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Topic: Death be not proud
DeathsTreaty's photo
Tue 04/14/09 06:57 PM
It sickens me...

It really does...

I promote not Death, but a chance to ease its pain by putting humor to it

A chance to see things easier maybe

I am sorry for those that have loss, but not just tonight

Words can only do but so much

It may not carry some as it may others

Remember that Death is not proud

It does not smile, laugh or enjoy

It is much like us

Caught in this twisted cycle

There is nothing or no one to truly blame but the reality of what we have no choice to stay in

Let words comfort you

For they are all I have

7z3r05's photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:00 PM
death is as unbiased as it gets.

no photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:07 PM

Thank you for your words, they are always, a comfort to me.

flowerforyou flowers

no photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:12 PM
The chief concern of medical science has been to postpone and avert death.Death in this context is now seen as less an event than a process: conditions once considered indicative of death are now reversible.Where in the process a dividing line is drawn between life and death depends on factors beyond the presence or absence of vital signs.In general, clinical death is neither necessary nor sufficient for a determination of legal death.A patient with working heart and lungs determined to be brain dead can be pronounced legally dead without clinical death occurring.Precise medical definition of death,in other words, becomes more problematic, paradoxically,as scientific knowledge and technology advance.Death remains a central mystery of life itself.:thumbsup:

DeathsTreaty's photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:15 PM
Death is not science or simple understanding

It is of what we dont know and will not fully understand and will not be able to reverse it for a better use

beautyfrompain's photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:21 PM
It's something we are all guaranteed.

DeathsTreaty's photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:25 PM
Does it need reason

It seeks none and need not answers

But for a human cause we seek for answer to comfort

We created a figure for Death yet what is the symbol for Life?

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:27 PM
bigsmile Who would dislike Mingles very own Jack Skellington?flowerforyou

beautyfrompain's photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:27 PM
The symbol for life for me is the Cross....where I became a new creation through Jesus Christ.

no photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:27 PM
flowerforyou (((DT)))

DeathsTreaty's photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:30 PM
Thats kind of funny Mirror ^^

but dislike me or not, it does not matter much to me or any other

as long as my words are read and given a chance to provoke thought for an intellectual sense

thats what I look forward to

but I try not to be greedy in the process

DeathsTreaty's photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:35 PM
Hello Trsmith ^^

May that Symbol stay strong and hold you even tighter

So many of us just cant find our Symbol and just miss the light

no photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:36 PM
life is a slow death

and some think, get it over with


no photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:36 PM
Hope all is well with you DT.

And thank you for your words. I think they inspire us all.

DeathsTreaty's photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:37 PM
They do

but who is there to tell them that they are wrong if right and wrong are what we make it

no photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:38 PM
I agree with you on that one

DeathsTreaty's photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:39 PM
All is not for me

I dont really want much of it

But still I stay for a chance to inspire at least one person everyday somehow

s1owhand's photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:40 PM
death is nothing
but it lasts forever
life is merely what is there until
but it is all that we can know

no photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:41 PM
Well you inspire me DT flowerforyou

DeathsTreaty's photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:42 PM
I like that a lot S1owhand ^^

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