Topic: Healing Thoughts
MichaelATL44's photo
Sun 03/29/09 02:48 PM
Good afternoon brethren!

Well, I started this day by listening to a three hour message on the multifaceted levels of God’s amazing grace. I followed that message by reading aloud all of the 159 verses I found in the KJV that contain the word” grace”.

Grace is so very crucial to our Christian lives and there is so very much to share. Grace goes way far beyond the simple yet familiar definition of, “God’s unmerited favor”. While it is unmerited, and there is a favor that is contained in certain types of grace, the biblical definitions and principles of grace are many.

My intention, or plan if you will, was of course to compose my findings and express what the Lord has shown me in a blog. But as I began to write I felt compelled by the Spirit of the Lord to write something entirely different. Imagine that!

As you can see from the title of this post, today I wrote a blog on the healing power of God’s word. And in particular, how that healing power is and can be directly related to the way we think and the words we speak.

God’s wants you well. Of that I assure you. If you happen to be dealing with some sort of health issue then I strongly recommend taking the time to read my blog from today.

Jesus healed every person that came to Him each and every time. Most times they came in multitudes. And Jesus said that He can only do that which He sees the Father doing. So if Jesus heals every time, and He only does that which the Father does, then you can take that as word that it is God’s desire to see you completely free from all sickness and all disease.

Ok, so I’m starting to get a little off the topic and encourage you to read my blog which I have posted on MyChurch. It’s a little easier to read on that format. Feel free to come back here and offer any comments and or ask questions.

So, now, because a friend of mine emailed me the instruction, I am going to actually try to post a real link this time.

In love,

The Link:

dawnyhi's photo
Sun 03/29/09 02:54 PM
Edited by dawnyhi on Sun 03/29/09 02:55 PM

i hope i can heal
and the ones that let me go....
I hope they heal too

some wounds dont go away

MichaelATL44's photo
Sun 03/29/09 03:13 PM
Edited by MichaelATL44 on Sun 03/29/09 03:15 PM
Sister I believe with all my heart that God not only can heal you, or will heal you, but that He has already healed you.

Your healing was made available 2000 years ago. You have been, past tense, been blessed with every spiritual blessing, healing included. It's in the realm of the spirit and by faith you can call that healing to manifest into your mind, your body, and your life.

The word that was translated as "saved" or "salvation" in the New Testament is the Greek word "sozo". Sozo is a mutifacited word that not only includes escape from eternal damnation, but it also includes physical and emotional healing as well as propserity in every area of your life. Sozo, was made availablle because of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus. Anything that was provided for us in the atonement is already ours and we can reach out by faith and receive it, healing included.

You didn't have to beg God to save you, right? You believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, and by faith you received that ever so wonderful gift of salvation. Or better said, the gift of Sozo!

Having said all that, here is a verse I offer for your strong consideration:

Colossians 2:6 As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him:

In other words, your healing, your well-being, your peace, your joy, and every other blessing of the Lord you get in the same exact way you received Christ. You believed it in your heart, you confessed it with your mouth, and you simple recived.

God wants you well!