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Topic: Openmindedness...
creativesoul's photo
Tue 04/28/09 12:50 AM
What does it mean to you?

IndnPrncs's photo
Tue 04/28/09 12:51 AM
not being closed minded.. bigsmile

creativesoul's photo
Tue 04/28/09 12:52 AM
What does closed-minded mean?

Queene123's photo
Tue 04/28/09 12:55 AM

What does closed-minded mean?

to dang quiet. not a out spoken person

IndnPrncs's photo
Tue 04/28/09 12:57 AM
Ok I'll be serious...

To "me" openminded means you're not closed off to new ideas, other opinions, stuck in a mindset and inflexible..

Closed minded means you are closed off to new ideas, you won't accept other ideas or opinions and you are inflexible...

When I see "openminded" in a guys profile I immediatly think he's wants something kinky or a intimate encounter.. I think that's b/c 9 out of 10 times when I read the balance of the profile it's shallow and alludes to kinky and or wanting sex...

creativesoul's photo
Tue 04/28/09 12:58 AM
Openmindedness = talkative

Closedmindedness = not talkative

Am I following this correctly?

creativesoul's photo
Tue 04/28/09 01:00 AM
To "me" openminded means you're not closed off to new ideas, other opinions, stuck in a mindset and inflexible..

Closed minded means you are closed off to new ideas, you won't accept other ideas or opinions and you are inflexible...

Are those inflexible definitions? bigsmile

Queene123's photo
Tue 04/28/09 01:01 AM

Openmindedness = talkative

Closedmindedness = not talkative

Am I following this correctly?

Closedmindedness = not talkative

yes but they also can be deep thinkers. as i have ran acorss that a number of times with guys

i also can be close minded at times.. for im thinking what to say.

IndnPrncs's photo
Tue 04/28/09 01:01 AM

Openmindedness = talkative

Closedmindedness = not talkative

Am I following this correctly?

not for my way of thinking.. That's what I'm talking about, thinking, acceptance of thoughts, opinions and ideas...

Like if you think all women are cheaters.. If people give you good arguments against it and you dig your heels into the dirt and refuse to see another's point of view then that is closed minded and inflexible...

creativesoul's photo
Tue 04/28/09 01:05 AM
I am wondering if it is safe to say that we are all closedminded in some ways?

Do we all not have absolute beliefs somewhere along the line?

IndnPrncs's photo
Tue 04/28/09 01:07 AM

I am wondering if it is safe to say that we are all closedminded in some ways?

Do we all not have absolute beliefs somewhere along the line?

You're right we are otherwise we'd be wishy washy...

No my definition isn't absolute, the dictionary would be absolute but it's really not about talking or not... unless of course you're not talking b/c you don't want to discuss an opinion you won't change :wink:

IndnPrncs's photo
Tue 04/28/09 01:10 AM
Merriam Websters

: receptive to arguments or ideas
— open–mind·ed·ly adverb
— open–mind·ed·ness noun

so closed minded would be the opposite no?

creativesoul's photo
Tue 04/28/09 01:14 AM
I do not find that it relates to one's ability or capability for talking either...

If we all are in some ways, and I believe this to be the case, then what is it that we hold so dear that we believe that it cannot be wrong?

That takes a whole lotta confidence does it not? I mean, something held that tightly is bound to have other thoughts and beliefs built upon it or around it...

Is our foundation that sturdy? This places great importance upon those things, one would think.

creativesoul's photo
Tue 04/28/09 01:17 AM
Merriam Websters

: receptive to arguments or ideas
— open–mind·ed·ly adverb
— open–mind·ed·ness noun

so closed minded would be the opposite no?

I would agree... but it does not necessarily follow that one must change what had been already believed, simply because one is open to arguments. That just implies that one is willing to hear another out... right?

Not necessarily agree with it though.


IndnPrncs's photo
Tue 04/28/09 01:18 AM
It's sort of like believing in God... Those that do have no proof but they have "faith"... Faith is belief and if we strongly believe in something it does not matter what anyone says they are not going to change our minds..

Another example "racism" it's stupid and ignorant but to racists my belief/agrument isn't going to change their belief...

creativesoul's photo
Tue 04/28/09 01:20 AM
Would one be closedminded if they refused to budge on an idea, even after they listened and contemplated other explanations...

IndnPrncs's photo
Tue 04/28/09 01:23 AM

Would one be closedminded if they refused to budge on an idea, even after they listened and contemplated other explanations...

but just any idea doesn't make them completely closed minded... If I budge on let's say 85% of different ideas put forth and there were a few I wouldn't b/c of my faith, ethics, stubborness, etc that doesn't make me closed minded b/c I am open more often than I'm closed, I just have certain things I won't budge on.. I would rather be that way though, I wouldn't want to change my mind every time someone told me something, I'd be on the fence like most politicians are and just going with the popular opinion, meaning I have no mind or thoughts of my own...

Italy0219's photo
Tue 04/28/09 01:24 AM

What does it mean to you?

It means even when I think I am 99.99% right about an opinion or subject that I take into consideration that I may be completely wrong. Or not judging...

creativesoul's photo
Tue 04/28/09 01:25 AM
Would it be correct to say that one is closedminded about a subject if it was evident that their understanding of it contained elements which disallowed for a true contemplation of contradicting evidence?

It is possible to flippantly dismiss contradiction to foundational beliefs, no matter whether religious or other...

IndnPrncs's photo
Tue 04/28/09 01:29 AM

Would it be correct to say that one is closedminded about a subject if it was evident that their understanding of it contained elements which disallowed for a true contemplation of contradicting evidence?

It is possible to flippantly dismiss contradiction to foundational beliefs, no matter whether religious or other...

It would be correct and yes it is possible... People are not perfect, thoughts are not perfect, beliefs are not perfect.. We are imperfect people in an imperfect world...

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