Topic: Uh Oh... the fable crumbles | |
Personally I think most of these conspiracy theorists are government agents used to discredit legitimate questioners of events that prove the Government’s complacency and incompetence. It’s easy to prove the Government’s complacency and incompetence in regards to 911. The simple fact that the most common statement from the mouths of both democrats and republicans immediately following the event went something like this: “No one could ever imagine terrorists using a commercial airliner as a weapon of mass destruction” To believe that statement one would have to forget about the Kamikazes used by Japan during WWII. You’d also have to believe no one reads the novels of Tom Clancy, who wrote about a similar scenario in one his recent novels. I believe it was “The Sum of All Fears” (could be wrong about the title) the book was on the New York Times Best Sellers List. Does the Government also believe an International Terrorist doesn’t shop in the gift shops at airports and train stations where a large number of best sellers like Tom Clancy’s are sold? Did anyone ever see the mainstream media try to discredit the statement “No one could ever imagine terrorists using a commercial airliner as a weapon of mass destruction”? The complacency and incompetence by both the media and government in regards to 911 is proven through the above investigation. All the complicated conspiracy theories only serve to muck up the waters and distract from the simple facts. They discredit anyone who questions 911 and make them appear to be crackpots. That’s my theory on why conspiracy theorists are government agents. Now excuse me while I go pick up my government check. If I am to consider that our Government is that complacent, that incompetent, then what does that say for the Country that "voted" them in? Am I to believe that every administration, every politician who had their hands in these things are just incompetents? It's a Coincidence Theory? For Government to say that "No one could imagine" jets being flown into buildings is interesting, considering not a single MSM outlet bothered to ask about the drills being ran on 9/11 that were about... you guessed it... Jetliners being flown into buildings. Clancy's book, Kamikaze fighters, How about the pilot episode of the "Lone Gunmen" in which the story was a cabal inside of government getting ready to fly planes into the Twin Towers as a pretext for war? |