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Topic: It's very difficult....
Jess642's photo
Sun 04/26/09 11:17 PM
Are you alone?

Are you truly alone?


And is it dying?

or leaving the mortal body?

soundedmind's photo
Sun 04/26/09 11:18 PM
... doesn't suck as much as living alone. Now THAT is hard.

s1owhand's photo
Sun 04/26/09 11:22 PM
loneliness is different for different people. it is very possible for some that being alone does not feel lonely at all. conversely (as has beem pointed out here many times before) it is very possible to feel lonely even when surrounded by others - even others who care.

loneliness is funny like that. it is very personal and subjective and depends primarily on the emotional state of the individual.

a_shields's photo
Mon 04/27/09 12:35 AM
Edited by a_shields on Mon 04/27/09 12:42 AM
i'm more worried about dying without having done something notable. newton died alone, and we still talk about what he did.

i think dying only sucks when you die before you could do what you wanted to do.

no photo
Mon 04/27/09 03:24 AM
We all die.... alone....in the rain.........

no photo
Mon 04/27/09 04:13 AM
You begin to die at the moment of conception. Your body continues to die, and it doesn't matter what age you are when it finally shuts down, it's been dieing all along. What's there to really fear?
Death is merely another step in the journey that we all have to take. And I suppose it depends on what your faith and beliefs are as to whether you die alone.
Mine tells me that when my moment comes my Goddess will be there with arms wide open welcoming me home. Christianity says that if you've been a good person and gotten saved that your loved ones will be there waiting for you as will Jesus.
It doesn't matter where my earthly body is when it gives out, doesn't matter who's there with me or who's not...they aren't the ones I want to see. I hope I am blessed enough to have the opportunity to tell the people I love that I love them and good bye, but if not..in my heart I know they'll KNOW.

soundedmind's photo
Mon 04/27/09 06:44 AM
I wonder if anyone has invented synchronized dying.... Maybe we should...

Peekinin's photo
Mon 04/27/09 06:47 AM
you come in alone

you go out alone

Its what you do in between that counts:wink: flowerforyou

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 04/27/09 07:08 AM
I would prefer to have my family and friends close by, but I guess it will happen how it happens.

Speaking of dying, there is a really good document out there that everyone should have filled out in the event they are no longer able to make their own medical decisions. Like in the event of an auto accident or sudden illness. I filled one out and it took about a half hour. You really don't even have to write anything - just check boxes. It could save your loved ones a tremendous amount of trouble and pain as well as yourself if you don't want to be kept alive under certain conditions.


Fast, easy, free.

no photo
Mon 04/27/09 07:16 AM
I wish to die alone. I do not want people hanging around me waiting for me to take my last breath. And say afterwards how that is a relief he is gone now, he was suffering so much. Its harder on them I would think.

But then I am strange because after my death, my request is to be cremated and have my ashes put into a coffee can and set out with the trash on Tuesday. No services , no final farewells and no way spreading my ashes over the ocean.People do not need to have closure with me. Either they have it before hand or they don't .

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