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Topic: Kids & Porn
no photo
Thu 04/16/09 09:28 PM

I actually had something similar happen to my daughter when she was 10 or 11. She was trying to do a report on a president and went to Whitehouse.com instead of whitehouse.gov, or whatever it really is. Turns out whitehouse.com was, at the time, an adult web site with no warning page. My daughter thought she had typed it wrong so she did it again. The librarian at the school saw her do it and took her to the office. Even after she explained what happened they said they had to suspend her because of their 'no tolerance' policy.

I explained that if they suspended her that my attorney would be contacting them about why they didn't protect my daughter against exposure to it.

They decided to let it slide.

That shows you how much teachers know about the internet. Very little or they would have understood what happened.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 04/16/09 09:34 PM
"Boys will be boys" in reference to sexual stuff is the prerequisite for "men will be men" and they are both reasons men feel being out of control of their own sexual parts and activity is excusable.

Men need to understand from day one that they are not lead through life by their hormones nor penis. They need to know self responsibility.

You will hear men say "well she threw it at me how could I turn it down" or " I only did her because I was horny" " I screw around on my wife because she doesn't do what I like or give me enough"

Men are not at the mercy of the uncontrollable penis and they need to be taught this coming up.

As for the kids in the OP. It is a violation at the school, it is probably a violation at home, I would guess, possibly illegal too. They need to be held responsible for their actions definitely and the school needs to get a better filter on their computers.

Lynann's photo
Thu 04/16/09 09:38 PM
Edited by Lynann on Thu 04/16/09 09:43 PM
"Ahhh for the 70 All you had to worry about was mom finding the stack of nudie magazines under the bed..Ahh for the 70s"

Humm Temp are you related to Gio? He pines with equal passion for the 50's haha

tngxl65 Grats you for dealing with the school staff. I have seen those sorts of tactics many times over the years. It's great to hear you stepped up.

A lot of this goes to parents who are too stupid, too busy or to selfish to parent. They don't all fit into the same level of blame...if blame is the right word.

Parents expect schools to do what they either cannot or will not do it seems.

No good comes from sheltering children just as no good comes from criminalizing childish adventures.

This is all about shame and the Puritan mentality so many seem to embrace. Thump that Bible!

Then...at the first scent of controversy some hysteric is going to file charges or demand a teacher be fired or a book be pulled because their precious snowflake heard a political view that wasn't embraced at home, learned more about sex than just say no or babies come out of ovens, learned that not all the world shuffles along bound to the myths of their religion....heck...schools teaching children to read banned books, to explore, to challenge conventional thought...OMG to question authority?

Quick...burn the books! Fire the teachers! Fire up the torches!


""Boys will be boys" in reference to sexual stuff is the prerequisite for "men will be men" and they are both reasons men feel being out of control of their own sexual parts and activity is excusable."

I completely disagree with this.

The sexual curiosity of a child isn't ugly or shameful. Healthy sexual desires are not eithernot in boys..not in men either.

Shame Shame...you have desires...oh..it makes you go blind...you are going to hell...it makes me ill...wow...

Issues all over the place

Foliel's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:39 AM
I remember in the 5th grade we were gonna have sex ed class and my mother was going to keep me home that day lol. My meme told her that she can't do that and that it would be in my best interest to allow me to go (since she had to sign a permission slip). In the end I attended school that day.

I am saddened by the number of thing that people think counselin is needed for. When I was growing up the only thing I needed counseling for was for being raped. Nowadas people need counseling for everything, kid misbehaves "Oh they need counseling", kid sees porn or is caught masturbating "Oh he/she needs counseling"

starts to mumble "stupid salem witch trials all over again"

Lynann's photo
Fri 04/17/09 09:34 AM
You are so right Foliel

SharpShooter10's photo
Sun 04/19/09 09:00 PM

Okay folks...did these kids commit a crime?

Is there a difference between a wrong doing and a crime?

Will...boys just be boys? Is that wrong?

5th-graders who viewed porn could face charges
American Fork » Boys searched for sex images on school computer.

By Lisa Schencker

The Salt Lake Tribune
Updated: 04/15/2009 10:50:59 PM MDT

Two American Fork fifth-graders could face criminal charges for looking at pornography on a school computer, but some people are wondering how they were able to access the images in the first place.

Police were called last week after two 11-year-old boys at Forbes Elementary School pulled up images of sexual acts on a school computer and then showed the pictures to nine other students, said American Fork Police Sgt. Gregg Ludlow. The incident came to light when one child told a parent and another told the principal.

