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Topic: If you could resurrect someone...
galendgirl's photo
Sat 04/04/09 07:46 PM

If you could Resurrect someone-would you?

What would the consequences be? (beyond the obvious one of freeking out everyone around you)

No way! That would be playing God and I think what's come before me is intended to be left alone. Learn from it or not...but it's over and we should be moving forward in faith.

Alverdine's photo
Sun 04/05/09 05:18 AM

Jesus, of course. He's had experience in being resurrected, and it would clear up a lot of confusion once we found an interpreter.

Agreed. There are some passages allegedly spoken by Jesus that are a bit conflicting in tone. Like for instance:

Matthew 10

10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

Evidently Jesus was not all brown rice and granola. huh

no photo
Tue 04/07/09 01:50 PM
Edited by smiless on Tue 04/07/09 02:00 PM
If I could resurrect people I would

resurrect Jesus so the Christians can finally see what he has to say at this time and age, which I am sure everyone has a different story for.grumble

resurrect Albert Einstein in his prime years as of other German scientists so we might just have a possiblity to find warp speed inventions, as of other space programs that could allow us to fly quickly to a different universe and back againlove

resurrect Charlie Chaplin just because he makes me laughlaugh

resurrect Buddha so I can enjoy a great meal of the finest Asian cuisine without having to say a single word, but just enjoy each others companybigsmile

resurrect the founding fathers so they can adjust the Constitution as of other important documents they have written at the time to help get this country in stability, if it even does that I am not certain, but I have good hopes.drinker (By the way I know there must be more then just this to help this country out, but such great minds wouldn't be bad to have again in our world)

and resurrect my grandmother who truly was a beautiful woman with much compassion and knowledge to share for any who seeked it.tears

thanks for allowing me to post and have fun with thisdrinker

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 04/08/09 08:59 AM
Lots of people said WHO they would resurrect.

Anyone care to try answering the second question.

What would the consequences be?

7z3r05's photo
Wed 04/08/09 09:18 AM

All of the great rock musicians who died too early. Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, John Lennon, Kurt Cobain, Layne Staley, etc....

The consequence? We might actually have some decent rock music today.

nah keep em there. id hate to have to see jimi hendrix on a levis commercial or advertising for coors. i think id vomit.

LAMom's photo
Wed 04/08/09 10:21 AM
If you could Resurrect someone-would you?

What would the consequences be? (beyond the obvious one of freeking out everyone around you)

The list is long,,,, and the thought of possibly bring those taken in life way to
Short is an Aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee moment of breathing,,

Yet,, what if!!! Would we go back to the happy way of life, that it once was?
Before death took over,, and then the slat is clean to continue living in harmony


Do we start all over again,, the pain, illness the sudden loss due to what ever
Caused their passing,,

I think I would rather hold those Aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee moments, the memories
The scent of spirits left within me,, and just bask in the knowing,, one day
We shall be together again,,,

no photo
Wed 04/08/09 01:39 PM
Why bring someone back so they could die again. I think we live once and die once and that is enough.

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