EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sun 05/06/07 04:48 PM
well see? this is where the sticks come in!

big arena, let em whack the f*ck out of each other, and the rest of us
will have a damned picnic...and, no, it won't be called a world

Jess642's photo
Sun 05/06/07 04:53 PM
Every day will be a picnic...

Can we get them whacking each other away from where we are please?

Sounds a bit like gladiator to me...blech!

And really I suspect they won't have time to be argueing, too hot in the
days, and too busy at night...there's sweaters to knit:wink:

Lizards to entertain. happy

kidatheart70's photo
Sun 05/06/07 04:55 PM
Lizards!:tongue: Hi Lee!

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sun 05/06/07 04:58 PM

ohh no no no... this will be an evolutionary burp, you see...

No crowds, not frills. just a bare patch and get it done.

I can't knit! I can do knots, though, lol.

Lizards will be officially opening the new website as soon as the
lightening bugs help with the battery meters.laugh laugh laugh

Jess642's photo
Sun 05/06/07 05:01 PM
Good Morning Harry flowerforyou Nene:heart:

Evolutionary burp? About time evolution got gas.

Knotting and knitting, weaving and tangling...

Websites, and lightening bugs...we have it all worked out!!!

Don't forget BYO water..happy

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sun 05/06/07 05:10 PM

if you here beeping noises, it's just me...laugh

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 05/06/07 05:11 PM
oops sorry bout the caps....sad

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sun 05/06/07 05:12 PM
laugh laugh laugh

Jess642's photo
Sun 05/06/07 05:12 PM
Seems the holes are being dug for us...

That makes it easier...

And BEEP!!laugh laugh laugh

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sun 05/06/07 05:16 PM
laugh laugh laugh

my ribs hurt!


BEEP!laugh laugh laugh

Jess642's photo
Sun 05/06/07 05:24 PM
Methinks globally, there will be a lot of ribs hurting...roasted
even..laugh laugh

Was that knit one, pearl two?:wink:

kidatheart70's photo
Sun 05/06/07 05:25 PM
How far is the ocean from this hole in the ground? I'd still like to
learn how to swim in this lifetime.

As far as the US and EU becoming one entity, aren't they kinda already

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sun 05/06/07 05:28 PM
roasting? pearls?

are we speaking PIG latin, here?

OMGlaugh laugh laugh

kidatheart70's photo
Sun 05/06/07 05:28 PM
Tickled perhaps!:wink:

I'm going to get a ball of yarn and some knitting needles this week!
I'll start with a pair of mitts or something. :tongue:
Might be a great stress relief!

Jess642's photo
Sun 05/06/07 05:33 PM
The ocean is a little ways away...ummm like a few days drive, then
again, the polar caps may help a little in the whole thing, and we may
be fishing off the top of Uluru!!!laugh laugh

Pearls, and beeps, and lizards and swine, and latin, goodness, I was
just making a sweater to pass the days away...

ANd I may say no thanks to the roasted ribs.

EU/US have already merged, like fully?

Quick!!! Where's my shovel??laugh

Redykeulous's photo
Sun 05/06/07 06:27 PM
Forgive me for doing the cut and paste thing. There is just so much
information in the story.

""""While the masses are being whipped up into a never ending frenzy
over climate change at every given opportunity, hardcore political
actions that will affect the lives of everyone on the planet in the here
and now are being skated over with little or no attention being paid to

To this I say: Exactly the point, the governments involved do not want
the public involved. Obviously they can't prevent the news from
carrying information - or can they?

""""In addition dissidents and outcasts such as Vladimir Bukovksy have
warned that an elite plan has long existed whereby the EU would be
hijacked and transformed into a Soviet style Socialist superstate that
would eliminate the individual nation state's power and create a
governing body with no accountability or direct representation.""""

