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Topic: Do you belittle your own emotions and pain
AngieH79's photo
Sun 03/29/09 09:18 PM
Got myself into a lot of trouble doing exactly that. I'm trying to figure out how to balance everyone else's problems with my own now.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 03/29/09 09:32 PM

because you think everyone else's problems are more important?

No but I do not want to burden others with my problems or pain so I will not disclose it unless asked.

RandomTandem's photo
Mon 03/30/09 04:54 AM
Ellaboration on my post.

None of my own emotions go un-addressed ; I'm usually quite good at recognising most of them myself, acknowledging and endeavouring to deal with them suffices for me. Which I do. Eventually.

I've got quite a bit of practice in this area, and I'm new school, not old.

Other people's problems are more important than mine; the odds I'll manage to deal with mine positively are quite high, whereas other people might need some help to.

Don't mean to sound arrogant, just being honest.


DragonFlyTat's photo
Mon 03/30/09 05:19 AM
I deal with them and try to move on but there are those that hang on and stay at the back of mind and every once in a while they surface

Meg8771's photo
Mon 03/30/09 05:26 AM
In my line of work - I deal with alot of problems that other people have. My job is to solve them and help them move on. As far as my own, I have learned that when I need some down time to deal with mine, I take that down time. I can't do my job and help others, including myself, if I am not at my best.

My mother always said problems are like septic tanks. If you don't pump out the s*!t every once in a while, you are in for a whole lot of trouble, time and expense that could have been avoided. Kind of gross - but a good analogy.

EZ4Sheezy's photo
Mon 03/30/09 07:57 AM
what emotions and pain? i have a great pain free life. and everybody else can solve their own damn problems. don't bring 'em to me.

no photo
Mon 03/30/09 11:27 AM
I think that sometimes you have to do that just to survive...it's a tough lesson to be learned...but what the hell do I know? :wink:

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