Ludlow called the images "pretty explicit" but declined to elaborate. He said the boys made multiple attempts on different days to access inappropriate material. Ultimately, they typed the word "lesbian" into a search engine and were able to pull up pictures not blocked by the school's Internet filter.

The school suspended the boys for two days. They could face charges in juvenile court of dealing in material harmful to a minor or lesser charges for viewing pornography at school, or be referred to the probation department instead of going to court, among other possibilities, said Chris Yannelli, deputy Utah County Attorney. If they are adjudicated in juvenile court, consequences range from community service to serving time in a juvenile detention facility, he said.

Rhonda Bromley, Alpine School District spokeswoman, said district officials decided to involve police based on the seriousness of the case.

"The bottom
line is, because of the age it's obviously a sensitive thing, but what they did was inappropriate, and it was wrong, so as educators and a society hopefully we need to help them learn that," Bromley said. "It's a little disappointing to hear people say, "Boys will be boys.' ... I don't know what the magic age is when people can stop saying 'Well, boys will be boys.'"

Ludlow said the boys subjected the other children to something they might not otherwise have seen.

"Our main emphasis is not to hammer these kids," Ludlow said. "If we can get them into the juvenile justice system and make sure they're getting some counseling or other services, that's our end goal."

But some say it was the school's responsibility to make sure inappropriate material was blocked from classroom computers, and the students shouldn't face criminal charges. A woman who identified herself as the mother of one of the boys spoke to host Doug Wright during his morning radio show Tuesday on KSL. She said the boys should not have been able to access the images.

"My first reaction was, 'Why did you do something so stupid?' but then I'm like, 'How? How did you do this? How was this able to be accessed when I send you to school and there are supposed to be filtration systems?' " she said on the show. "We are so disturbed at how this could be accessible at school."

Bromley said the district uses a filtration system provided through the Utah Education Network (UEN). All schools must have Internet filters in order to get federal discounts on telecommunication services and Internet access. Jim Stewart, UEN director of technical services, said 38 of the state's 40 school districts use the filter provided through UEN, as do all the state's charter schools. The other two districts, Jordan and Salt Lake City, have their own filtering systems.

The state also requires schools to hand out forms for parents and students to sign each year agreeing to use the Internet appropriately.

Stewart said the filter works by blocking millions of Web sites that contain inappropriate material, everything from pornography to hate speech. Every day, the company that runs the filter adds thousands of new Web sites to the list of sites to be blocked.

Stewart said it can be a challenge to keep up with the constant creation of new pornographic Web sites.

"The pornography sites are constantly changing and adding urls, and filtering providers are constantly out there on a search for those," Stewart said. He said school districts can also block Web sites beyond those on the list. Bromley said Alpine has since taken steps to block the types of sites the boys accessed.

She said the district is also looking into how to handle student Internet access when substitutes are assigned to classrooms. Normally, the boys' teacher would have been able to see all the students' screens on her computer, but a substitute who didn't have access to that system was teaching that day, Bromley said. She said the school has since rearranged the room so that the teacher's desk will face students' computer screens. She said the principal also decided to no longer allow classes to use the computer lab when they have substitute teachers.

"Obviously it's a concern how they were able to get around the filter and how they were able to access it at school," Bromley said. "You want to feel like you can send your kids to school and you want to feel confident something like that isn't going to happen."

Boys WILL be Boys, the school should have filters on their computers against that type of thing. I realize these can be circumvented but to charge them with a crime is just stupid, charge the school with improper supervision

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 04/19/09 09:12 PM
My first impulse would be to BEAT the hell out of my son! I would not be happy he watched women being projected in this manner and to think this is the way women and men act in a loving sexual nature. Porn has changed the way sex is among people these days.
It's sad really.

But, my son did do something bad on the internet and was caught to the tune 900.00!!! This and the phone company and me had it out. I had to go to the bank and have them help me out with this. To get the money back. We got it back...but it took 30 days. The banker asked them why it was going to take 30 days when it didn't take that long for them to get it.

I had that long talk with him after that. I told him that these flicks were not real and women were not animals to be treated in the manner that they potrayed.

We talked a lot after that. He wore me out mentally. He grew into a good boy. He was the only one of my sons that got caught. I am sure he wasn't the only one.

My sister and her husband had to take the net away from their son. He found stuff that they were not too happy about. I actually found it for them. They didn't think he was doing anything. I said "ha!" And showed them. You should have seen their faces...he denyed it to the n'th.


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