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Here's a transcript of a call to Rush for you all to enjoy. HP….LIMBAUGH: We’re going to go to Chicago. This is Charles. Charles thank you for waiting and for calling. Great to have you here. Hello. CALLER: Thanks Rush. Rush listen, I voted Republican and I really didn’t want to see Obama get in office. But you know Rush, you’re one reason to blame for this election, for the Republicans losing. First of all, you kept harping about voting for Hillary. The second big issue was the torture issue. I’m a veteran. We’re not supposed to be torturing these people. This is not Nazi Germany, Red China, North Korea. There’s other ways of interrogating people, and you just kept harping about, it’s okay, or it’s not really torture. And it was just more than waterboarding. Some of these prisoners will killed under torture. And it was crazy for you to go on and on like Levin and Hannity and Hewitt. It’s like you’re all brainwashed. And my last comment is, no matter what Obama does, you will still criticize him because I believe you are brainwashed. You’re just — and I hate to say it — but I think you’re a brainwashed Nazi. Anyone who can believe in torture has got to be — there has got to be something wrong with them. LIMBAUGH: You know – CALLER: And I know Bush wanted to keep us safe and all of that but we’re not supposed to be torturing these people. LIMBAUGH: Charles, if anybody is admitting that they are brainwashed it would be you. CALLER: No, no, Rush. I don’t think so. You, Hannity, and Levin are all brainwashed – LIMBAUGH: Charles, you said at the beginning of your phone call that you didn’t want Obama in there. But you voted for him because of me. CALLER: I didn’t vote for him. I voted for McCain. I voted Republican. LIMBAUGH: Oh, so you’re saying I turned people off – CALLER: You turned people off with all this vote for Hillary and all this BS. LIMBAUGH: That was Operation Chaos. That was to keep the chaos in the Democrat primaries – CALLER: It didn’t work and what we have with you Hannity Levin and Hewitt is sour grapes. That’s all we have. And believe me, I’m not — I’m more to the right than I am to the left. LIMBAUGH: Oh, of course you are. CALLER: I am. LIMBAUGH: Of course you are. You wouldn’t be calling here with all of these sour grapes if you weren’t. CALLER: Well I’m tired of listening to go on and on with this – LIMBAUGH: I don’t know of anybody who died from torture. CALLER: We’re not supposed to torture people. Do you remember World War II, the Nazis? The Nuremburg trials? LIMBAUGH: Charles, Barack Obama – CALLER: What’s the matter with you? You never even served in the military. I served in the Marine Corps and the Army. LIMBAUGH: Charles, Barack Obama is president of the United States today because of stupid, ignorant people who think like you do. You pose - you and your ignorance are the most expensive commodity this country has. You think you know everything. You don’t know diddly squat. You call me a Nazi? You call me someone who supports torture and you want credibility on this program? You’re just plan embarrassing and ludicrous. But it doesn’t surprise me that you’re the kind of Republican that our last candidate attracted. Because you’re no Republican at all based on what the hell you just said right here…… |