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Sun 04/05/09 01:16 PM

Heu...I gotta' get off here for a few. Got some runnin' to do. I'll be back later, O.K.?flowerforyou :tongue:

flowerforyou :heart:

no photo
Sun 04/05/09 01:19 PM
:heart: :heart:


love love


flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 04/05/09 01:27 PM

I plead da 5th ... smokin

scorpio90's photo
Sun 04/05/09 01:51 PM
Wow, just took me a little stroll down through my hood' to clear my head. It's so nice out today. Wish it could always be so nice.:tongue:

no photo
Sun 04/05/09 02:19 PM
That's mo bettah ... :tongue:




noway ... ~ STIll need an assistant ~ ... love

scorpio90's photo
Sun 04/05/09 02:21 PM
Oh...the Kermit clip is price-less. (lol):tongue:

no photo
Sun 04/05/09 02:26 PM




Psst : game~face ... indifferent

scorpio90's photo
Sun 04/05/09 02:35 PM
Damn, ya' know, I'm waitin' to hear from my friends about dinner tonite. Still haven't called me and I'm, like, starving.......:tongue:

no photo
Sun 04/05/09 02:39 PM

I'm starving too!

Making haddock, buttered baby corn and sauteed kale as we "speak"!

Wanna hear a strange tale ... :tongue: ... ???

scorpio90's photo
Sun 04/05/09 02:47 PM

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Sun 04/05/09 02:50 PM
K .. will take a lil while to type ... :tongue:

Listen to the last song to provide a prelude ... shades

scorpio90's photo
Sun 04/05/09 03:12 PM
Hey kid's I gotta' run. Talk to ya'll later.:tongue:

no photo
Sun 04/05/09 03:14 PM
Edited by Dancere on Sun 04/05/09 04:14 PM
Once upon a time ... :tongue:

Wait!!! This tale requires the EXACT song as setting:


I'd been travelling on the Euro~Continent, and Scandinavia, for about a year. By now I have a boyfriend, Peter, from Basel, Switzeland. We have been hangin' in Barcelona, and are finally on our way to Madrid, before Portugal.

As our train is a scheduled for a 24 hr. journey, and we've an entire cabin to ourselves? We have our backpacks completely unloaded ~ to break down, sort, reload. We both have ALOTTA gear, mind. We are even air~drying our laundry ... (Always a good trick to keep out da riff~raff... laugh )

I have a big biz back home, w/ all my clients eagerly awaiting my eventual return. I'm on Indian time w/ NO return ticket, stalling for time as I'm havin' da time of my life!!! I am in NO hurry.

I have a satchel out, of about 7 combined/all told address books and biz cards, to collate and compile into ONE magnificent work! All sorts, personal from my entire life ~ and ALL my biz contacts, gulp ...

We pass out at some pt, and are slumberin' w/out cares. Suddenly!!! These Spanish "Guerillas" (In appearance only, they are in truth, just soldier~soldiers.) burst in absolutely shouting mad orders in Spanish. Everyone is running, all Hell is breakin' loose fast! All we can make out is, we best get our gear and haul~ass out : Mui Rapido!!!

We collect our gear in the dark and scurry to a convoy of a dozen~ish buses in the black night, Salamancan desert, loading all passengers from said train. We are ALL still half asleep, awake w/ fear. Every mouth is agape in shock.

As we come to understand that the train derailed in an accident of some magnitude, we pull away into the desert night. ALL the Spanish passengers, which is everyone but us, have on PJs and look as rumpled as I feel. We pull away, the only English speaking persons aboard. Supertramp comes on the radio intercom, playing ... "Take the long way home" ... ???!!!

Such a surreal moment, TRUST!!! It would come to pass that, the ONLY thing we didn't get was ... the satchel of strewn about addresses! My life in America flashed before my eyes; POOF! NOTHING to go back to... gulp ... I did not return for a decade. VERY defining moment ~ W/ THAT song ...!!!

MOST bizarro ... smokin

scorpio90's photo
Sun 04/05/09 05:56 PM
That's an amazing story. Luckily you got out with yr ass intact. Ya' know, I've never traveled outside of the US.:tongue:

no photo
Sun 04/05/09 08:46 PM

Sorry it took SO long to type, that ya couldn't read it while I was still here ... :tongue:

Had to play chef ...

Woman of many hats ... smokin

Kept gettin' interrupted, couldn't proof it ...

BUT ... ya got the pt, yeah ...???

scorpio90's photo
Sun 04/05/09 08:50 PM
Yea, must've been nerve-wracking. Glad yr here. I was gettin' a little lonely. It was good to see my friends....good to get out, ya' know?:tongue:

no photo
Sun 04/05/09 08:54 PM
Edited by Dancere on Sun 04/05/09 08:54 PM
Where'd ya go???

What'd ya eat???

No lonely, no bueno ... Katey is here on da scene ... happy

Went for a long drive in the snow ... listened to Springsteen ... chill...smokin

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-B2un7eBnQ ... flowerforyou

scorpio90's photo
Sun 04/05/09 08:59 PM
Local place here in Lex....Pazo's Pizza. Great pizza, hideous service. Ordered a small pizza with mushrooms, onions, green peppers and a Pepsi. Brought home 3 slices for lunch tomorrow. Waitress was either on drugs or absolutely hopelessly clue-less. Don't know what her trip was. Good to see my friends though.:tongue:

no photo
Sun 04/05/09 09:03 PM
Kewl! ... Friends for long time? New ..???

Yum ... Pizza ... me likey ... oh, so much ... love

Dunno ... when I was a teen waitress, we all functioned better in a slam, then when it got slow ...

Multi~task overload nonsense ...

I'm makin' some boca burgers now ...

Weird, the story of how I really ended up stayin' in Europe, eh???

scorpio90's photo
Sun 04/05/09 09:05 PM
Known em' about a year. I met them when I was in the mental hospital. (lol) Streuth!laugh :tongue:

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