Thu 04/30/09 08:13 PM
I am gonna go with the Stick scenario i used in another thread. I can explain to you to what being smacked in the head with a stick feels like all day long , til i actually smack you with the stick . you aint truly going to understand . In short , somethings have to hurt atleast once to fully appreciate them

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 05/01/09 06:51 PM

In my experience there is no such thing as :heart:

There is only lust & infatuation....

misstina2's photo
Tue 05/26/09 01:50 PM

cityblues21's photo
Tue 05/26/09 01:57 PM

:heart:Do you think that somebody must have their heart broken or lose love at least once to know what love really is?:heart:

Or maybe to know what love really isn't...

misstina2's photo
Wed 05/27/09 01:32 PM