Topic: twitter
Riding_Dubz's photo
Wed 04/29/09 03:13 PM
Nope im not gonana say follow me....

Im deletin it...cuz i aian't no follower im a leader. :banana:

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Wed 04/29/09 03:18 PM
I'd be followin U with STARZ in my eyes! love

Riding_Dubz's photo
Wed 04/29/09 03:29 PM
I still got 20$ on me in arm wrestlin :banana:

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Wed 04/29/09 03:35 PM

I still got 20$ on me in arm wrestlin :banana:
Ha my arms are 15 inches before I FLEX! BABY! :wink:

Riding_Dubz's photo
Wed 04/29/09 03:36 PM
i wannna say something so bad but i aian't tryin to get in touble laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh devil devil devil

Riding_Dubz's photo
Wed 04/29/09 03:36 PM
tsk tsk smokin smokin smokin flowerforyou

Dan99's photo
Wed 04/29/09 03:39 PM
I hear twitter being mentioned all the time these days, but im proud to say i dont even know what it is exactly! Is it just another Myspace or Facebook kinda thing?

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 04/29/09 03:40 PM
scared I been getting threats on twitterscared

Riding_Dubz's photo
Wed 04/29/09 03:43 PM
Edited by Riding_Dubz on Wed 04/29/09 03:44 PM
twitter is no where near face book or myspace it upload a gps signal from your phone and post to the whole freaking wolrd where your at within like accurate 4600 feet..........

Riding_Dubz's photo
Wed 04/29/09 04:00 PM
got a little dirt on your shoulder mirror,

let me get that for you..

((((brushs shoulder off))))

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 04/29/09 04:06 PM

I hear twitter being mentioned all the time these days, but im proud to say i dont even know what it is exactly! Is it just another Myspace or Facebook kinda thing?

Ya but I just read an article today that says 60% of people who sign onto Twitter quit within the first month. It's not doing too well by those standards compared with FB and MS whose #'s kept rising not falling in the early days.

Just sayin guys ..

Dan99's photo
Wed 04/29/09 04:08 PM
Im not gonna bother with it.

Mingle is enough for me!

Riding_Dubz's photo
Wed 04/29/09 04:09 PM
i deleted my twitter kinda weirded me out you can pinpoint and exact location, scared scared scared

you mean you don't got a myspace dan. laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou ((kiddin))

Dan99's photo
Wed 04/29/09 04:13 PM
I was on myspace but my account just disappeared! I just stayed gone.

I have a facebook, but i rarely log on.

ladywolf9653's photo
Wed 04/29/09 04:15 PM
I've never even looked at twitter. I don't know anyone who cares enough about what I'm doing to want to-the-minute updates, lol.