Topic: immigration
davinci1952's photo
Sun 05/06/07 09:08 PM
let's look at immigration without all the drama and polarizing
viewpoints...just consider the reality of the numbers..
go and watch this 13 min video called Immigration By The Numbers
(at google video)

this should be the jump off point for real discussion

gardenforge's photo
Sun 05/06/07 09:34 PM
That is absolutely staggering. Our elected representatives would do
well to get off their politically correct butts and address the problem
but they won't. Thanks for this link Davinci

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 05/06/07 09:55 PM
The thing is...

the bill to address this issue was introduced before congress. The
bill, as are so many others, is BURIED IN COMMITTEE.

and has been for months.

As I stated in another thread. What exactally are our representatives
doing when we send them to washington?

The further I dig into this the more upset I am getting.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/06/07 11:03 PM
OK I watched the video, and I already knew that. Ive preached till Im
blue in the face to the bleeding hearts in this country. Now what
difference does the video make?

davinci1952's photo
Mon 05/07/07 04:32 AM
AB...guess I'm not sure what the bill calls for? it aggressive
enuf?..does it call for rounding them up & deporting...
The news keeps saying 11 million illegals..when actually the
total may be 30-40 million by others estimates...
As indicated by this is insane to allow it to continue.

GaMail50's photo
Mon 05/07/07 06:51 AM
I believe neither party wants to do anything about illegal immigration
because they want to protect their source of cheap labor. As for the
"jobs Americans won't do" argument. It's jobs that Americans won't do at
the low wage you want to pay. They are bypassing the law of supply and
demand. When unemployment goes down wages should go up because of
increased labor demand. Illegal immigration is a way to bypass drive
down wages.

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Mon 05/07/07 08:22 AM
On july 1st georgia will be banning any illegal aliens and dumping them
from their welfare system. Now my little area is getting SLAMMED with
illegals and its only going to get worse. Not only will these illegals
be raping our welfare system but also the medical as well as our school
districts taking from MY LEGAL CHILD. Happy? OH NO BUDDY! I am with
fanta. I am sick to death of the bleeding hearts. I have no pity for

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 05/07/07 01:56 PM
At the end of this video is another website, it is Go there, through it you can contact your
reprsentitive. Do not wait for the next session to be called.

This was was a great video, and what's more, if any of you have read the
propsed legislature, it is in error and it does not allow for
immigration limits per country. What is the size of Mexico compared to
all the others, where is the equal distribution of immigrant status
provided for within the proposed law. Why, so many from Mexico??? Does
this play some part in the new globalization tactics our government is
preparing the way for?

I have sent an email to everyone in my contact list and have asked them
to forward also. It includes the video web site as well as the site. This is one time, one chance we all have the
ability to make a difference. Start now, let our reps know, now, and
DON'T STOP. Every week, every month, reinvest 10 minutes to repeat the
action. Inundate them. Let's see if democracy works.

davinci1952's photo
Tue 05/08/07 05:00 AM
Redy...we should get active on this one...I'm beginning to believe the
only option
is to round them up & shut down the border

no photo
Tue 05/08/07 07:25 AM
Me too. And no, since they have no respect for me, I can return the
favor, and admit that they are starting to remind me of ****roaches.
Creeping in unwanted through every crack to come and take what they can.
Unchecked, the infestation becomes overwhelming, and soon your home
could be unlivable.

davinci1952's photo
Tue 05/08/07 01:49 PM

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 05/08/07 07:31 PM
davinci, according to the numbers, the information provided on the
vidio, the actual suggested bill, is rediculous. It allows for some 30
million immigrants in arghhh, I think a 10 year period. The vidio
suggested the best allowance would be 178,000 per year.

Further, I found no provision in the framework of the bill to determine
"who" will be let in. Will we simply have an inordinate number of
Mexicans over any other country?

We don't need to vote on the bill, we need to get the bill put into a
whole new perspective.

I've been considering this all day. I can only come up with this, send
the vidio to every Representitive, no matter of state, house or senate
along with a requst to explain THEIR take on the vidio. AND also their
take, after viewing the vidio, on the bill as it is being suggested.

Anyone have a different idea?

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/08/07 07:48 PM
You will like this red,,

MEXICO CITY (AP) - A pilot program to allow Mexican trucks into all
areas of the United States should be in place by July, a top U.S. trade
official said Tuesday.

Access to the U.S. by Mexican trucks has been delayed for years by
safety and environmental concerns and resistance from U.S. truckers.

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 05/08/07 09:25 PM
Fanta, yea - think I'll check this one out.
Hey, I wonder what their gas costs in Mexico?

no photo
Tue 05/08/07 09:32 PM
Lou Dobbs Tonight
Tuesday May 8, 2007

Tonight, 6 men charged with planning to attack U.S. soldiers at
Fort Dix in New Jersey. Three of the terrorist suspects were in
this country illegally....

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/08/07 09:46 PM
I dont know, but the drivers make $20.00 a week!!!

davinci1952's photo
Wed 05/09/07 04:54 AM
there is a bill in the Texas legislature to stop the proposed Mexican
the feds are threatening to cut off highway funds to Texas if they pass
the bill..
so the feds are blackmailing the Texas lawmakers...

we're being sold out from the top, people..insane...grumble

Redy:.....good idea to send the numbers video to legislators...