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Topic: Un or or not?
AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 03/25/09 03:40 PM

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free,
The retched refuse of your teeming shore."

It is part of a poem by Emma Lazarus. It was inscribed on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty in 1903. Ellis Island was at its height then. It refers to legal immigration - not illegal immigration.

Legal immigration at that time was simply a matter of giving your name and walking into the US. and the poem is much more then the few lines everyone quotes...

Show proof, you could just walk right in without some sort of screening.
I believe you're blowin' smoke!

I am an american because some of my ancestors walked right in... I am an american because my family has put blood down for this country every time the call came...

I am an american because I believe in those rights that our founding fathers declared to be self evident.

more than 12 million European immigrants passed through its portal between 1892 and 1954. Newly-arrived immigrants were screened for health, and some were sent back to their homeland

Taken from the history of Ellis Island. Not all were accepted. They had to apply and be screened, if only for health, the ability to make it on their own and not a criminal.
Now, it's about the same. We should be protected from 3rd world diseases and criminals.

Ellis island was set up for handling Immigration. The united states of america was founded in 1776 by some very far seeing people not in 1892 by those seeking to control it.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 03/25/09 03:42 PM

I agree that not everyone has the right to live here, because of certain situations. I applied to live in England and Australia..and I was denied in both countries!

I also believe most people that jump the borders is for them to do more harm than good. Look at all the murders going on on the U.S./Mexico border. These people want to jump, sell drugs, kill, and do whatever the f*** they want to. I say stand soldiers there and shoot at will.

NOT all mexicans are this kind of people.

would you shoot those seeking a better life...

because of the scum that preys opon them.

Jess642's photo
Thu 03/26/09 04:04 PM
Despair....creates desperate actions.

To leave everything you know, your personal history, your cultural identity, every aspect of yourself, and risk dangerous circumstances is a deperate act.

How easy it is to sit in our warm, comfortable homes, and type so eloquently about why it is, these desperates shall not have what we have...

...because of our imagined boundaries.

willing2's photo
Thu 03/26/09 06:11 PM
Every Country has their Immigration Law. Some are more stringent and are getting tougher as this world-wide economy gets more desperate.
I ain't rich, I have dial-up.
I'm not livin' high. Sometimes, I don't get by and struggle to catch up.
Po' Americans are the folks I hope to represent. The ones who don't have internet and cannot voice their opinion on the Illegals and the Illegal hiring practices that goes on. I bet they could get some of the jobs the exploitative Employer chooses to give to the Illegal.
I won't apologize for putting Americans first.

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