Topic: Profile advice
ysrider's photo
Sat 09/30/06 06:25 AM
I just got an e-mail from someone and they said they would like to talk
more, but they also mentioned that they thought my profile was odd. I
have in this past week had only this one response. I have sent off
several notes (some to people here on the discussion board) requesting a
dialog to start a friendship. Many of these people that I send notes to
specifically said they were looking to make male friends. Not for
dating, romance, or marriage - but looking for male friends. Yet of the
20 some notes I sent out I got no replies, and the one I did get
informed me my profile was "odd".

I'm really not ready to throw in the towel on this place, but I'd like
some advice. I'm not begging anyone to be my friend, but I would like
everyone (and especially anyone who did get a personal note from me) to
look at my profile and tell me what is "off putting". And I guess I'm
looking for honesty here, so if my image, weight, or other physical
thing is hideous, I guess I'd like to be aware of that so I can remove
my image and maybe have a fighting chance to make some friends.

I did ask in an earlier post if people are just looking for life or sex
partners here, and I think I found out that people are not just looking
for sex or partners - so it seems like the right place for me - but
maybe I'm missing something key - and I'd like your help.

I also know the "open-marrige" thing might be too weird for those with
traditional values, and I know some people might think it is not
trust-worthy to be a married man looking for female friends.

Help me out here so I can succeed at my goal of making new friends. Be
critical and let me have it. I'm willing to implaments changes to
improve my ods.


cookieie's photo
Sat 09/30/06 06:44 AM
Ok. I looked. I dont see anything I would concider 'wrong' with you or
your profile. I did notice you have only been here for 2 days. Give it
more time. Just because no one is speaking directly TO you doesnt mean
that your spirit being here isnt valuable.

ysrider's photo
Sat 09/30/06 08:58 AM
Granted. Maybe I'm being over anxious. I'll hang in here and keep

I still would be interested to hear addtional opinions.

crypticlovefgt's photo
Sat 09/30/06 09:07 AM
I think the "odd" would be in reffrence to the whole open marriage
Now before you jump on me and eat my face, I'm not saying I find it odd.
In truth, I really don't care.
But anyways, give it time maybe find someone that has the same deal
going on?

unsure's photo
Sat 09/30/06 09:28 AM
I don't find your profile as "odd" but some people do find an "open
marriage" is nothing but problems. I think it depends on each individual
person, I myself would not get involved with anyone that is open to
something like that.
I think you just need to stay a little bit longer to see if you can make
friends here, theres a lot of nice people around here! Good luck on
making friends :)

no photo
Sat 09/30/06 09:37 AM
I think that alot of people are looking for one on one relationships
here (generally) So the only odd thing is the open marriage thing. I
don't think I'd want my partner fooling around on the side...sorry,
can't do it. I wouldn't.

no photo
Sat 09/30/06 10:01 PM
i wouldn't worry about it man, i've been here a little longer and i
don't send out private e-mails anymore because i don't usually get a
response and the ones i do get are usually from people that i have not
initiated. i'm only looking for friends but i seem to get messages from
people looking for relationships. it's not a big deal because i have met
some good people and had good conversations and that is what i was
looking for. give it some time, i'm sure it'll turn around for you.

ysrider's photo
Sun 10/01/06 08:32 AM
Thanks you so much for your replies, and for the few new notes I
received. I think I did need to be more realistic and give it some
times. I will keep participating here on the board - as it seems pretty
cool anyway. Thanks again.