To this I say: This is why we need to listen to everyone. There will
be those we wave off with a shrug, but remember their words. Often, in
history, we see advanced thinkers, whose concerns may seem like science
fiction. It is only later that we find them to have been ahead of their

""""In 2003 the BBC uncovered incredible archived documents which
confirmed that both the EU and its single currency, the Euro, were the
brainchild of the secretive Bilderberg Group. Some 50 years BEFORE the
implementation of the European single currency, Bilderberg, now infamous
as the secret elite hand behind world events, had drawn up the plans.
The CFR's North American Union mirrors Bilderberg's European Union. In
the CFR's document, Building a North American Community, mention is
given to the Bilderberg group in a recommendation that private bodies be
formed to direct policy between Canada, Mexico, and the United States.
The document states:
"To ensure a regular injection of creative energy into the various
efforts related to North American integration, the three governments
should appoint an independent body of advisers. This body should be
composed of eminent persons from outside government, appointed to
staggered multiyear terms to ensure their independence. Their mandate
would be to engage in creative exploration of new ideas from a North
American perspective and to provide a public voice for North America. A
complementary approach would be to establish private bodies that would
meet regularly or annually to buttress North American relationships,
along the lines of the Bilderberg..."
Very much like the EU, provisions for a NAU such as NAFTA and GATT were
sold at their inception as free trade agreements. As time has progressed
we have witnessed the birth of the "Security and Prosperity
Partnership", a treaty, which seems to be a little more than a simple
economic agreement, between leaders of the US, Mexico and Canada that
has been agreed without Congressional oversight.""""


Just a conspiracy theory? Not according to Steve Previs of Jefferies
International who stated on CNBC, "I think one thing for people who are
dollar based need to focus on is the Amero, that's the one thing that
nobody is talking about that I think is going to have a big impact... on
everybody's life in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico..."

Redykeulous's photo
Sun 05/06/07 06:40 PM
I read a few of the links I found concerning this topic. I just keep
having little flashes of things that have happened over the last 30 or
so years and I wonder, "was that part of the set up? or
was that a failed attempt to...."

Call me paranoid but I've seem some really weird stuff with our
government. Now here is all this going on, and the coverage is almost
non-existant. In fact, I can hear a new update on the local news now:

"and today in international news, the committee to advance the Amero met
behind closed door. This is the internationional committee, assigned to
review possiblities in uniting the American, Mexican and Canadian

Does that sound like the news? Does to me, what the hell does it tell
up. Then we will hear nothing else on the subject.

It should be headlines that an international committee is being
assembled to DETERMINE THE POLICY OF.... This committee will be making
decisions for poeple in severl countries, without a word heard from
those people, ony the committee.

The gas prices, why is every country involved with and affected by these
volitile prices. In another thread we talked about the lack of
refineries in this country, what about the rest of the world?

I this this is DEFINATELY something to keep enlightened about.

I believe in a world order, I believe we can all be better off when
free, fair and equitable trade and laws are provided to all, with
justice being same, and equal to all.

What I don't agree with is WORLD RULE and this is exactly what the
secrecy, and the congrressional bypasses signal to me.

kidatheart70's photo
Sun 05/06/07 07:21 PM
I voted against Brian Mulroney, the Conservative Prime Minister who
signed the 1988 Free Trade Agreement. The predecessor to NAFTA which was
signed in 1994 by Jean Chretien who was the Liberal Prime Minister at
the time.
This was a great disservice to North America.
Brian Mulroney sold off Crown corporations to the private sector.
Increased our national debt and brought in the GST(goods and services
tax). I still think he should be tried for treason. He had the lowest
voter popularity in history. He retired before facing an election and
handed the entire mess to Kim Campbell.
Jean Chretien who originally opposed NAFTA won the federal election and
did pass NAFTA with very little change.
I feel for the poor bugger because he had no choice in the matter. This
deal was going through no matter who opposed it and he just happened to
be at the helm.
These decisions aren't being made by elected officials and the voting
population don't have any input.
Sounds like something I'm experiencing right here in my own county right
now. The only reason it's being brought to the public's attention is
because it's required by law. It will be fast tracked through regardless
of public opinion.

GaMail50's photo
Sun 05/06/07 07:26 PM
I think this would be the start of giving up national soveriegnty (sp?)
and I don't believe in that.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 05/06/07 07:30 PM
Which Eu/us merger web site did you want us to look at.

The ones where the EU has been interfering in US Corporate mergers?
Wow! Who the heck do they think they are. The world would have a cow
if we interfered in european internal corporate business.

The InfoWar propaganda site?

The web site tellin us such a merger would be good?
The web site tellin us such a merger would be bad?

The 10 or so web sites that explain the different legal aspects?

Or the other 16,000 some hits I got on that subject?