Topic: the Planned killing of America
davinci1952's photo
Tue 05/08/07 05:21 AM
In 1913 International Bankers created our national banking system,
better known as the Federal Reserve System. Using banks that they have
privately owned for centuries they created the Federal Reserve System as
a vehicle by which to steal our nations entire supply of gold and they
have left us holding paper money that will ultimately become worthless.
They have used the IRS to intimidate us with financial ruin if we dare
to resist their tyrannical system of taxation.

U.S. Congressman Charles Lindbergh Senior, said in 1913 regarding the
Federal Reserve Act, "This act establishes the most gigantic trust
(monopoly) on earth. When the President (Wilson) signs the act, the
invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money
Trust Investigation, will be legalized. The new law will create
inflation whenever the trusts want inflation. From now on depression
will be scientifically created. The worst legislative crime of the ages
is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill." Ignoring warnings
from such patriotic men in 1913 President Woodrow Wilson approved the
Federal Reserve Act concentrating control of America's money in the
hands of the small group of men who dominate this private corporation. A
decade later the former President, Woodrow Wilson, opined, "I am a most
unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial
Nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is
concentrated (centralized). The growth of the Nation, therefore, and all
our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of
the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated
Governments in the world -- no longer a Government of free opinion, no
longer a Government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a
Government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men."
Years earlier Woodrow Wilson had said the following; "There's a power so
organized, so subtle, so watchful, so pervasive, so interlocked, that
you'd better not speak above your breath when you mention it, in
condemnation of it."

Baron M. A. Rothschild said in the 18th century " Give me control over
a nations currency, and I care not who makes the laws." One Hundred
Years later President James A. Garfield (who was later assassinated)
echoed Baron M.A. Rothschild when he said "Whoever controls the volume
of money in any country is absolute master of all commerce and
industry." Those in control of the New World Order have been
orchestrating this plan for centuries and they have shrewdly understood
that control of the monetary systems of all nations is the key to
implementing iron fisted control over the nations of the world. Nobel
Prize winning economist, Paul Samuelson wrote in Economics, Fourth
Edition."The Federal Reserve is an omnipotent, benevolent
counterfeiter." We agree with Samuelson that the Fed is an omnipotent
counterfeiter, however it is most certainly not "benevolent."

An integral part of the plan for world domination is the dumbing down
of the average American. Those who are behind this push for one world
government have used the public schools to indoctrinate our children in
anti-Christian ideas and anti-American ideology. The public schools have
been their primary weapon in the war to destroy our children's future,
indoctrinating them in liberalism and by intentionally giving them a
substandard education. The ability of all Americans to read, to think
and to reason clearly is at an all time low. One reason for this is
because the public schools refuse to use phonics to teach children how
to read. Why? Because colleges of education financed by the Rockefeller
foundation do not teach the teachers of tomorrow the phonics method of
reading instruction. Instead they use the "Look - Say" method which has
proved a dismal failure (just as they planned?). Presently the public
schools are more interested in teaching our children about condoms than
mathematics. Why? Because those who are in control of the educational
establishment know that they must demoralize and "dumb down" America
before they can disarm us, suspend the United States Constitution and
put us under their absolute control.
this either sounds like paranoid mutterings to some...but it does have a
certain "ah ha"
affect also...
take a long look at america and ask yourself if some of this rings

no photo
Tue 05/08/07 06:44 AM
Duming down america + programing true

Gryphyn's photo
Tue 05/08/07 07:42 AM
If only it wasn't true. Lets see what laws I can break today and not be
punished for it!!!

davinci1952's photo
Tue 05/08/07 01:46 PM

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/08/07 03:35 PM
davinci, I think that aliens going to kiss you man!laugh laugh

daniel48706's photo
Tue 05/08/07 03:58 PM
looks to me like the alien is giving a reach around to him as we speak

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/08/07 04:07 PM
do you think its squezzing his ass? LMAO

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 05/08/07 08:12 PM
The Federal Reserve System seems to have been in the right place at the
right time. It is partially because of this system that globalization
has been able to develop so rapidly.

There is no way at this time, that any change to the Federal Reserve
system can be established, unless it is done behind our backs, with the
blessing of this nations "powers" to support Monetary and financial
unity in this world. This, by the way, would seem the most logical step
toward becoming a world order.

I am in favor of a world order, but I believe, we, being ingrained with
the nature and mentality of being Americans, will suffer most, in it's

The Federal Reserve System as it stands today, is on its way out. It is
my theory that OUR govenment is so involved with this finanacial world
reorganization, because THEY/WE want to maintain the controling
interest in its oversight.

It almost seems that someone in America took the comments from your
quote to heart. Follow the holder of the money!

davinci1952's photo
Wed 05/09/07 05:10 AM
It's not an alien...its an international banker...noway noway

Redy...I dont think a world power structure is possible...right now
the world is being controlled by bankers & super corporations...
Do they have the interests of the people as their concern...or are
they only concerned with profits...

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Wed 05/09/07 05:16 AM
I certainly HOPE my wishes in my last will and testiment are respected.
I have clearly stated i want my body shipped to Utah to the good ol IRS
with a toe tag reading "you took from me my entire life...keep the

davinci1952's photo
Wed 05/09/07 05:31 AM
I like that barbie...:tongue: :tongue:

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 05/09/07 06:09 AM
davinci, you hit the proverbial nail. I think there has been thoughts
by those long gone, of a united global economy. It was the exponetial
growth of technology that has pushed us futher in this endeavor than
perhaps we were ready for.

However, it may be that nature, God, or our own conscience has led us
this far this fast, as it seems necessary to unite for the preservation
the worlds environment and our species.

It is logical that the worlds most educated and wealthiest would begin
the eveolution toward world order. How are beginning?

Right now, the UN in conjunction with America, Canada, UK and many
others are reviewing the Federal Reserve System and looking to create a
'single, same rate' monetary system. Once in place, it will unite the
worlds larges powers, and make a foothold with which to 'convert' the
rest of the world.

Globalization. Follow the money!

Scary, that those in power take the authority to do this, virtually
behind the publics back. I wonder what propaganda will come out, when
the changes begin.

no photo
Wed 05/09/07 06:56 AM
Essential Information

no photo
Fri 05/11/07 07:30 PM
The Book now free

The Deliberate Duming Down of America

E Book down load is now free PDF 11MB
This book will change forever the way you look at your child's


Barns & Noble # 1

Best Seller in its history of Education category

also visit America Deception . com

at this site for 200 more PDF books and down loads

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 05/11/07 08:54 PM
funlover, I could not get to either of these sites.

no photo
Fri 05/11/07 10:42 PM
This will get you to them

Right top of the page Essential Information

The reading room has a link to the book PDF 11MB

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 05/12/07 06:41 PM
Prepare yourselves. This is foretold and we are told to"come out of her
my people or partake in the wtath of her sins"