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Topic: Who is the most disgusting?
Dan99's photo
Thu 04/02/09 03:33 PM
Men or women?

The obvious answer would be men. But i have heard from various people who have cleaned hotel rooms and toilets, that it is in fact the women who leave the most horrible mess.

At work, there is a joke going around about 'The Phantom Sh!tter'. The ladies toilets were smelling recently and nobody could work out why, It turn out that someone has put a turd in the sanitary towel bin..

no photo
Thu 04/02/09 03:35 PM
I peeked into a women's restroom once

it was horrifying

no photo
Thu 04/02/09 03:36 PM
noway sick

Riding_Dubz's photo
Thu 04/02/09 03:37 PM
upper decker ill ill ill ill ill

no photo
Thu 04/02/09 03:37 PM
Edited by trsmith22 on Thu 04/02/09 03:38 PM
When the men's restroom is broken, I will ask them

"streamer or sprayer" before I let them use the ladies restroom

laugh laugh laugh

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Thu 04/02/09 03:38 PM
I used to have to clean restrooms a few years ago.

I would say both Men and Women can be equally discusting.

You would think as adults people would not be soooooo schitty, or would at least know better. scared

Just remembering somethings about that job still makes me...
ill ill ill

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 04/02/09 03:38 PM
Dan99 is the most disgusting, that is a fact.smokin

grneyedldy1967's photo
Thu 04/02/09 03:39 PM
I recently accidentally went into the men's bathroom and I didn't have time to notice if it was disgusting or not because there was a guy at the urinal and I got out of there ASAP! I expect the look on my face and the "OH SH!T" was priceless and gave him a good chuckle!

PATSFAN's photo
Thu 04/02/09 03:39 PM

I peeked into a women's restroom once

it was horrifying

I've had 2 jobs doing maintenance in office buildings & both jobs the ladies rooms were always a disaster

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 03:40 PM

I get so sick of going into a stall and see wet pee marks on the lid.

I understand that women do this to protect themselves but...some people can not squat and pee over the toilet (bad knees, on eleg etc).

SO here is a sign I posted on all the stalls at college.




boonedog's photo
Thu 04/02/09 03:40 PM
Edited by boonedog on Thu 04/02/09 03:48 PM
damn...I would have gave anything to have been there............grneyed
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Pink_lady's photo
Thu 04/02/09 03:44 PM

Men or women?

The obvious answer would be men. But i have heard from various people who have cleaned hotel rooms and toilets, that it is in fact the women who leave the most horrible mess.

At work, there is a joke going around about 'The Phantom Sh!tter'. The ladies toilets were smelling recently and nobody could work out why, It turn out that someone has put a turd in the sanitary towel bin..

OMG, thats disgusting!

maybe a guy done it as an April fools joke or summit?!

Cant say ive ever heard of a woman doin that!! but i will say, sometimes in the public toilets at college, i feel i wanna throw up with the smell....also....ive caught male and female tutors using the accessible bathrooms to drop a load.

I think both can be as bad as the other!

no photo
Thu 04/02/09 03:45 PM

I recently accidentally went into the men's bathroom and I didn't have time to notice if it was disgusting or not because there was a guy at the urinal and I got out of there ASAP! I expect the look on my face and the "OH SH!T" was priceless and gave him a good chuckle!

I have to agree...........some places, the men's bathroom is disgusting.........Ther's enough hair in there to make a really nice colorful toupe for some bald guy.............

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 03:46 PM

I recently accidentally went into the men's bathroom and I didn't have time to notice if it was disgusting or not because there was a guy at the urinal and I got out of there ASAP! I expect the look on my face and the "OH SH!T" was priceless and gave him a good chuckle!

I have to agree...........some places, the men's bathroom is disgusting.........Ther's enough hair in there to make a really nice colorful toupe for some bald guy.............


flash backs...horible flashbacks...make them stop please

jeez I just went back to being 16 working at Denny's clean the mens bathroom.

no photo
Thu 04/02/09 03:46 PM
Edited by Audie on Thu 04/02/09 03:48 PM
I used to clean restrooms and the ladies room was by far the worse...

I saw a woman walk into the men's room once by mistake and what was funny is a guy held the door open for her! laugh laugh

Dan99's photo
Thu 04/02/09 03:47 PM

Dan99 is the most disgusting, that is a fact.smokin

Yes but i am a hermaphrodite so im no good for this particular survey.

Pink_lady's photo
Thu 04/02/09 03:48 PM

Dan99 is the most disgusting, that is a fact.smokin

Yes but i am a hermaphrodite so im no good for this particular survey.

Haha!! i was gonna say summit but i better not!!

msdestinbooty's photo
Thu 04/02/09 03:51 PM
My sister is a cosmetologist. And the place she used to work at had tanning beds. Well she had washed the towels or whatever or was about too. She looked someone had crapped on one of the towels. My sister went to the bathroom and threw up.

You would seriously think a grown person would go to the bathroom. But apparently they were too lazy to go to the bathroom and decided to leave their calling card in the towelill sick noway sick

Dan99's photo
Thu 04/02/09 03:52 PM

Dan99 is the most disgusting, that is a fact.smokin

Yes but i am a hermaphrodite so im no good for this particular survey.

Haha!! i was gonna say summit but i better not!!

I think you should say it

trgirl's photo
Thu 04/02/09 04:00 PM

When the men's restroom is broken, I will ask them

"streamer or sprayer" before I let them use the ladies restroom

laugh laugh laugh

laugh laugh rofl

hi trwaving

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