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Topic: Would you eat a ...
Marley's photo
Thu 04/23/09 10:19 AM
...a date, if asked?

beautyfrompain's photo
Thu 04/23/09 10:21 AM
Edited by beautyfrompain on Thu 04/23/09 10:21 AM
that's confidential

ledi180's photo
Thu 04/23/09 10:21 AM

no photo
Thu 04/23/09 10:21 AM
Marley, what are you thinking? :tongue: slaphead

beautyfrompain's photo
Thu 04/23/09 10:22 AM

Marley, what are you thinking? :tongue: slaphead

He's thinking of roasting weiners.

lilith401's photo
Thu 04/23/09 10:23 AM
Yes, they are chewy too.

JasmineInglewood's photo
Thu 04/23/09 10:25 AM
we shall now see how dirty the mods' minds are...

PATSFAN's photo
Thu 04/23/09 10:32 AM
If it passes the testbigsmile

Marley's photo
Thu 04/23/09 10:37 AM

If it passes the testbigsmile

Yes, yes. A smell test of sorts. One can't be too careful about what one eats in thsi day and age.

Marley's photo
Thu 04/23/09 10:38 AM

Marley, what are you thinking? :tongue: slaphead

About dates.

no photo
Thu 04/23/09 10:39 AM

Marley, what are you thinking? :tongue: slaphead

About dates.

laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 04/23/09 10:42 AM
I like dates when they are fresh and juicy. I'll eat those

but dried dates are too chewey and taste kinda dusty

DTHRomeo's photo
Thu 04/23/09 10:46 AM
Sure ... eating out is fun

DTHRomeo's photo
Thu 04/23/09 10:47 AM
Oh wait ... what exactly are we talking about here?spock

no photo
Thu 04/23/09 11:31 AM
of course I would..... ummm which date are you actually referring to here.. well it doesn't make a difference I guess.

no photo
Thu 04/23/09 11:35 AM
ONLY if the date possessed nutrient information as I am on a STRICT diet blushing :wink:

no photo
Thu 04/23/09 11:57 AM
They are wonderful when filled with cream cheese...but they kinda' remind me of a cockroach...

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Thu 04/23/09 11:58 AM
yes but i prefer figs. ;p

Jess642's photo
Thu 04/23/09 02:56 PM
Dates, figs, raisins, sultanas....yes.

jtip1977's photo
Thu 04/23/09 02:58 PM
As long as there isn't any tuna with it

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