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Topic: MINGLE2 is now become DRAMA3!
longhairbiker's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:21 AM
Personal problems abound! Manic depression! Death, dismemberment, destruction! OMG! Its total chaos! Can't anyone think for themselves anymore? I'm starting to feel like a councelor/ clinical psychologist/ clinical psychiatrist/ clinical medical doctor/ marriage councelor/ hand holder/ butt wiper/ runny nose cleaner. Jeez! Put a bandaid on it, take your xanex, your vicoden, your budepion, your clorobenzeprine, your lunestra, and relax! Let me catch my breath!

Mr_Music's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:22 AM
Something vexes thee, Kyle? huh

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:23 AM

Personal problems abound! Manic depression! Death, dismemberment, destruction! OMG! Its total chaos! Can't anyone think for themselves anymore? I'm starting to feel like a councelor/ clinical psychologist/ clinical psychiatrist/ clinical medical doctor/ marriage councelor/ hand holder/ butt wiper/ runny nose cleaner. Jeez! Put a bandaid on it, take your xanex, your vicoden, your budepion, your clorobenzeprine, your lunestra, and relax! Let me catch my breath!
laugh If they ever change to another site again thats what it should be calledlaugh

longhairbiker's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:24 AM
YAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!you're all making me crazy with your drama!!!!!!! Quit it!!!!!

lilith401's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:26 AM
What's your favorite book and why?

prisoner's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:28 AM
:smile: i have found the site to be boring recently. if you know who any of the female drama queens and train wrecks are,tell them to drop me an e-mail. i've been really bored and could use some excitement be seeing you

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:28 AM
:tongue: Buncha co-dependent peoplelaugh

longhairbiker's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:30 AM
Hmmmmmmmmm....I wonder if I spammed everyone with all my PERSONAL PROBLEMS- if that would work? Ooops sorry- I have the ability to think for myself and solve my own PERSONAL PROBLEMS. I'm an idiot, and you know what? I don't need anyone to tell me I'm an idiot. I already know it! Look at me! I'm stupid!

lilith401's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:33 AM
LHB I chatted briefly with a guy Friday... I had to cancel a girl's night, just a dinner really, with a GF as my son's father cancelled. Her kids were with their father... so we rescheduled. Simple, yes?

I explain this to this guy and he was all... oh why didn't your friend want to see your kid? Why not just take him? What's the matter with you??? Woah..... it was freaky deaky. Not overly dramatic, but boy was he starting it...

You shoulda just told me your favorite book....:tongue:

longhairbiker's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:38 AM
And you just know that somewhere there is a doctor working on a medication for this. Root of the problem? Too much drama and personal problems being dumped on a FREE DATING site. Solution? Turn off your PC? Oh no that's too easy. Someones making a little pill somewhere with a smiley face emoticon on it that will make you more tolerant of the abuse of having depressing personal problems dumped on you over and over. And you of course know why? Because they can charge you for that pill and make boo coo for boo hoo money on it! Bring on the boo coo for boo hoo pill!!!!!!

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:38 AM
I think it's very helpful on a site like this to have posts about people's problems. I like it because I learn more about people by reading their responses to the problems. I can eliminate someone as a prospective date fairly quickly based on a few answers to different scenarios.

Mr_Music's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:41 AM
And you just know that somewhere there is a doctor working on a medication for this. Root of the problem? Too much drama and personal problems being dumped on a FREE DATING site.

Well, there's your problem! Don't go to dating sites!

Problem solved.

lilith401's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:42 AM
What if this was a pay site? Would it be better then?

buttons's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:43 AM
??? is this a dating site?laugh

Gossipmpm's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:45 AM
You tell em!

Why can't people lay back and relax anymore?

Just relax into their own skins and enjoy the feeling

Mr_Music's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:45 AM

??? is this a dating site?laugh


no photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:45 AM

I think it's very helpful on a site like this to have posts about people's problems. I like it because I learn more about people by reading their responses to the problems. I can eliminate someone as a prospective date fairly quickly based on a few answers to different scenarios.
to a degree here I can agree with this . You can learn a lot about a potential ( if thats what you want to call them) person. But I found the drama isn't necessary for that. But I also agree with LHB. there is to much drama on here sometimes. I wonder if its out of boredom or what. but then again I don't need to sit in front of this idiot box all day crying the blues. personal problems are just that "personal"..and should remain so . To divuldge certain information on a "dating site" ? thats when you get to know someone a whole lot better. And not strangers that happen to be on line...JMO

jtip1977's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:46 AM
I have this really big growth growing around my genitals. Can someone tell me what that may be????

longhairbiker's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:47 AM
What a depressing site over the weekend. I've never seen it so morbid. And you know what I learned? #1; I learned that people don't really give a crap for your advice or the self pity they are soliciting....they just want to vent. And #2; they are freaking miserable and are not going to be happy until you're miserable just like them because misery likes company. I had one chick tell me I'm pissing her off. Oh well, sorry I'm happy and refuse to be miserable with you. Freaking doom, gloom, and depression and insanity is not in my profile. And it won't be.

lilith401's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:48 AM

I have this really big growth growing around my genitals. Can someone tell me what that may be????

Did you leave the pump on too long? It might be growing into your skin. Try Exteenze instead!

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