Tue 03/31/09 06:43 PM
Thats good Carol
Was it a big turn out?
Hmmm hard to tell but probably an audience of 500 or so
see.... that would of been $5000.00 for your retierment fund
Tue 03/31/09 06:44 PM
Hi Sol, Betty. How was ur day?
work sucks
You shouldn't say that too loud these days...
Yes Betty I know, I should be happy I have a place to go that makes me grow oler then I am
 Now now ..sarcasim will get you no where
Tue 03/31/09 06:47 PM
Thats good Carol
Was it a big turn out?
Hmmm hard to tell but probably an audience of 500 or so
see.... that would of been $5000.00 for your retierment fund
these concerts are free
Tue 03/31/09 06:50 PM
Thats good Carol
Was it a big turn out?
Hmmm hard to tell but probably an audience of 500 or so
see.... that would of been $5000.00 for your retierment fund
these concerts are free
your MISSING my point Carol
Tue 03/31/09 06:50 PM
So do you have the whole summer off Carol?
Tue 03/31/09 06:51 PM
Just finished watching Marley and Me
Still bawling my eyes out!
I bought the book. Just don't know when I'm going to find time to read it. Might have to wait until summer. I haven't seen the movie.
Tue 03/31/09 06:52 PM
Thats good Carol
Was it a big turn out?
Hmmm hard to tell but probably an audience of 500 or so
see.... that would of been $5000.00 for your retierment fund
these concerts are free
your MISSING my point Carol
sorry Tim. It's been a very long day.
Tue 03/31/09 06:54 PM
So do you have the whole summer off Carol?
This is the first year I have the summer off. Now I'm hoping I don't have to change buildings for next year or that will cut into my summer. Yea, I have this big road trip planned that I'm taking my parents on. Only 55 more days left of school.
Tue 03/31/09 06:54 PM
Just finished watching Marley and Me
Still bawling my eyes out!
I bought the book. Just don't know when I'm going to find time to read it. Might have to wait until summer. I haven't seen the movie.
My dughter was laughing at me crying my eyesout.I am such and old softie.
Tue 03/31/09 06:54 PM
Thats good Carol
Was it a big turn out?
Hmmm hard to tell but probably an audience of 500 or so
see.... that would of been $5000.00 for your retierment fund
these concerts are free
your MISSING my point Carol
sorry Tim. It's been a very long day.
I hear ya..... been there done that
Tue 03/31/09 06:55 PM
So do you have the whole summer off Carol?
This is the first year I have the summer off. Now I'm hoping I don't have to change buildings for next year or that will cut into my summer. Yea, I have this big road trip planned that I'm taking my parents on. Only 55 more days left of school.
Good for you !! Where are you going?
Tue 03/31/09 06:56 PM
Well I'm going to get ready for bed. Tomorrow morning is going to come too soon. I need to get up and go to the gym before school. Busy day again tomorrow. Have a good night.
Tue 03/31/09 06:57 PM
So do you have the whole summer off Carol?
This is the first year I have the summer off. Now I'm hoping I don't have to change buildings for next year or that will cut into my summer. Yea, I have this big road trip planned that I'm taking my parents on. Only 55 more days left of school.
Have fun......This may sound harsh but it would drive me nuts to be in the same car as my parents for a long trip
Tue 03/31/09 06:58 PM
Good nite Carol
Have a good day tomorrow.
Tue 03/31/09 06:58 PM
Well I'm going to get ready for bed. Tomorrow morning is going to come too soon. I need to get up and go to the gym before school. Busy day again tomorrow. Have a good night.
good night Carol
Tue 03/31/09 06:58 PM
Think I'm going to
Nite Tim
Tue 03/31/09 06:59 PM
Think I'm going to
Nite Tim
good night Betty
Tue 03/31/09 07:00 PM
So do you have the whole summer off Carol?
This is the first year I have the summer off. Now I'm hoping I don't have to change buildings for next year or that will cut into my summer. Yea, I have this big road trip planned that I'm taking my parents on. Only 55 more days left of school.
Have fun......This may sound harsh but it would drive me nuts to be in the same car as my parents for a long trip
I thought of that that's why i'm limiting the driving times from place to place to no more than 6 hrs. I'll still be with them the whole time but not in the car. We get along well. I think we'll be fine. They are so looking forward to this. They would not go on this trip by themselves anymore.
Tue 03/31/09 07:06 PM
Hello everyone, just thought I would stop in for a min and tell everyone good night and I will be talking with all of you again in about 5 days I hope. I hope everyone has a good rest of the week and a good weekend.
Tue 03/31/09 07:09 PM
We'll be thinking about you Flame Hugs Carol